首页 > 资讯新闻 > 莱特币和门罗币出现了问题,而DigiToads保持着看涨的势头

Litecoin and Monero stumble, DigiToads retains bullish momentum


发布: 2023/08/13 19:30 阅读: 658



The crypto landscape is a dynamic interplay of volatility, where even established giants encounter hurdles while new entrants rise to prominence. Currently, Litecoin (LTC) and Monero (XMR) are grappling with downturns, while an emerging project, DigiToads (TOADS), is carving market share.

加密货币格局是波动性的动态相互作用,即使是老牌巨头也会遇到障碍,而新进入者却会崭露头角。目前,莱特币 (LTC) 和门罗币 (XMR) 正在努力应对经济低迷,而新兴项目 DigiToads (TOADS) 正在争夺市场份额。

Amid a broader market decline in July 2023, Litecoin and Monero suffered setbacks, falling by 40% and 30%, respectively. Their collapse reflects highlights the challenging crypto market conditions.

在 2023 年 7 月的大盘下跌中,莱特币和门罗币遭遇挫折,分别下跌 40% 和 30%。它们的崩溃凸显了加密货币市场条件的挑战。

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Amidst increasing market interest, DigiToads is gaining popularity with its play-to-earn (P2E) gaming ecosystem. 

随着市场兴趣的增加,DigiToads 凭借其即玩即赚 (P2E) 游戏生态系统越来越受欢迎。

The ongoing presale has already raised over $6.8 million, with almost 94.4% of the platform’s native token, TOADS, already claimed.

正在进行的预售已筹集超过 680 万美元,平台原生代币 TOADS 的近 94.4% 已被认领。

Exploring DigiToads

探索 DigiToads

DigiToads introduces a new concept by intertwining gaming and blockchain through its P2E gaming model. The project leverages new technology to give gamers a sense of ownership and rarity, enhancing their experience beyond the screen.

DigiToads 通过其 P2E 游戏模型将游戏和区块链交织在一起,引入了一个新概念。该项目利用新技术为游戏玩家带来归属感和稀有感,增强他们在屏幕之外的体验。

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Players immerse themselves in virtual realms and earn TOADS while actively participating. This approach alters how games are played and opens new avenues for players to engage.

玩家沉浸在虚拟领域中,在积极参与的同时赚取 TOADS。这种方法改变了游戏的玩法,并为玩家参与提供了新的途径。

DigiToads also taps into non-fungible tokens (NFTs), adding rarity and ownership to in-game assets and bridging the gap between virtual and real-world economies.

DigiToads 还利用了不可替代代币 (NFT),增加了游戏内资产的稀有性和所有权,并弥合了虚拟经济和现实世界经济之间的差距。

Litecoin and Monero headwinds


The July downturn of Litecoin and Monero can be attributed to multiple factors. 

莱特币和门罗币 7 月份的低迷可归因于多种因素。

The broader crypto market faced pressure due to investor risk aversion from inflation and rising interest rates. 


Additionally, Litecoin faced competition from emerging alternatives like Solana and Avalanche. At the same time, Monero faced challenges from regulators because of its emphasis on privacy.

此外,莱特币还面临来自 Solana 和 Avalanche 等新兴替代品的竞争。与此同时,门罗币因其对隐私的重视而面临监管机构的挑战。

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Despite these challenges, LTC and XMR retain devoted followers and are popular. For instance, Litecoin is often considered silver to Bitcoin’s gold and has significant adoption. On the other hand, Monero appeals to privacy-conscious users seeking anonymity. 

尽管面临这些挑战,LTC 和 XMR 仍然保留着忠实的追随者并且很受欢迎。例如,莱特币通常被认为是比特币黄金中的白银,并且得到了广泛的采用。另一方面,门罗币吸引了注重隐私、寻求匿名的用户。

Whether their July decline indicates temporary setbacks or deeper issues remains to be seen. Most importantly, addressing challenges will be crucial for their potential resurgence.




DigiToads has a transformative vision amid these dynamics. Their presale success and gaming model underscore the community’s trust. The platform blurs the boundaries between gaming and blockchain, offering an immersive experience with tangible rewards.

DigiToads 在这些动态中拥有变革性的愿景。他们预售的成功和游戏模式强调了社区的信任。该平台模糊了游戏和区块链之间的界限,提供身临其境的体验和切实的奖励。

In a rapidly evolving market, TOADS is positioned as a worthy player as DigiToads actively aims to revolutionize gaming using crypto. Meanwhile, LTC and XMR are facing challenges that need to be resolved.

在快速发展的市场中,TOADS 被定位为有价值的参与者,因为 DigiToads 积极致力于使用加密技术彻底改变游戏。与此同时,LTC和XMR也面临着需要解决的挑战。

Visit DigiToads Presale

访问 DigiToads 预售

Mint DigiToads NFTs Here

在这里薄荷 DigiToads NFT

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

在 OpenSea 上购买 DigiToads NFT

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阅读更多:镜头下的柴犬、狗狗币和 DigiToads 模因币

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披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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