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Elon Musk promised to fund Dogecoin, now the foundation may dissolve


发布: 2024/01/10 06:24 阅读: 616




While Elon Musk’s infatuation with satirical dog-themed crypto Dogecoin is well documented, the truth around his role in the project’s funding is less cut and dried.


On the one hand, American author Water Issacson’s Elon Musk biography discusses at length the controversial billionaire’s financial support for the project, while in a 2021 Decrypt article, Dogecoin Foundation director Ross Nicoll claims that it turned down his offer despite working closely with the Tesla founder since 2019.

一方面,美国作家沃特·伊萨克森 (Water Issacson) 的埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 传记详细讨论了这位备受争议的亿万富翁对该项目的财务支持,而在 2021 年 Decrypt 的一篇文章中,狗狗币基金会董事罗斯·尼科尔 (Ross Nicoll) 声称,尽管与特斯拉创始人密切合作,但拒绝了他的提议自2019年以来。

Whatever the truth, Musk’s admiration for the project is clear for all to see. Indeed, he even spent much of his appearance on Saturday Night Live promoting it.


Not only that, Jared Birchall, who runs Musk’s family office, was also listed on the advisory board of the Dogecoin Foundation (though Musk would later take to Twitter — now X — to deny that Birchall or himself had any association with it).

不仅如此,负责马斯克家族办公室的贾里德·伯查尔 (Jared Birchall) 还被列入了狗狗币基金会的顾问委员会成员(尽管马斯克后来在 Twitter(现在是 X)上否认伯查尔或他本人与该基金会有任何关联)。

Read more: Insider trading lawsuit: Here’s how much Elon Musk pumped DOGE

阅读更多:内幕交易诉讼:埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 为 DOGE 注入了多少资金

However, despite Musk’s apparent support (financial or otherwise), Dogecoin’s development efforts have been slow. The core repository linked from the Dogecoin Foundation website shows that the last commit was almost three years ago, on May 18, 2021, and that was a template for people to submit bugs.

然而,尽管马斯克明显支持(财务或其他方面),狗狗币的开发工作却进展缓慢。狗狗币基金会网站链接的核心存储库显示,最后一次提交是在大约三年前,即 2021 年 5 月 18 日,这是人们提交错误的模板。

Most of the work for the next major release (1.21), announced in 2021, appears to have been completed but hasn’t been deployed. Other products have been updated more recently, including the ‘GigaWallet,’ which saw a commit today, the first since November. 

2021 年宣布的下一个主要版本 (1.21) 的大部分工作似乎已经完成,但尚未部署。其他产品最近也进行了更新,包括“GigaWallet”,它于今天得到了承诺,这是自 11 月以来的首次承诺。

The Dogecoin Foundation is suffering administrative problems with two of its entities, MADEUPNUMBERS LTD and MUCH WOW LTD, both listed as ‘Accounts overdue’ on Companies House.

狗狗币基金会的两个实体 MADEUPNUMBERS LTD 和 MUCH WOW LTD 正面临管理问题,这两个实体均在 Companies House 上被列为“逾期账户”。

MUCH WOW LTD is also the sole member of Dogecoin Foundation Australia, based on corporate records reviewed by Protos.

根据 Protos 审查的公司记录,MUCH WOW LTD 也是澳大利亚狗狗币基金会的唯一成员。

Despite all the attention recently paid to Musk and Dogecoin, the project itself appears to be slow to make substantial changes.


Protos has reached out to a director of MUCH WOW LTD and MADEUPNUMBERS LTD to obtain clarification on the current status of the Dogecoin Foundation and will update this piece if we hear back.

Protos 已联系 MUCH WOW LTD 和 MADEUPNUMBERS LTD 的董事,以获取有关狗狗币基金会当前状态的澄清,如果我们收到回复,我们将更新这篇文章。

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/elon-musk-promised-to-fund-dogecoin-now-the-foundation-may-dissolve-tbt76065.html



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