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FOMO Alert! How Crypto Whales Manipulate Short Investors – Must-Read!

FOMO 警报!加密鲸鱼如何操纵空头投资者——必读!

发布: 2023/10/09 16:16 阅读: 605

原文作者:CryptoTicker ENG




The world of cryptocurrencies is a volatile and unpredictable one, where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye. In this high-stakes game, one of the most intriguing and often controversial players is the “whale.” These are individuals or entities who hold significant amounts of a particular cryptocurrency, and their actions can have a profound impact on the market. One tactic that whales employ is playing a game of sentiments with short investors, putting them in a state of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). In this article, we will delve into how these crypto whales manipulate emotions and provide real-world examples to illustrate their tactics.

加密货币的世界是一个不稳定且不可预测的世界,财富的产生和损失都在眨眼之间。在这场高风险的游戏中,最有趣、最有争议的玩家之一就是“鲸鱼”。这些个人或实体持有大量特定加密货币,他们的行为可能对市场产生深远影响。鲸鱼采用的策略之一是与空头投资者玩情绪游戏,让他们陷入 FOMO(害怕错过)状态。在本文中,我们将深入研究这些加密鲸鱼如何操纵情绪,并提供现实世界的例子来说明他们的策略。

Understanding Crypto Whales


Before we dive into the game of sentiments, it’s crucial to understand what a cryptocurrency whale is. Whales are typically large holders of a cryptocurrency, often with wallets containing millions or even billions of dollars worth of digital assets. Their sheer size and influence allow them to sway the market in their favor, whether through massive trades, strategic announcements, or subtle manipulations of sentiment.


Crypto Whales: Pump and Dump Schemes


One common tactic employed by crypto whales is the “pump and dump” scheme. In this scenario, whales accumulate a significant amount of a low-cap or less well-known cryptocurrency. They then use various tactics to create a buzz around the coin, often through social media, forums, and influential endorsements. This newfound excitement draws in short-term investors who fear missing out on the next big thing.


Once these investors flood into the market, driving up the price of the cryptocurrency, the whales sell off their holdings at a profit. This sudden dump in value leaves short investors holding the bag, with their investments now worth significantly less than what they paid. The whales have successfully played on the emotions of greed and FOMO to profit at the expense of others.

一旦这些投资者涌入市场,推高加密货币的价格,鲸鱼就会出售其持有的资产以获取利润。价值的突然下跌让空头投资者承担了责任,他们的投资现在的价值远远低于他们所支付的价格。鲸鱼成功地利用了贪婪和 FOMO 情绪,以牺牲他人利益为代价来获利。

Example: Dogecoin


One of the most famous examples of a pump and dump scheme was the meteoric rise of Dogecoin in early 2021. High-profile endorsements, tweets from influential figures like Elon Musk, and widespread media coverage drove a massive influx of investors. However, as the hype reached its peak, whales began selling off their Dogecoin holdings, causing the price to plummet, leaving many investors with substantial losses.

拉高抛售计划最著名的例子之一是狗狗币在 2021 年初的迅速崛起。高调的背书、埃隆·马斯克等有影响力人物的推文以及广泛的媒体报道推动了大量投资者涌入。然而,随着炒作达到顶峰,鲸鱼开始抛售所持有的狗狗币,导致价格暴跌,使许多投资者遭受重大损失。

Crypto Whales and Social Media


Social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit play a crucial role in the cryptocurrency market, providing a platform for investors to discuss their favorite coins and share information. Whales exploit this by posting bullish sentiments, fake news, or misleading information to manipulate sentiment.

Twitter 和 Reddit 等社交媒体平台在加密货币市场中发挥着至关重要的作用,为投资者提供了一个讨论他们最喜欢的硬币和分享信息的平台。鲸鱼利用这一点,通过发布看涨情绪、虚假新闻或误导性信息来操纵情绪。

By creating a narrative of impending price spikes or groundbreaking developments, whales can stir up FOMO among short investors. These investors then buy into the cryptocurrency, hoping to capitalize on the anticipated gains. However, once the price reaches a certain point, the whales sell off, causing the price to drop and leaving others holding depreciating assets.


Example: XRP


In late 2020, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit against Ripple Labs, the company behind the cryptocurrency XRP. This news caused a significant drop in XRP’s price, but a Twitter account purporting to represent the SEC began posting misleading information about a settlement. The fraudulent tweets caused a brief spike in XRP’s price, tempting short investors to buy in. When the truth emerged, XRP’s price fell, causing losses for those who had fallen for the deception.

2020 年底,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 对加密货币 XRP 背后的公司 Ripple Labs 提起诉讼。这一消息导致 XRP 价格大幅下跌,但一个自称代表 SEC 的 Twitter 账户开始发布有关和解的误导性信息。欺诈性推文导致 XRP 价格短暂飙升,吸引空头投资者买入。当真相浮出水面时,XRP 价格下跌,给那些上当受骗的人造成损失。

Crypto Whales: Influencer Endorsements


Crypto influencers and personalities often have a substantial following, and their endorsements can significantly impact market sentiment. Whales frequently collaborate with influencers to promote specific cryptocurrencies, creating a sense of FOMO among their followers.


Once again, short-term investors are drawn into the market by the allure of quick gains, only to see the price collapse when the whale behind the scenes decides to cash out.


Example: BitConnect


BitConnect was a cryptocurrency platform that promised outsized returns through lending and trading. It gained notoriety due to endorsements from prominent YouTubers and influencers who presented it as a guaranteed way to make money. Many investors poured their savings into BitConnect, but the platform eventually collapsed, leading to massive losses for those who had been enticed by the endorsements.

BitConnect 是一个加密货币平台,承诺通过借贷和交易带来巨额回报。它因著名 YouTube 用户和影响者的认可而声名狼藉,他们将其视为一种有保证的赚钱方式。许多投资者将积蓄投入 BitConnect,但该平台最终崩溃了,导致那些被背书诱惑的人蒙受了巨大损失。



The crypto world is rife with opportunities and risks, and the game of sentiments played by whales is one of the most treacherous aspects of this space. Short investors must exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and remain skeptical of hype-driven narratives. While not all whales engage in manipulative tactics, it’s crucial to be aware of their presence and the potential for market manipulation.


To thrive in the crypto market, investors should focus on long-term strategies, fundamental analysis, and risk management rather than succumbing to the emotions of FOMO. Only by understanding the tactics employed by whales and remaining vigilant can investors navigate this volatile landscape successfully.

为了在加密货币市场中蓬勃发展,投资者应该关注长期策略、基本面分析和风险管理,而不是屈服于 FOMO 的情绪。只有了解鲸鱼所采用的策略并保持警惕,投资者才能成功驾驭这一动荡的局面。


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