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Dogecoin, FLOKI long bets crushed despite weekend rally

尽管周末反弹,但狗狗币、FLOKI 多头押注仍遭挫败

发布: 2024/01/22 18:35 阅读: 291

原文作者:Todayq News


尽管周末反弹,但狗狗币、FLOKI 多头押注仍遭挫败

Dogecoin, the biggest meme crypto, is struggling to keep up with market expectations with a recent drop. DOGE price declined after recording a breakthrough during the weekend. On–chain data depicts that a huge amount of long bets set on Dogecoin price action got liquidated in the last 24 hours. This comes amid increased anticipation of adoption hopes linked to the creation of an X payments profile on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter).

狗狗币是最大的模因加密货币,最近的下跌正在努力跟上市场预期。 DOGE 价格在周末突破后下跌。链上数据显示,过去 24 小时内,针对狗狗币价格走势的大量多头押注被清算。在此背景下,人们对在社交媒体平台 X(以前称为 Twitter)上创建 X 支付资料的期望越来越高。

Dogecoin fails to gain momentum


According to the data provided by Coinglass, long and short bets set on the Dogecoin price action saw a liquidation of more than $2.77 million. 80% (approx worth $2.22 million) of the total liquidations turned out to be long bets set by the trader. However, DOGE price had dropped by over 3% in the last 24 hours. This suggests that traders were hoping for a higher price surge and a continued upward rally. 

根据 Coinglass 提供的数据,针对狗狗币价格走势的多头和空头押注被清算超过 277 万美元。总清算量中的 80%(约价值 222 万美元)最终被证明是交易者的多头押注。然而,DOGE 价格在过去 24 小时内下跌了 3% 以上。这表明交易员希望价格上涨并持续上涨。

It is important to note that with the recent surge, DOGE finally printed a green index on a 7-day basis. Dogecoin price jumped by around 3% during this period. It is trading at an average price of $0.082, at the press time.

值得注意的是,随着近期的飙升,DOGE最终印出了7日绿色指数。在此期间,狗狗币价格上涨了约 3%。截至发稿时,其交易均价为 0.082 美元。

However, dog-themed meme tokens with Dogecoin,  Floki (FLOKI) also recorded a surge of up to 12% before retracing.

然而,以狗狗为主题的 meme 代币 Dogecoin Floki (FLOKI) 在回撤之前也录得高达 12% 的飙升。

Over the weekend, trading volumes for both DOGE and FLOKI skyrocketed by 200%, according to data from CoinGecko. This surge occurred even as the broader cryptocurrency market exhibited relatively lower volumes and limited volatility. 

根据 CoinGecko 的数据,周末 DOGE 和 FLOKI 的交易量猛增 200%。尽管更广泛的加密货币市场交易量相对较低且波动性有限,但这种飙升还是发生了。

Concurrently, futures tracking these tokens witnessed a substantial increase in open interest. It rose from $200 million to a cumulative $430 million, signaling heightened market interest and increasing bets.

与此同时,追踪这些代币的期货未平仓合约大幅增加。总金额从 2 亿美元增至 4.3 亿美元,表明市场兴趣高涨,押注不断增加。

Good news for meme cryptos?

Meme 加密货币的好消息?

DOGE is known to exhibit upward momentum in response to payments-related developments within companies owned by Elon Musk, such as X or Tesla. On the other hand, Floki, named after Musk’s dog, typically moves as a beta bet among midcap traders.

众所周知,随着埃隆·马斯克旗下公司(例如 X 或特斯拉)内部与支付相关的发展,DOGE 表现出上升势头。另一方面,以马斯克的狗命名的 Floki 通常作为中型股交易者的贝塔赌注。

The newly established @xpayments account on X has quickly garnered over 100,000 followers since its setup late on a Friday, adding to the excitement and speculation within the crypto community.

X 上新建立的 @x payments 账户自周五晚些时候设立以来,迅速获得了超过 10 万粉丝,增加了加密社区内的兴奋和猜测。

Earlier this month, X announced its intention to launch peer-to-peer payments capability on the application in the coming year. Elon Musk has previously hinted at the potential inclusion of cryptocurrencies in the platform’s features.

本月早些时候,X 宣布打算明年在该应用程序上推出点对点支付功能。埃隆·马斯克此前曾暗示可能将加密货币纳入该平台的功能中。

While there has been no official confirmation regarding DOGE being featured as a payment option on X, traders speculate based on Elon Musk’s occasional mentions of DOGE. Musk teased DOGE payments on Twitter in April 2023, proposing Dogecoin as one of the payment options for Twitter Blue, the platform’s subscription service with premium features.

虽然尚未正式确认 DOGE 被作为 X 上的支付选项,但交易员根据埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 偶尔提及 DOGE 的情况进行推测。 2023 年 4 月,马斯克在 Twitter 上调侃 DOGE 支付,提议将狗狗币作为 Twitter Blue(该平台具有高级功能的订阅服务)的支付选项之一。

It’s worth noting that Musk’s electric car company, Tesla, already accepts DOGE payments for merchandise purchases through the Tesla Store.

值得注意的是,马斯克的电动汽车公司特斯拉已经接受 DOGE 付款,通过特斯拉商店购买商品。

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