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What’s Happening in Dogecoin (DOGE)? An Event Not Seen in a Year


發布: 2024/06/21 03:44 閱讀: 319

原文作者:Bitcoin Sistemi EN



Dogecoin Market Sentiment Shifts Bearish with Surge in Short Positions


Dogecoin (DOGE), the prominent memecoin in the cryptocurrency market, is experiencing a rise in short positions.


According to Coinalyze data, DOGE's funding rates have dipped below zero since Tuesday, reaching -0.0027% as of Thursday. These levels were last observed in October 2023. Funding rates represent periodic payments made between traders based on the price differential between futures and spot markets.

根據 Coinalyze 數據,DOGE 的融資利率自周二以來已降至零以下,截至週四達到-0.0027%。最後一次觀察到這些水準是在 2023 年 10 月。

While the current funding rates are relatively modest, their consistent decline alongside falling prices suggests a bearish market sentiment. DOGE lost 12% of its value last week, reversing gains made since March.

雖然目前的融資利率相對溫和,但其持續下降以及價格下跌表明市場情緒看跌。 DOGE 上週市值下跌 12%,扭轉了 3 月以來的漲幅。

Furthermore, DOGE's open positions have declined from approximately $800 million on Monday to $611 million as of Thursday, indicating a decrease in demand for the token.

此外,DOGE 的未平倉部位已從週一的約 8 億美元下降至週四的 6.11 億美元,顯示對該代幣的需求有所下降。

Similar sentiment is evident across the memecoin sector, with tokens recording losses of up to 40% over the past seven days. Investors are shifting their focus towards more stable assets such as Bitcoin and stablecoins.

類似的情緒在 memecoin 領域也很明顯,代幣在過去 7 天損失高達 40%。投資者正在將注意力轉向比特幣和穩定幣等更穩定的資產。

Analyst Neil Roarty of Stocklytics observed, "When Bitcoin price drops, memecoins amplify the losses. Plans for a 'memecoin summer' may need to be reconsidered."

Stocklytics 的分析師 Neil Roarty 觀察到,“當比特幣價格下跌時,模因幣會放大損失。‘模因幣夏天’的計劃可能需要重新考慮。”

Disclaimer: This information does not constitute financial advice.


Keep Reading: Examining the Recent Developments in Dogecoin (DOGE)



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