首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 萊特幣和門羅幣下跌,DigiToads 保持看漲勢頭

Litecoin and Monero stumble, DigiToads retains bullish momentum

萊特幣和門羅幣下跌,DigiToads 保持看漲勢頭

發布: 2023/08/13 19:30 閱讀: 658



The crypto landscape is a dynamic interplay of volatility, where even established giants encounter hurdles while new entrants rise to prominence. Currently, Litecoin (LTC) and Monero (XMR) are grappling with downturns, while an emerging project, DigiToads (TOADS), is carving market share.

加密貨幣格局是波動性的動態交互作用,即使是老牌巨頭也會遇到障礙,而新進業者卻會嶄露頭角。目前,萊特幣 (LTC) 和門羅幣 (XMR) 正在努力應對經濟低迷,而新興項目 DigiToads (TOADS) 正在爭奪市場份額。

Amid a broader market decline in July 2023, Litecoin and Monero suffered setbacks, falling by 40% and 30%, respectively. Their collapse reflects highlights the challenging crypto market conditions.

在 2023 年 7 月的大盤下跌中,萊特幣和門羅幣遭遇挫折,分別下跌 40% 和 30%。它們的崩潰凸顯了加密貨幣市場條件的挑戰。

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Amidst increasing market interest, DigiToads is gaining popularity with its play-to-earn (P2E) gaming ecosystem. 

隨著市場興趣的增加,DigiToads 憑藉其即玩即賺 (P2E) 遊戲生態系統越來越受歡迎。

The ongoing presale has already raised over $6.8 million, with almost 94.4% of the platform’s native token, TOADS, already claimed.

正在進行的預售已籌集超過 680 萬美元,平台原生代幣 TOADS 的近 94.4% 已被認領。

Exploring DigiToads

探索 DigiToads

DigiToads introduces a new concept by intertwining gaming and blockchain through its P2E gaming model. The project leverages new technology to give gamers a sense of ownership and rarity, enhancing their experience beyond the screen.

DigiToads 透過其 P2E 遊戲模型將遊戲和區塊鏈交織在一起,引入了一個新概念。該項目利用新技術為遊戲玩家帶來歸屬感和稀有感,增強他們在螢幕之外的體驗。

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Players immerse themselves in virtual realms and earn TOADS while actively participating. This approach alters how games are played and opens new avenues for players to engage.

玩家沉浸在虛擬領域中,在積極參與的同時賺取 TOADS。這種方法改變了遊戲的玩法,並為玩家參與提供了新的途徑。

DigiToads also taps into non-fungible tokens (NFTs), adding rarity and ownership to in-game assets and bridging the gap between virtual and real-world economies.

DigiToads 還利用了不可替代代幣 (NFT),增加了遊戲內資產的稀有性和所有權,並彌合了虛擬經濟和現實世界經濟之間的差距。

Litecoin and Monero headwinds


The July downturn of Litecoin and Monero can be attributed to multiple factors. 

萊特幣和門羅幣 7 月的低迷可歸因於多種因素。

The broader crypto market faced pressure due to investor risk aversion from inflation and rising interest rates. 


Additionally, Litecoin faced competition from emerging alternatives like Solana and Avalanche. At the same time, Monero faced challenges from regulators because of its emphasis on privacy.

此外,萊特幣還面臨來自 Solana 和 Avalanche 等新興替代方案的競爭。同時,門羅幣因其對隱私的重視而面臨監管機構的挑戰。

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Despite these challenges, LTC and XMR retain devoted followers and are popular. For instance, Litecoin is often considered silver to Bitcoin’s gold and has significant adoption. On the other hand, Monero appeals to privacy-conscious users seeking anonymity. 

儘管面臨這些挑戰,LTC 和 XMR 仍然保留著忠實的追隨者並且很受歡迎。例如,萊特幣通常被認為是比特幣黃金中的白銀,並且得到了廣泛的採用。另一方面,門羅幣吸引了注重隱私、尋求匿名的用戶。

Whether their July decline indicates temporary setbacks or deeper issues remains to be seen. Most importantly, addressing challenges will be crucial for their potential resurgence.




DigiToads has a transformative vision amid these dynamics. Their presale success and gaming model underscore the community’s trust. The platform blurs the boundaries between gaming and blockchain, offering an immersive experience with tangible rewards.

DigiToads 在這些動態中擁有變革性的願景。他們預售的成功和遊戲模式強調了社群的信任。該平台模糊了遊戲和區塊鏈之間的界限,提供身臨其境的體驗和切實的獎勵。

In a rapidly evolving market, TOADS is positioned as a worthy player as DigiToads actively aims to revolutionize gaming using crypto. Meanwhile, LTC and XMR are facing challenges that need to be resolved.

在快速發展的市場中,TOADS 被定位為有價值的參與者,因為 DigiToads 積極致力於使用加密技術徹底改變遊戲。同時,LTC和XMR也面臨需要解決的挑戰。

Visit DigiToads Presale

造訪 DigiToads 預售

Mint DigiToads NFTs Here

在這裡薄荷 DigiToads NFT

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

在 OpenSea 上購買 DigiToads NFT

Join the community 


閱讀更多:鏡頭下的柴犬、狗狗幣和 DigiToads 模因幣

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披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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