首页 > 资讯新闻 > 领先交易商 AngeloBTC 预计狗狗币将触及 1 美元; BNB 突破 220 美元,VC Spectra 飙升 500%

Leading Trader AngeloBTC Foresees Dogecoin Hitting $1; BNB Surpasses $220, VC Spectra Soars 500%

领先交易商 AngeloBTC 预计狗狗币将触及 1 美元; BNB 突破 220 美元,VC Spectra 飙升 500%

发布: 2023/10/29 18:38 阅读: 812



AngeloBTC makes an optimistic prediction about Dogecoin (DOGE). At the same time, BNB (BNB) soars above $220. Meanwhile, VC Spectra (SPCT) investors are ecstatic as the token gains over 500%.

AngeloBTC 对狗狗币(DOGE)做出乐观预测。与此同时,币安币(BNB)飙升至220美元上方。与此同时,VC Spectra (SPCT) 投资者因该代币涨幅超过 500% 而欣喜若狂。

How soon will AngeloBTC’s prediction become reality? What is driving BNB and VC Spectra’s surge? Let’s unveil the top crypto to buy.

AngeloBTC的预测多久才能成为现实?是什么推动了 BNB 和 VC Spectra 的飙升?让我们揭晓最值得购买的加密货币。


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  • Dogecoin (DOGE) needs a spectacular 1,415% surge to reach $1.
  • 狗狗币 (DOGE) 需要大幅上涨 1,415% 才能达到 1 美元。

  • The BNB coin price could reach $378.74 in 2023.
  • 2023 年,BNB 代币价格可能达到 378.74 美元。

  • VC Spectra (SPCT) has many perks for investors apart from token appreciation.
  • 除了代币升值之外,VC Spectra (SPCT) 还为投资者带来许多好处。

When Will Dogecoin (DOGE) Hit $1?

狗狗币(DOGE)何时会达到 1 美元?

On October 23, 2023, leading crypto trader AngeloBTC said on X that Dogecoin (DOGE) will hit $1 soon. For reference, Dogecoin (DOGE) has never reached $1, with its highest limit being $0.700.

2023 年 10 月 23 日,领先的加密货币交易商 AngeloBTC 在 X 上表示,狗狗币(DOGE)很快将达到 1 美元。作为参考,狗狗币 (DOGE) 从未达到过 1 美元,其最高限额为 0.700 美元。

However, the meme coin has a history of being influenced by popular sentiment. Notably, whenever billionaire Elon Musk has referenced the meme coin, investors have rushed to buy Dogecoin, and the price of the coin has increased.


Since AngeloBTC’s post, Dogecoin (DOGE) price has increased 6.5% from $0.062 to $0.066 as of October 25. However, it remains to be seen if his post can trigger an extended pump and influence people to buy Dogecoin.

自 AngeloBTC 发帖以来,截至 10 月 25 日,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格已从 0.062 美元上涨 6.5% 至 0.066 美元。然而,他的帖子是否会引发长期上涨并影响人们购买狗狗币,还有待观察。

Experts’ DOGE price prediction is $0.096 for 2023. According to their analysis, this prediction can become a reality if the market experiences an extended bull run. But they say Dogecoin (DOGE) might not reach $1 anytime soon as the token will have to gain 1,415%.

专家对 2023 年 DOGE 价格的预测为 0.096 美元。根据他们的分析,如果市场经历长期牛市,这一预测可能成为现实。但他们表示,狗狗币 (DOGE) 可能不会很快达到 1 美元,因为该代币必须上涨 1,415%。

That doesn’t mean you cannot buy Dogecoin; there’s still the possibility of a decent surge before the end of the year.


BNB (BNB) Token Burn Spurs Price Past $220

BNB (BNB) 代币销毁刺激价格突破 220 美元

On October 16, Binance burnt 2.14 million BNB tokens as part of its regular quarterly burn, which began in October 2017. Binance is committed to taking 100 million BNB, half of BNB circulating supply, out of circulation. This action helps to make the token more valuable through scarcity. Since then, 800,000 to 2 million BNB has been burnt every quarter.

10 月 16 日,币安销毁了 214 万枚 BNB 代币,这是自 2017 年 10 月开始的定期季度销毁的一部分。币安承诺将 1 亿枚 BNB(占 BNB 流通供应量的一半)退出流通。这一行动有助于通过稀缺性使代币变得更有价值。此后,每个季度都有 80 万至 200 万个 BNB 被销毁。

Since the latest burn, the BNB coin price has gained 7.3%, rising from $209.75 to $225.01 and soaring past its previous $220 resistance. According to analysts, the burn has contributed to this pump.

自最近一次销毁以来,BNB 代币价格上涨了 7.3%,从 209.75 美元上涨至 225.01 美元,并飙升至之前的 220 美元阻力位。据分析人士称,烧伤是造成这种泵的原因之一。

Analysts predict the BNB coin price could reach $378.74 before the end of 2023. This BNB price prediction is based on the expectation of a general market bull run before the year is over. Analysts say the approval of the spot Bitcoin ETF applications by the US SEC will drive this bull run.

分析师预测 BNB 币价在 2023 年底前可能达到 378.74 美元。这一 BNB 价格预测是基于对年底前市场普遍牛市的预期。分析师表示,美国 SEC 批准现货比特币 ETF 申请将推动本次牛市。

Why VC Spectra (SPCT) Has Gained 587.5% So Far

为什么 VC Spectra (SPCT) 迄今为止已上涨 587.5%

VC Spectra (SPCT) investors are currently seeing huge returns on their investments as the coin has surged by 587.5% since its public presale began. At the beginning of the presale, SPCT was worth $0.008, but now, at Stage 4, it is worth $0.055. This surge has been driven by massive demand during the presale, with the price running ahead of predictions.

VC Spectra (SPCT) 投资者目前看到了巨大的投资回报,自公开预售开始以来,该代币已飙升 587.5%。预售开始时,SPCT 的价值为 0.008 美元,但现在,在第 4 阶段,其价值为 0.055 美元。这种飙升是由预售期间的巨大需求推动的,价格超出了预期。

The large demand is also a product of initial surges and the unique features that VC Spectra (SPCT) offers to users. VC Spectra (SPCT) is a decentralized hedge fund that allows regular people to invest in the blockchain space. You can invest in growth-potential blockchain startups, new DeFi projects, and specialized crypto niches. You can also engage in arbitrage trading and lend or stake your crypto assets.

巨大的需求也是最初激增和 VC Spectra (SPCT) 为用户提供的独特功能的产物。 VC Spectra (SPCT) 是一个去中心化的对冲基金,允许普通人投资区块链领域。您可以投资具有增长潜力的区块链初创公司、新的 DeFi 项目和专门的加密利基市场。您还可以进行套利交易并出借或质押您的加密资产。

VC Spectra (SPCT) leverages AI to choose the most profitable trades and startups. Guidance is also provided throughout the investing process.

VC Spectra (SPCT) 利用人工智能来选择最有利可图的交易和初创公司。还在整个投资过程中提供指导。

Investing with VC Spectra (SPCT) entitles you to quarterly dividends, access to exclusive pre-ICOs, and voting rights on community proposals. You also get a deposit bonus every time you purchase SPCT.

通过 VC Spectra (SPCT) 进行投资,您将有权获得季度股息、独家预售 ICO 以及对社区提案的投票权。每次购买 SPCT 时您还会获得存款奖金。

All these features and benefits are why analysts choose VC Spectra (SPCT) as the best crypto to invest in now.

所有这些功能和优势都是分析师选择 VC Spectra (SPCT) 作为目前最佳投资加密货币的原因。

To learn more about VC Spectra (SPCT), visit:

要了解有关 VC Spectra (SPCT) 的更多信息,请访问:

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领先交易员 AngeloBTC 预计狗狗币将触及 1 美元; BNB 突破 220 美元,VC Spectra 飙升 500% 首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin。


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