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SpaceX’s Starship Test Flight Date Surfaces In New Report

SpaceX 星舰试飞日期出现在新报告中

发布: 2024/02/01 16:39 阅读: 520

原文作者:Ramish Zafar


This is not investment advice. The author has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. Wccftech.com has a disclosure and ethics policy.

这不是投资建议。作者没有持有上述任何股票的头寸。 Wccftech.com 制定了披露和道德政策。

With attention having shifted back to SpaceX's Falcon 9 program in 2024, it appears that the third test flight of the Strship system might take place in Texas as soon as next month. SpaceX conducted the Starship IFT-2 test in November 2023, and since the test did not damage Starship Stage 0 (i.e., the launch pad), chances were high that IFT-3 would see an expedited timeline compared to its predecessor.

随着人们的注意力重新转移到 2024 年 SpaceX 的 Falcon 9 计划上,Strship 系统的第三次试飞似乎最早可能于下个月在德克萨斯州进行。 SpaceX 于 2023 年 11 月进行了 Starship IFT-2 测试,由于该测试没有损坏 Starship Stage 0(即发射台),因此与前身相比,IFT-3 的时间表很有可能会加快。

Now, a report from the Washington Post's Christian Davenport shares that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) might provide a Starship launch license as soon as in mid February - a busy month for crewed and uncrewed orbital and deep space spaceflight missions in the United States.

现在,《华盛顿邮报》的克里斯蒂安·达文波特 (Christian Davenport) 报道称,美国联邦航空管理局 (FAA) 可能最早在 2 月中旬提供星舰发射许可证,对于美国载人和无人轨道和深空航天任务来说,这是一个繁忙的月份。

SpaceX Might Receive FAA Approval For Starship IFT-3 Launch License In Mid February

SpaceX's Starship rocket is shaping up to be a one of a kind product in the history of astronautics. The entire vehicle stack, which stands just a few feet shy of four hundred, is made of two rockets that are capable of taking off on their own. While recent Starship test flights in Texas have focused on the full stack, relying on the power of the 232 foot tall Starship Super Heavy booster, SpaceX's first flight tests of the rocket saw the smaller second stage also lift off and land vertically.

与人工智能相关的故事其中,NASA 将芯片制造机送入太空,SpaceX 成为垄断者 SpaceX 可能会在 2 月中旬获得 FAA 批准的星舰 IFT-3 发射许可证 SpaceX 的星舰火箭正在成为航天史上独一无二的产品。整个飞行器堆栈距离四百英里仅几英尺,由两枚能够自行起飞的火箭组成。虽然最近在德克萨斯州进行的 Starship 测试飞行侧重于全栈,依靠 232 英尺高的 Starship Super Heavy 助推器的动力,但 SpaceX 的火箭首次飞行测试看到较小的第二级也垂直升空和着陆。

Today has been a busy day for Starship in the news cycle as well, with reports suggesting that the Pentagon has continued to sustain interest in using Starship for its missions. SpaceX has designed Starship to be able to perform like a commercial airliner as well by using the second stage Starship to ferry passengers on Earth at some point in the future.

今天对于星舰来说也是新闻周期中忙碌的一天,有报道称五角大楼继续对使用星舰执行任务保持兴趣。 SpaceX 设计的 Starship 能够像商业客机一样运行,并在未来某个时候使用第二级 Starship 在地球上运送乘客。

Starship's scale, unmatched by any operational or development rocket, also saw it win a contract to launch European aerospace giant Airbus's space station to space in a single launch in the morning today.


Frequent Starship tests are essential for the program to meet its multi billion dollar commitments to NASA, and SpaceX's 2024 Starship test campaign will see the firm focus on handling cryogenic fuel while in space.

频繁的星舰测试对于该项目履行其对 NASA 的数十亿美元承诺至关重要,而 SpaceX 的 2024 年星舰测试活动将让该公司专注于在太空中处理低温燃料。

The Starship Super Heavy, with its grid fins deployed in August 2021 before rapid iteration made SpaceX install an interstage vent ring at the forward end of the rocket booster. Image: Elon Musk/X

Starship Super Heavy 于 2021 年 8 月部署了网格尾翼,随后快速迭代,使得 SpaceX 在火箭助推器的前端安装了级间通风环。图片:埃隆·马斯克/X

According to an X post from Davenport, the FAA might "issue a Starship launch license mid to late February." This is a timeline that SpaceX officials have also mentioned multiple times, and it comes as the firm is making several changes to the launch pad and site in Texas.

根据达文波特的 X 帖子称,美国联邦航空局可能“在 2 月中下旬颁发星舰发射许可证”。 SpaceX 官员也多次提到过这个时间表,而该公司正在对德克萨斯州的发射台和场地进行一些改动。

The first Starship test attempt occurred nearly a year back, in April 2023. It saw the rocket successfully clear the launch pad and climb to the point of stage separation despite losing several of its engines along the way. However, as Starship attempted to separate the first and second stages, it lost orientation and was destroyed while doing cartwheels in the air.

第一次星舰测试尝试发生在近一年前,也就是 2023 年 4 月。尽管沿途失去了几台发动机,火箭还是成功地通过了发射台并爬升到了阶段分离点。然而,当星舰试图将第一级和第二级分开时,它失去了方向并在空中翻滚时被摧毁。

Damage to the pad due to a lack of a water deluge system forced SpaceX to upgrade the pad and update its clearance from the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Starship IFT-2 made significant progress in November; not only did the second stage successfully start its engines, but the first stage also did not malfunction as it separated from the ship.

由于缺乏喷水系统,该平台受到损坏,迫使 SpaceX 升级该平台并更新了鱼类和野生动物管理局 (FWS) 的许可信息。 Starship IFT-2在11月取得重大进展;不仅第二级成功启动了发动机,第一级在与船分离时也没有发生故障。

However, the second stage has to make it to orbit for SpaceX to progress with its test campaign. The first stage booster's successful tower capture and multiple test flights will clear the way for operational flights that have Starlink and NASA depending on them.

然而,第二级必须进入轨道,SpaceX 才能继续进行测试活动。第一级助推器成功的塔捕获和多次测试飞行将为星链和美国宇航局依赖的运营飞行扫清道路。


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