首页 > 资讯新闻 > 专家预测 DeeStream (DST) 预售注册者的收益将超过 ADA 和 DOGE

Experts Predict DeeStream (DST) Presale Registrants Will See Their Gains Outstrip ADA and DOGE

专家预测 DeeStream (DST) 预售注册者的收益将超过 ADA 和 DOGE

发布: 2024/02/01 16:05 阅读: 495

原文作者:CoinPedia News


专家预测 DeeStream (DST) 预售注册者的收益将超过 ADA 和 DOGE

The post Experts Predict DeeStream (DST) Presale Registrants Will See Their Gains Outstrip ADA and DOGE appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

专家预测 DeeStream (DST) 预售注册人的收益将超过 ADA 和 DOGE,该帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA) have been top-10 coins for a long time now. Still, the problem with large-cap tokens is that their growth phase is over, and investors seeking a significant ROI are left frustrated. Fortunately, investors can look at DeeStream (DST), a new censorship-free streaming platform currently in presale stage 1. 

狗狗币(DOGE)和卡尔达诺(ADA)长期以来一直是前十名的代币。尽管如此,大盘股代币的问题在于它们的增长阶段已经结束,寻求显着投资回报率的投资者感到沮丧。幸运的是,投资者可以关注 DeeStream (DST),这是一个新的无审查流媒体平台,目前正处于预售第一阶段。

Cardano (ADA): strong technical backbone but slow growth


Investors want growth above all else, and for a while, Cardano (ADA) delivered. Cardano (ADA) is the most technically proficient blockchain used by some of the most mission-critical institutions in the world, such as governments. Cardano (ADA) is a symphony. It is a well-thought-out and well-managed blockchain ecosystem. It is solidly in the top 10 cryptos for excellent reasons.  

投资者希望增长高于一切,卡尔达诺(ADA)一度实现了这一目标。卡尔达诺(ADA)是世界上一些最关键的机构(例如政府)使用的技术最熟练的区块链。卡尔达诺(ADA)是一首交响乐。这是一个经过深思熟虑且管理良好的区块链生态系统。它稳稳地跻身前 10 名加密货币之列是有充分理由的。

But Cardano (ADA) is a specialist chain, not used for general dApps. This hinders widespread Cardano (ADA) adoption. While it certainly is not going anywhere, Cardano’s (ADA) growth potential is stunted. 

但卡尔达诺(ADA)是一条专业链,不用于一般的 dApp。这阻碍了卡尔达诺(ADA)的广泛采用。虽然它肯定不会有任何进展,但卡尔达诺(ADA)的增长潜力受到了阻碍。

Dogecoin (DOGE): How much more can the meme coin grow?


Dogecoin (DOGE) is still a massively popular token and sits with big names like Cardano (ADA) in the crypto top 10. But Dogecoin (DOGE) has a similar problem: growth is not likely. Cynically, it can be said the only reason Dogecoin (DOGE) is still so popular is because of Elon Musk, a self-confessed Dogecoin (DOGE) champion.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 仍然是一种非常受欢迎的代币,与卡尔达诺 (ADA) 等知名代币一起跻身加密货币前十名。但狗狗币 (DOGE) 也有类似的问题:增长的可能性不大。讽刺的是,可以说狗狗币(DOGE)仍然如此受欢迎的唯一原因是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk),他自认是狗狗币(DOGE)的冠军。

Can Dogecoin maintain its position without Musk’s support? Considering Dogecoin (DOGE) is one of only two top-10 coins that lost value in the last year (BNB being the other one), it can be argued Musk’s influence isn’t doing much to prop up Dogecoin (DOGE) at all.  

如果没有马斯克的支持,狗狗币还能保持其地位吗?考虑到狗狗币 (DOGE) 是去年贬值的前 10 名代币中仅有的两种之一(另一个是 BNB),可以说马斯克的影响力根本没有对狗狗币 (DOGE) 起到多大支撑作用。

DeeStream: A new blockchain-based streamer attracts investors.


It was bound to happen. We live in extraordinary times, where anyone can be ‘cancelled’ for saying something. Streamers often complain that they can be demonetized and deplatformed for the most random things.  


This is where the new DeeStream (DST) raises its hand and says, ‘Not on our watch!’ DeeStream (DST) will allow streamers and users complete autonomy – as long as it falls within the law – and will not demonetize or cancel anyone for political views, opinions, or even jokes. It is freedom of speech let loose, and the world has been clamouring for it.

这就是新的 DeeStream (DST) 举手说:“我们不负责!”DeeStream (DST) 将允许主播和用户完全自主——只要符合法律——并且不会取消或取消任何人的权利政治观点、意见,甚至笑话。这是言论自由,全世界都在呼吁。

A direct payment system is one of DeeStream’s (DST) biggest drawcards. Fans can pay their favourite streamers directly in a cryptocurrency of their choice, removing the barrier – and cost – of middlemen.

直接支付系统是 DeeStream (DST) 最大的吸引力之一。粉丝可以直接用自己选择的加密货币向他们最喜欢的主播付款,从而消除了中间商的障碍和成本。

DeeStream currently has 35 million phase 1 presale tokens available at $0.035. Considering the growth potential in this sector, DeeStream (DST) could very well be a blue-chip investment token and is a strong ‘buy’ call. 

DeeStream 目前有 3500 万个第一阶段预售代币,价格为 0.035 美元。考虑到该领域的增长潜力,DeeStream(DST)很可能成为蓝筹投资代币,并且是一个强烈的“买入”信号。



Investors looking to grow their investments need to look no further than DeeStream (DST), as this platform has the potential to unseat giants like YouTube, Twitch and Facebook Live. DeeStream’s (DST) presale offer virtually guarantees larger investor growth than Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA).

想要增加投资的投资者只需关注 DeeStream (DST),因为该平台有潜力取代 YouTube、Twitch 和 Facebook Live 等巨头。 DeeStream (DST) 的预售优惠实际上保证了比狗狗币 (DOGE) 和卡尔达诺 (ADA) 更大的投资者增长。

Find out more about the DeeStream presale at their official website.

在其官方网站上了解有关 DeeStream 预售的更多信息。


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