首页 > 资讯新闻 > 柴犬价格的上涨引发高交易量SHIB交易量大增260%

Shiba Inu Price Rally Sparks Massive 260% Increase in High-Volume SHIB Transactions


发布: 2023/07/30 23:30 阅读: 1000



  • Shiba Inu community experiences significant excitement as SHIB’s price surges, leading to a surge in large transactions.
  • 随着 SHIB 价格飙升,导致大额交易激增,柴犬社区感到非常兴奋。

  • 260% increase in high-value transactions, totaling $27 million in one day, adds to the momentum.
  • 高价值交易增加了 260%,一天之内交易总额达到 2700 万美元,进一步增强了这一势头。

  • SHIB’s meteoric rise linked to a 13% spike, reaching a two-month high, and fueled by Dogecoin scrutiny and Shibarium anticipation.
  • 在狗狗币审查和 Shibarium 预期的推动下,SHIB 的迅速上涨与 13% 的飙升有关,达到两个月高点。

The Shiba Inu community is witnessing a significant surge in excitement as the SHIB experiences a substantial increase in price, leading to a surge in large transactions. According to crypto intelligence portal IntoTheBlock, there has been a remarkable 260% surge in high-value transactions involving the Shiba Inu, amounting to $100,000 or more, within the past 24 hours.

随着 SHIB 价格大幅上涨,导致大额交易激增,柴犬社区的兴奋度大幅上升。根据加密情报门户网站 IntoTheBlock 的数据,在过去 24 小时内,涉及柴犬的高价值交易猛增了 260%,金额达到或超过 10 万美元。

This surge in large transactions amounts to a staggering $27 million, contributing to a total of 5.25 trillion SHIB transactions in a single day.

大额交易激增达到惊人的 2700 万美元,单日 SHIB 交易总量达到 5.25 万亿笔。

Shiba Inu price spiked recently


The price surge of the SHIB began on Friday, coinciding with a wave of enthusiasm for dog-themed meme coins. The Shiba Inu witnessed an impressive 13% increase, reaching its highest value in the past two months. Consequently, the market cap of SHIB also soared by an astounding $500 million.

SHIB 的价格从周五开始飙升,恰逢人们对狗主题模因币的热情浪潮。柴犬的增幅高达 13%,达到过去两个月的最高值。因此,SHIB的市值也飙升了惊人的5亿美元。

While the exact reasons behind this sudden trend remain speculative, some suggest that the scrutiny surrounding Dogecoin (DOGE), particularly related to potential crypto payments on the platform formerly known as Twitter, could have played a role. Additionally, the community’s heightened interest in SHIB might be attributed to the anticipation surrounding the release of Shibarium, a recent development in the Shiba Inu ecosystem.

虽然这种突然趋势背后的确切原因仍然是推测性的,但一些人认为,围绕狗狗币(DOGE)的审查,特别是与以前称为 Twitter 的平台上潜在的加密支付相关的审查,可能发挥了一定作用。此外,社区对 SHIB 兴趣的增加可能归因于对 Shibarium 发布的预期,Shiba Inu 生态系统的最新发展。

As the SHIB community endeavors to comprehend the factors contributing to this remarkable surge, the overall excitement and speculative discussions surrounding the token continue to fuel its momentum.

随着 SHIB 社区努力理解导致这一显着飙升的因素,围绕该代币的整体兴奋和投机性讨论继续推动其势头。


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