首页 > 资讯新闻 > Kelexo (KLXO)、Cardano 和 Dogecoin 分析师预测 Kelexo 将取得巨大收益

Kelexo (KLXO), Cardano, and Dogecoin Analyst predict Kelexo to make big gains

Kelexo (KLXO)、Cardano 和 Dogecoin 分析师预测 Kelexo 将取得巨大收益

发布: 2024/01/22 18:46 阅读: 434



Kelexo (KLXO)、Cardano 和 Dogecoin 分析师预测 Kelexo 将取得巨大收益

Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA) haven’t been at the races to start the new year. For one, legacy meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) are falling out of fashion seeing as they have already peaked, while Cardano (ADA) has already pumped during the last bull market. Investors are looking for a new sensation, and one of the best newcomers is the recently launched decentralized lending marketplace Kelexo (KLXO).

狗狗币(DOGE)和卡尔达诺(ADA)尚未参加新年的竞赛。首先,像狗狗币(DOGE)这样的传统模因币已经过时了,因为它们已经达到顶峰,而卡尔达诺(ADA)已经在上一次牛市期间上涨。投资者正在寻找一种新的感觉,而最好的新来者之一是最近推出的去中心化借贷市场 Kelexo (KLXO)。

Cardano (ADA) Whale Activity Surges, but Prices Remain the Same


On-chain analytics outfit IntoTheBlock reported an uptick in Cardano (ADA) whale activity in recent months, with the Cardano (ADA) blockchain purportedly averaging as much as $13 billion in daily whale transactions. However, this hasn’t exactly translated into an uptick in price, with ADA prices crabbing between $0.49 to $0.51. In the past month alone, Cardano prices are down by 18%, according to CoinGecko.

链上分析机构 IntoTheBlock 报告称,近几个月来卡尔达诺 (ADA) 鲸鱼活动有所增加,据称卡尔达诺 (ADA) 区块链的每日鲸鱼交易平均高达 130 亿美元。然而,这并没有完全转化为价格上涨,ADA 价格在 0.49 美元至 0.51 美元之间波动。据 CoinGecko 称,仅在过去一个月,卡尔达诺的价格就下跌了 18%。

Can Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Action Break Past $0.10?

狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格走势能否突破 0.10 美元?

Dogecoin (DOGE) prices were trading at $0.08, or a 13% correction on a 30-day basis. Dogecoin (DOGE) was one of the worst-performing large-caps over the past year, but DOGE holders remain solidly behind the OG meme coin. This was evidenced by the rising number of Dogecoin (DOGE) holders, increasing from 5.71 million to 5.76 million holders. Might this foreshadow Dogecoin breaking past $0.10 in the coming weeks? Only time will tell.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格为 0.08 美元,即 30 天修正 13%。狗狗币(DOGE)是过去一年中表现最差的大盘股之一,但狗狗币持有者仍然坚定地支持 OG meme 币。狗狗币 (DOGE) 持有者数量不断增加就证明了这一点,从 571 万增加到 576 万。这是否预示着狗狗币将在未来几周内突破 0.10 美元?只有时间会给出答案。

Kelexo (KLXO) Gears Up for Stage 1 of its Much-Awaited Presale 

Kelexo (KLXO) 为期待已久的预售第一阶段做好准备

Kelexo (KLXO) has gone live with stage 1 of its presale launch—and the decentralized lending protocol could not have timed its launch better. With the Bitcoin halving countdown drawing closer to April, market analysts are bullish about the future prospects of KLXO, with some believing it could surpass Cardano (ADA) and Dogecoin (DOGE) in terms of potential ROI in 2024.

Kelexo (KLXO) 已启动预售第一阶段,而去中心化借贷协议的推出时机再好不过了。随着 4 月份比特币减半倒计时的临近,市场分析师看好 KLXO 的未来前景,一些人认为就 2024 年的潜在投资回报率而言,它可能会超越卡尔达诺 (ADA) 和狗狗币 (DOGE)。

Kelexo solves a long-standing problem in the lending industry by empowering lenders and borrowers to converge and transact 24/7, 365 days a year. Borrowers will be able to avail of credit through crypto loans, while lenders will be able to grow passive income through providing loan facilities with their holdings—all without the pervasive intermediation rife in the P2P lending industry as it exists today. Loans will be fully backed by crypto reserves, while agreements will be bound by smart contract logic.

Kelexo 通过让贷款人和借款人能够全年 365 天、每天 24/7 进行聚合和交易,解决了贷款行业长期存在的问题。借款人将能够通过加密货币贷款获得信贷,而贷方将能够通过以其持有的资产提供贷款便利来增加被动收入——所有这些都不需要当今 P2P 借贷行业普遍存在的中介机构。贷款将完全由加密货币储备支持,而协议将受到智能合约逻辑的约束。

Intermediaries, KYC checks, and excruciating approval processes were yesterday. Kelexo enables access to credit lines anytime, anywhere, and on demand.

中介机构、KYC 检查和令人痛苦的审批流程已成为过去。 Kelexo 可以随时随地按需获取信贷额度。

As Kelexo (KLXO) goes live with its much-awaited launch, the presale is currently in Stage 1, with tokens available at a discounted rate of $0.022. With a total token supply of 440 million, team token allocations locked for 500 days, and a lifetime platform liquidity lock, analysts believe it can go on a 900% increase once the token lists and launches on major exchanges in 2024—perfectly timed for an even greater increase during the bull market.

随着 Kelexo (KLXO) 推出备受期待的产品,预售目前处于第一阶段,代币折扣价为 0.022 美元。代币总供应量为 4.4 亿枚,团队代币分配锁定 500 天,并且平台终身锁定流动性,分析师认为,一旦该代币于 2024 年在主要交易所上市并推出,其代币数量可能会继续增长 900%,这对于牛市期间涨幅更大。

Find out more about the Kelexo presale by visiting the website here

请访问此处的网站,了解有关 Kelexo 预售的更多信息

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