首页 > 资讯新闻 > 投资者对PEPE潜力产生质疑,探索Tradecurve的可能性

Investors questioning PEPE potential, exploring Tradecurve


发布: 2023/07/30 19:30 阅读: 206



Pepe is a cryptocurrency based on the popular internet meme “Pepe the Frog.” Its prices surged shortly after launch.

Pepe 是一种基于流行的互联网模因“Pepe the Frog”的加密货币。其价格在推出后不久就飙升。

Similarly, Tradecurve is following a similar trend, recently rallying with expectations of more gains.

同样,Tradecurve 也遵循类似的趋势,最近因预期会有更多收益而上涨。

In May of 2023, PEPE had a market capitalization of $1.8 billion. Investors are now considering whether this meme coin can replicate its past performance and closely monitoring the project.

2023 年 5 月,PEPE 的市值为 18 亿美元。投资者现在正在考虑这个模因币是否可以复制其过去的表现,并密切关注该项目。

>>Register for the Tradecurve presale<<

>>注册 Tradecurve 预售

Pepe price prediction


Meme coins are popular as they are speculative and volatile. 


Such was the case with Pepe (PEPE), as it surged shortly after its launch. However, there are questions about whether it can maintain this performance in the coming months.

Pepe (PEPE) 就是这样,推出后不久股价就飙升。然而,人们对它能否在未来几个月保持这种表现存在疑问。

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As of July 17, 2023, the Pepe coin value was at $0.00000157. During the past week, Pepe fell to a low of $0.00000147 and peaked at $0.00000183. 

截至 2023 年 7 月 17 日,Pepe 币的价值为 0.00000157 美元。过去一周,Pepe 跌至 0.00000147 美元的低点,最高点为 0.00000183 美元。

The prices of PEPE have increased by 57.8% in the last month, which has generated more interest. As a result, experts predict that by the end of 2023, the value of the Pepe coin may reach $0.00000215.

PEPE的价格在上个月上涨了57.8%,这引起了更多的兴趣。因此,专家预测,到 2023 年底,佩佩币的价值可能达到 0.00000215 美元。

Tradecurve and its future

Tradecurve 及其未来

Tradecurve‘s utility token, TCRV, has been volatile since its presale launch. 

Tradecurve 的实用代币 TCRV 自预售启动以来一直波动较大。

The token is up 150% since its initial offering, with prices currently at $0.025 per token in Stage 5 of the presale. 

该代币自首次发行以来已上涨 150%,目前预售第五阶段的价格为每枚 0.025 美元。

The next stage is expected to see a 40% increase in TCRV prices. 


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Analysts predict TCRV to maintain the uptrend even after launch.

分析师预测 TCRV 即使在推出后也将保持上升趋势。

Tradecurve allows users to deposit coins and use them as collateral to trade derivatives. The platform aims to carve market share from the multi-billion and trillion-dollar Forex and derivatives markets.

Tradecurve 允许用户存入代币并将其用作衍生品交易的抵押品。该平台旨在从数十亿和数万亿美元的外汇和衍生品市场中争夺市场份额。

Tradecurve features


Tradecurve is drawing interest from experienced investors. When writing, there are over 14,000 registrations. 

Tradecurve 正在吸引经验丰富的投资者的兴趣。写作时,注册人数已超过 14,000 人。

The platform offers high leverage starting at 500:1, a copy trading feature, and automated trading bots. 

该平台提供 500:1 起的高杠杆、复制交易功能和自动交易机器人。

It combines features of centralized and decentralized exchanges to provide a borderless and anonymous experience, with self-custody and two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security. 


The team behind Tradecurve is committed to transparency and will introduce proof-of-reserves (PoR) to ensure asset transparency. 

Tradecurve 背后的团队致力于透明度,并将引入准备金证明 (PoR) 以确保资产透明度。

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As part of the project’s roadmap, TCRV will list on tier-1 exchanges, including Uniswap. The token and project will also be tracked on CoinMarketCap and Coingecko. 

作为该项目路线图的一部分,TCRV 将在包括 Uniswap 在内的一级交易所上市。该代币和项目也将在 CoinMarketCap 和 Coingecko 上进行跟踪。

In the future, a dedicated trading mobile app for iOS and Android will be developed to make trading accessible for everyone.


For more information about the Tradecurve (TCRV) presale:

有关 Tradecurve (TCRV) 预售的更多信息:





了解更多:VET 和 ADA 持有者探索 Tradecurve,TCRV 看涨

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披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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