フロントページ > 情報ニュース > FOMO警報!仮想通貨クジラがショート投資家をどのように操作するのか – 必読!

FOMO Alert! How Crypto Whales Manipulate Short Investors – Must-Read!

FOMO警報!仮想通貨クジラがショート投資家をどのように操作するのか – 必読!

リリース: 2023/10/09 16:16 読む: 605

原作者:CryptoTicker ENG




The world of cryptocurrencies is a volatile and unpredictable one, where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye. In this high-stakes game, one of the most intriguing and often controversial players is the “whale.” These are individuals or entities who hold significant amounts of a particular cryptocurrency, and their actions can have a profound impact on the market. One tactic that whales employ is playing a game of sentiments with short investors, putting them in a state of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). In this article, we will delve into how these crypto whales manipulate emotions and provide real-world examples to illustrate their tactics.

暗号通貨の世界は不安定で予測不可能で、一瞬のうちに富が生まれ、また失われます。この一か八かのゲームにおいて、最も興味をそそられ、しばしば物議を醸すプレイヤーの 1 人が「クジラ」です。これらは特定の暗号通貨を大量に保有する個人または団体であり、彼らの行動は市場に重大な影響を与える可能性があります。クジラがとる戦術の 1 つは、空売り投資家と感情のゲームをして、彼らを FOMO (見逃しの恐怖) 状態に陥らせることです。この記事では、これらの仮想クジラがどのように感情を操作するかを詳しく掘り下げ、彼らの戦術を説明するために現実世界の例を示します。

Understanding Crypto Whales


Before we dive into the game of sentiments, it’s crucial to understand what a cryptocurrency whale is. Whales are typically large holders of a cryptocurrency, often with wallets containing millions or even billions of dollars worth of digital assets. Their sheer size and influence allow them to sway the market in their favor, whether through massive trades, strategic announcements, or subtle manipulations of sentiment.


Crypto Whales: Pump and Dump Schemes

クリプト・ホエールズ: ポンプ・アンド・ダンプ・スキーム

One common tactic employed by crypto whales is the “pump and dump” scheme. In this scenario, whales accumulate a significant amount of a low-cap or less well-known cryptocurrency. They then use various tactics to create a buzz around the coin, often through social media, forums, and influential endorsements. This newfound excitement draws in short-term investors who fear missing out on the next big thing.

仮想通貨クジラが採用する一般的な戦術の 1 つは、「ポンプ アンド ダンプ」スキームです。このシナリオでは、クジラは、ローキャップまたはあまり知られていない暗号通貨を大量に蓄積します。その後、彼らはさまざまな戦術を使用して、多くの場合ソーシャルメディア、フォーラム、影響力のある支持を通じてコインに関する話題を生み出します。この新たな興奮は、次の大きなチャンスを逃すことを恐れる短期投資家を引き寄せます。

Once these investors flood into the market, driving up the price of the cryptocurrency, the whales sell off their holdings at a profit. This sudden dump in value leaves short investors holding the bag, with their investments now worth significantly less than what they paid. The whales have successfully played on the emotions of greed and FOMO to profit at the expense of others.


Example: Dogecoin

例: ドージコイン

One of the most famous examples of a pump and dump scheme was the meteoric rise of Dogecoin in early 2021. High-profile endorsements, tweets from influential figures like Elon Musk, and widespread media coverage drove a massive influx of investors. However, as the hype reached its peak, whales began selling off their Dogecoin holdings, causing the price to plummet, leaving many investors with substantial losses.

ポンプ・アンド・ダンプ・スキームの最も有名な例の 1 つは、2021 年初頭のドージコインの流星的な上昇でした。注目を集めた支持、イーロン・マスクのような影響力のある人物のツイート、および広範囲にわたるメディア報道により、投資家の大量流入が促進されました。しかし、誇大広告が最高潮に達すると、クジラはドージコインの保有資産を売り払い始め、価格が急落し、多くの投資家が多額の損失を被った。

Crypto Whales and Social Media


Social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit play a crucial role in the cryptocurrency market, providing a platform for investors to discuss their favorite coins and share information. Whales exploit this by posting bullish sentiments, fake news, or misleading information to manipulate sentiment.

Twitter や Reddit などのソーシャル メディア プラットフォームは、暗号通貨市場で重要な役割を果たしており、投資家がお気に入りのコインについて議論し、情報を共有するためのプラットフォームを提供しています。クジラはこれを利用して、強気の感情、フェイクニュース、または誤解を招く情報を投稿して感情を操作します。

By creating a narrative of impending price spikes or groundbreaking developments, whales can stir up FOMO among short investors. These investors then buy into the cryptocurrency, hoping to capitalize on the anticipated gains. However, once the price reaches a certain point, the whales sell off, causing the price to drop and leaving others holding depreciating assets.


Example: XRP

例: XRP

In late 2020, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a lawsuit against Ripple Labs, the company behind the cryptocurrency XRP. This news caused a significant drop in XRP’s price, but a Twitter account purporting to represent the SEC began posting misleading information about a settlement. The fraudulent tweets caused a brief spike in XRP’s price, tempting short investors to buy in. When the truth emerged, XRP’s price fell, causing losses for those who had fallen for the deception.


Crypto Whales: Influencer Endorsements

Crypto Whales: インフルエンサーの支持

Crypto influencers and personalities often have a substantial following, and their endorsements can significantly impact market sentiment. Whales frequently collaborate with influencers to promote specific cryptocurrencies, creating a sense of FOMO among their followers.

仮想通貨のインフルエンサーや著名人には多くの場合、多くの支持者がおり、彼らの支持は市場のセンチメントに大きな影響を与える可能性があります。クジラは頻繁にインフルエンサーと協力して特定の暗号通貨を宣伝し、フォロワーの間に FOMO の感覚を生み出します。

Once again, short-term investors are drawn into the market by the allure of quick gains, only to see the price collapse when the whale behind the scenes decides to cash out.


Example: BitConnect

例: ビットコネクト

BitConnect was a cryptocurrency platform that promised outsized returns through lending and trading. It gained notoriety due to endorsements from prominent YouTubers and influencers who presented it as a guaranteed way to make money. Many investors poured their savings into BitConnect, but the platform eventually collapsed, leading to massive losses for those who had been enticed by the endorsements.

BitConnect は、融資と取引を通じて莫大な利益を約束する暗号通貨プラットフォームでした。有名なYouTuberやインフルエンサーがお金を稼ぐ確実な方法として推奨したことで、悪名が高まりました。多くの投資家が貯金をビットコネクトにつぎ込んだが、プラットフォームは最終的に崩壊し、支持に誘惑された投資家は巨額の損失を被った。



The crypto world is rife with opportunities and risks, and the game of sentiments played by whales is one of the most treacherous aspects of this space. Short investors must exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and remain skeptical of hype-driven narratives. While not all whales engage in manipulative tactics, it’s crucial to be aware of their presence and the potential for market manipulation.

暗号通貨の世界にはチャンスとリスクが溢れており、クジラによる感情の駆け引きは、この空間の最も危険な側面の 1 つです。空売り投資家は注意を払い、徹底的な調査を実施し、誇大広告に基づく物語には懐疑的でなければなりません。すべてのクジラが操作的な戦術を行うわけではありませんが、クジラの存在と市場操作の可能性を認識することが重要です。

To thrive in the crypto market, investors should focus on long-term strategies, fundamental analysis, and risk management rather than succumbing to the emotions of FOMO. Only by understanding the tactics employed by whales and remaining vigilant can investors navigate this volatile landscape successfully.



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