首页 > 资讯新闻 > 币价上涨触发大规模狗狗币交易激增260%的壮观增长

SHIB Price Rise Triggers Epic 260% Surge in Large Shiba Inu Transactions


发布: 2023/07/30 21:00 阅读: 312



The Shiba Inu community is buzzing with excitement as SHIB experiences an astronomical surge in price, setting off a chain reaction of massive transactions. Crypto intelligence portal IntoTheBlock has reported a jaw-dropping 260% surge in high-value deals linked to the Shiba Inu token, valued at $100,000 or more, over the past 24 hours. This translates to a staggering increase of $27 million in large transactions, propelling the total transactions involving SHIB to an eye-popping 5.25 trillion in just one day.

柴犬社区一片兴奋,SHIB 价格暴涨,引发大规模交易的连锁反应。加密情报门户网站 IntoTheBlock 报告称,在过去 24 小时内,与 Shiba Inu 代币相关的高价值交易猛增了 260%,价值达到 10 万美元或以上。这意味着大额交易额惊人地增加了 2700 万美元,使得 SHIB 的交易总额在短短一天内就达到了令人瞠目结舌的 5.25 万亿美元。

Source: IntoTheBlock


What triggered this impressive spike?


The answer, as was said, lies in the remarkable performance of the SHIB token's price, which began unfolding on Friday. Following a wave of enthusiasm for dog-themed meme coins, the Shiba Inu token witnessed a remarkable 13% surge, reaching its highest value in the past two months. This meteoric rise further boosted the market cap of SHIB by an astounding $500 million.

正如前面所说,答案在于 SHIB 代币价格的出色表现,该价格于周五开始显现。随着人们对狗主题 Meme 币的热潮,柴犬代币出现了 13% 的惊人飙升,达到了过去两个月的最高值。这种迅速上涨进一步使 SHIB 的市值增加了惊人的 5 亿美元。

SHIB to USD by CoinMarketCap

通过 CoinMarketCap 将 SHIB 兑换为 USD

As the community tries to decode the reasons behind this unexpected trend, various speculative factors come into play. One possible catalyst could be the scrutiny surrounding Dogecoin (DOGE), fueled by rumors and discussions about crypto payments on the platform formerly known as Twitter. The hype around SHIB is also intensified by expectations regarding the upcoming release of Shibarium, a recent development in the world of Shiba Inu, generating even more interest in the token.

当社区试图解读这一意外趋势背后的原因时,各种投机因素开始发挥作用。一个可能的催化剂可能是围绕狗狗币(DOGE)的审查,此前该平台上有关加密货币支付的谣言和讨论加剧了这种审查。对即将发布的 Shibarium(柴犬世界的最新发展)的预期也加剧了围绕 SHIB 的炒作,引发了人们对该代币的更多兴趣。

With all eyes on SHIB, investors are for sure eagerly monitoring its price movements and keeping an ear to the ground for any further developments that may propel the token to new heights.

在所有人的目光都集中在 SHIB 上的情况下,投资者肯定会热切地关注其价格走势,并密切关注可能将代币推向新高度的任何进一步发展。


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