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Hong Kong SFC Wary of Binance’s License Amid Regulatory Pressures


发布: 2023/11/24 15:37 阅读: 218




In the wake of mounting regulatory challenges, Binance, the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, faces uncertainty in securing a crypto license in Hong Kong. The recent guilty plea by Binance founder Changpeng Zhao to US anti-money-laundering laws has cast a shadow over the exchange’s plans to secure a license in the country.


Meanwhile, as the industry watches this unfolding saga, Elizabeth Wong, Director of Licensing and Head of Fintech unit at Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), raises crucial questions about Binance’s potential license approval.

与此同时,在业界关注这一传奇故事的同时,香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(证监会)牌照总监兼金融科技部门主管 Elizabeth Wong 对币安潜在牌照批准提出了关键问题。

Binance Faces Challenges in Hong Kong


The leading crypto exchange, Binance might face regulatory hurdles to secure a legitimate status in offering its services in Hong Kong, South China Morning Post reported while citing industry experts. According to the report, Binance’s entanglement with US authorities, including a guilty plea to anti-money-laundering and sanctions violations, poses a considerable challenge to its aspirations in Hong Kong.


Despite its reportedly local affiliate HKVAEX preparing to apply for a crypto license, the shared resources and significant ties with Binance could complicate matters. Experts point to the stringent requirements of the Securities and Futures Commission, emphasizing the need for applicants to demonstrate compliance with anti-money-laundering laws.

据报道,尽管其当地子公司 HKVAEX 正准备申请加密货币许可证,但共享资源以及与币安的密切联系可能会让事情变得复杂。专家指出证监会的严格要求,强调申请人需要证明其遵守反洗钱法。

However, responding to last month’s claims that HKVAEX was set up by Binance to secure a license in Hong Kong, HKVAEX said that it is working as an “independent” digital asset exchange. In addition, Binance said that HKVAEX is not there in its “Group of companies.”

然而,针对上个月有关 HKVAEX 是币安为了获得香港牌照而设立的说法,HKVAEX 表示,它正在作为一家“独立”的数字资产交易所运作。此外,币安表示 HKVAEX 并不存在于其“公司集团”中。

Also Read: BTC, GAS Surge In Crypto Market While Pepe Coin Declines

另请阅读:加密货币市场中 BTC、GAS 飙升,而 Pepe Coin 下跌

SFC’s Cautionary Stance: Elizabeth Wong’s Remarks Raise Eyebrows


In a recent podcast hosted by Web3 Harbour, Elizabeth Wong, the SFC’s Director of Licensing and Head of the Fintech unit, addressed the looming question of Binance’s license in Hong Kong. When asked about the possibility in light of Binance’s guilty plea in the US, Wong remained cautious, citing a lack of information on Binance’s market entry strategy and structure.

在 Web3 Harbour 最近主持的播客中,证监会牌照总监兼金融科技部门主管 Elizabeth Wong 谈到了迫在眉睫的币安在香港牌照问题。当被问及币安在美国认罪的可能性时,黄仍然保持谨慎,理由是缺乏有关币安市场进入策略和结构的信息。

Meanwhile, discussions swirled about Binance pursuing a license under new CEO Richard Teng. In response, Wong said that the entity is not present on the SFC’s “list yet,” referring to the SFC’s list of virtual asset trading platform operators with submitted license applications.

与此同时,关于币安在新任首席执行官理查德·腾 (Richard Teng) 的领导下寻求牌照的讨论也纷繁复杂。黄回应称,该实体尚未出现在证监会的“名单”上,指的是证监会已提交牌照申请的虚拟资产交易平台运营商名单。

Notably, this ambiguity adds another layer of uncertainty to Binance’s regulatory journey in Hong Kong. As regulatory pressures intensify, Binance’s uncertain standing in Hong Kong becomes a focal point of industry scrutiny.


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另请阅读:狗狗币机构和鲸鱼兴趣上升,狗狗币价格升至 0.1 美元?

The post Hong Kong SFC Wary of Binance’s License Amid Regulatory Pressures appeared first on CoinGape.

香港证监会在监管压力下对币安牌照持谨慎态度的帖子首先出现在 CoinGape 上。


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