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What’s Happening in Dogecoin (DOGE)? An Event Not Seen in a Year


发布: 2024/06/21 03:44 阅读: 319

原文作者:Bitcoin Sistemi EN



Dogecoin Market Sentiment Shifts Bearish with Surge in Short Positions


Dogecoin (DOGE), the prominent memecoin in the cryptocurrency market, is experiencing a rise in short positions.


According to Coinalyze data, DOGE's funding rates have dipped below zero since Tuesday, reaching -0.0027% as of Thursday. These levels were last observed in October 2023. Funding rates represent periodic payments made between traders based on the price differential between futures and spot markets.

根据 Coinalyze 数据,DOGE 的融资利率自周二以来已降至零以下,截至周四达到-0.0027%。最后一次观察到这些水平是在 2023 年 10 月。资金费率代表交易者之间根据期货和现货市场之间的价差进行的定期付款。

While the current funding rates are relatively modest, their consistent decline alongside falling prices suggests a bearish market sentiment. DOGE lost 12% of its value last week, reversing gains made since March.

虽然目前的融资利率相对温和,但其持续下降以​​及价格下跌表明市场情绪看跌。 DOGE 上周市值下跌 12%,扭转了 3 月份以来的涨幅。

Furthermore, DOGE's open positions have declined from approximately $800 million on Monday to $611 million as of Thursday, indicating a decrease in demand for the token.

此外,DOGE 的未平仓头寸已从周一的约 8 亿美元下降至周四的 6.11 亿美元,表明对该代币的需求有所下降。

Similar sentiment is evident across the memecoin sector, with tokens recording losses of up to 40% over the past seven days. Investors are shifting their focus towards more stable assets such as Bitcoin and stablecoins.

类似的情绪在 memecoin 领域也很明显,代币在过去 7 天里损失高达 40%。投资者正在将注意力转向比特币和稳定币等更稳定的资产。

Analyst Neil Roarty of Stocklytics observed, "When Bitcoin price drops, memecoins amplify the losses. Plans for a 'memecoin summer' may need to be reconsidered."

Stocklytics 的分析师尼尔·罗蒂 (Neil Roarty) 观察到,“当比特币价格下跌时,模因币会放大损失。‘模因币夏天’的计划可能需要重新考虑。”

Disclaimer: This information does not constitute financial advice.


Keep Reading: Examining the Recent Developments in Dogecoin (DOGE)



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