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Hollywood Meets Crypto: Director Uses Netflix Funds for Risky Dogecoin Bet

好莱坞遇上加密货币:导演利用 Netflix 资金进行高风险的狗狗币押注

发布: 2023/11/25 06:11 阅读: 627



好莱坞遇上加密货币:导演利用 Netflix 资金进行高风险的狗狗币押注

Source: Boxoffice Movie Scenes / YouTube


Carl Erik Rinsch, the director of “47 Ronin,” allegedly used nearly $60 million – that Netflix had given him for a sci-fi series – to invest in the crypto and stock markets.

《47 Ronin》的导演卡尔·埃里克·林什 (Carl Erik Rinsch) 据称使用了 Netflix 为一部科幻剧集提供的近 6000 万美元投资加密货币和股票市场。

According to The New York Times, Netflix gave the director more than $55 million, along with a near-total budgetary and creative freedom.

据《纽约时报》报道,Netflix 为这位导演提供了超过 5500 万美元,以及近乎全额的预算和创作自由。

It never got a single finished episode back.


Instead, Rinsch reportedly used a large portion of the budget to invest in stocks and cryptocurrencies.


He then went on to spend millions on cars, furniture, and designer clothing.


The report cited cast, crew members, emails, and court filings in a divorce case brought by Rinsch’s wife.


‘Red Flags’


Netflix battled other streaming giants for Rinsch’s new show called Organic Intelligent, which Netflix renamed to Conquest.

Netflix 与其他流媒体巨头争夺 Rinsch 的新节目《有机智能》,Netflix 将其更名为《征服》。

The company agreed to pay $61.2 million in several installments for the rights to the series.

该公司同意分期支付 6120 万美元购买该剧的版权。

But Netflix ignored several red flags, the report said. A major one is that Rinsch was still fighting 30West and other early investors, which subsequently received $14 million of the $61 million from Netflix under a legal settlement.

但报告称,Netflix 忽略了几个危险信号。其中一个主要问题是,Rinsch 仍在与 30West 和其他早期投资者抗争,后者随后根据法律和解从 Netflix 获得了 6100 万美元中的 1400 万美元。

In March 2020, Rinsch asked Netflix for more money. By that point, they had already spent $44.3 million and were reluctant to give more as Rinsch had missed several production milestones.

2020 年 3 月,林什向 Netflix 请求更多资金。到那时,他们已经花费了 4430 万美元,并且不愿意再投入更多,因为 Rinsch 错过了几个生产里程碑。

Still, to save the production, Netflix sent Rinsch’s production company $11 million. This brought the total to more than $55 million.

尽管如此,为了挽救制作,Netflix 向林奇的制作公司捐赠了 1100 万美元。这使得总金额超过 5500 万美元。

However, Rinsch’s behavior “grew erratic,” the NYT said. He claimed he had discovered Covid-19’s secret transmission mechanism and was able to predict lightning strikes and volcano eruptions.


‘God Bless Crypto’


Rinsch went on to spend the project funds on investments, many of which failed.


This included the S&P 500 index and shares of the biotech firm Gilead Sciences. He lost $5.9 million in weeks.

其中包括标准普尔 500 指数和生物技术公司吉利德科学公司的股票。他在几周内损失了 590 万美元。

In March 2021, Netflix stopped funding Conquest. Rinsch, however, started using what remained of the $11 million Netflix had sent to bet on crypto.

2021 年 3 月,Netflix 停止资助《征服》。然而,Rinsch 开始使用 Netflix 发送的 1100 万美元中的剩余资金来押注加密货币。

He transferred more than $4 million to the Kraken exchange and bought dogecoin (DOGE).

他向 Kraken 交易所转账超过 400 万美元并购买了狗狗币(DOGE)。

This one paid off, said the NYT, stating that,


“When he liquidated his Dogecoin positions in May 2021, he had a balance of nearly $27 million.”

“当他在 2021 年 5 月清算狗狗币头寸时,他的余额接近 2700 万美元。”

Rinsch wrote in an online chat with a Kraken representative: “Thank you and god bless crypto.”

Rinsch 在与 Kraken 代表的在线聊天中写道:“谢谢你,上帝保佑加密货币。”

He then bought five Rolls-Royces, a Ferrari, a Vacheron Constantin watch, high-end furniture, and designer clothing, totaling $8.7 million.

随后,他购买了五辆劳斯莱斯、一辆法拉利、一块江诗丹顿手表、高档家具和名牌服装,总计 870 万美元。

The legal team of Rinsch’s wife, Gabriela Rosés Bentancor, suggested in the divorce proceedings that the buying spree was designed to hide Rinsch’s crypto winnings.

Rinsch 妻子 Gabriela Rosés Bentancor 的法律团队在离婚诉讼中表示,这次疯狂购买是为了隐藏 Rinsch 的加密货币奖金。



Rinsch and Netflix are currently locked in a confidential arbitration proceeding, with a ruling expected soon.

Rinsch 和 Netflix 目前正处于保密仲裁程序中,预计很快就会有裁决。

Rinsch claims that Netflix breached their contract and owes him $14 million in damages.

林什声称 Netflix 违反了合同并欠他 1400 万美元的赔偿金。

He first argued that the cars and furniture were props for Conquest, bought with Netflix’s production money. But then, in his arbitration case, he said that the money spent was contractually his.

他首先辩称这些汽车和家具是《征服》的道具,是用 Netflix 的制作资金购买的。但后来,在他的仲裁案中,他说花的钱按照合同是他的。

On its part, Netflix said any payments were contingent on the director hitting production milestones – which he had failed to do.

Netflix 则表示,任何付款都取决于导演是否达到了制作里程碑,但他未能做到这一点。

Thomas Cherian, a Netflix spokesman, told the NYT the company had provided substantial funding, but “after a lot of time and effort, it became clear that Mr. Rinsch was never going to complete the project he agreed to make, and so we wrote the project off.”

Netflix 发言人托马斯·切里安 (Thomas Cherian) 告诉《纽约时报》,该公司已经提供了大量资金,但“经过大量时间和努力,很明显,林什先生永远不会完成他同意的项目,因此我们写道项目结束了。”

Rinsch declined to comment, the report said.



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