首页 > 资讯新闻 > 登月任务之前的大规模狗狗币交易; InQubeta 预售筹集超过 800 万美元,超出预期

Massive Dogecoin Trade Ahead of Moon Mission; InQubeta Presale Exceeding Forecasts with Over $8M Raised

登月任务之前的大规模狗狗币交易; InQubeta 预售筹集超过 800 万美元,超出预期

发布: 2024/01/16 21:04 阅读: 600



In the fast-paced world of crypto for beginners, two names are currently dominating the headlines: the Internet’s favorite canine-inspired coin, Dogecoin (DOGE), and the rising star of the blockchain scene, InQubeta (QUBE)

在面向初学者的快节奏加密货币世界中,有两个名字目前占据着头条新闻:互联网上最受欢迎的受犬类启发的硬币 Dogecoin (DOGE) 和区块链场景的后起之秀 InQubeta (QUBE)。

As Dogecoin takes a brief nap after a stellar surge, gearing up for a lunar landing, InQubeta is stealing the spotlight as one of the best cryptocurrency for beginners. Its presale is exceeding all forecasts, raising a whopping $8.2 million. 

当狗狗币在飙升后短暂小睡,为登月做准备时,InQubeta 作为最适合初学者的加密货币之一而成为众人瞩目的焦点。它的预售超出了所有预期,筹集了高达 820 万美元的资金。

Let’s take a deeper dive into these two digital assets.


Riding the Waves: Dogecoin’s Recent Performance


In the aftermath of its 10th anniversary celebration that took Dogecoin to a high of $0.10 on December 11, the crypto has experienced a modest pullback. The daily and weekly charts indicated a gradual decline, with the price going below the MA 50 at $0.08.

12 月 11 日,狗狗币在其 10 周年庆祝活动中升至 0.10 美元的高点,此后,该加密货币经历了小幅回调。日线图和周线图显示价格逐渐下跌,价格跌破 50 移动平均线 0.08 美元。

Despite suffering consecutive weeks of losses since early December, Dogecoin bulls might be preparing for a comeback. On January 8, a physical Dogecoin was launched into space and was set to land on the moon via Astrobotic’s Peregrine Lunar Lander inside a DHL MoonBox. Unfortunately, there were complications and the attempt had to be abandoned.

尽管自 12 月初以来连续几周下跌,但狗狗币多头可能正在为卷土重来做准备。 1 月 8 日,实体狗狗币被发射到太空,并准备通过 DHL MoonBox 内的 Astrobotic 的 Peregrine 月球着陆器登陆月球。不幸的是,由于出现了一些复杂情况,这一尝试不得不放弃。

The meme coin’s connection with lunar activities isn’t new, with Elon Musk proposing a Doge-1 spacecraft to the moon funded entirely by Dogecoin back in 2021. However, not everyone is caught up in the hype. Renowned developer Mishaboar reminds the Dogecoin community to approach special events with caution, emphasizing that crypto markets are often theaters for pump-and-dump events. So, while the moon mission added an exciting twist, staying grounded remains key.

迷因币与月球活动的联系并不新鲜,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 早在 2021 年就提出了完全由狗狗币资助的 Doge-1 太空飞船前往月球的计划。然而,并不是所有人都被炒作所吸引。著名开发商 Mishaboar 提醒狗狗币社区谨慎对待特殊事件,并强调加密货币市场往往是拉高抛售事件的舞台。因此,虽然登月任务增添了令人兴奋的转折,但保持脚踏实地仍然是关键。

InQubeta Presale Exceeding Forecasts with Over $8M Raised

InQubeta 预售筹集超过 800 万美元,超出预期

Now, let’s shift gears to the rising star that’s stealing the spotlight in the best cryptocurrency arena: InQubeta (QUBE). This newcomer is making waves with its unique fusion of AI and blockchain technology, earning a spot on the top ICO list of many crypto aficionados.

现在,让我们把焦点转向在最佳加密货币领域抢尽风头的后起之秀:InQubeta (QUBE)。这个新来者以其独特的人工智能和区块链技术融合而引起轰动,在许多加密货币爱好者的 ICO 排行榜上赢得了一席之地。

InQubeta’s Unprecedented Success

InQubeta 取得了前所未有的成功

InQubeta’s presale is currently in Stage 7, offering QUBE tokens at an attractive price of $0.0224. The project has exceeded expectations, having already raised a staggering $8.2 million. And with over 721 million tokens in the hands of early investors, it’s gaining momentum. Get ready for the next stage, where the crypto ICO token price is set to rise to $0.0255. This is your cue to jump in before the next surge.

InQubeta 的预售目前处于第 7 阶段,以 0.0224 美元的诱人价格提供 QUBE 代币。该项目超出了预期,已经筹集了惊人的 820 万美元。随着早期投资者手中有超过 7.21 亿枚代币,它的势头正在增强。为下一阶段做好准备,加密货币 ICO 代币价格将上涨至 0.0255 美元。这是你在下一次浪潮之前加入的提示。

AI Meets Blockchain: InQubeta’s Game-Changing Approach

人工智能遇上区块链:InQubeta 改变游戏规则的方法

InQubeta (QUBE) is turning heads by shaking up the AI scene, being the first ever crowdfunding platform for AI startups powered by crypto. It’s unlocking the doors to AI investments, making it accessible to everyone, not just the big players. InQubeta is transforming investment opportunities into trending NFTs, allowing individuals to grab a piece of the AI action and join the money-making party.

InQubeta(QUBE)通过撼动人工智能领域而引起人们的关注,成为第一个由加密技术支持的人工智能初创公司的众筹平台。它打开了人工智能投资的大门,让每个人都可以使用它,而不仅仅是大公司。 InQubeta 正在将投资机会转化为流行的 NFT,让个人能够从人工智能行动中分一杯羹,加入赚钱的队伍。

The Benefits of Holding QUBE Tokens

持有 QUBE 代币的好处

Investors are in for a treat with InQubeta’s staking mechanism. Holders can stake their tokens in a dedicated staking pool funded by a buy-and-sell tax, earning additional returns. It’s a win-win situation, as the reduced token supply and increased demand could lead to a potential price surge over time.

投资者可以享受 InQubeta 的质押机制。持有者可以将他们的代币投入由买卖税资助的专用质押池中,从而获得额外的回报。这是一个双赢的局面,因为随着时间的推移,代币供应的减少和需求的增加可能会导致价格潜在的飙升。

With a community-based platform, investors also gain governance rights, allowing them to propose and vote on decisions. This ensures a collaborative and transparent environment.


Conclusion: Seize the Opportunity with InQubeta

结论:与 InQubeta 一起抓住机遇

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, opportunities arise when you least expect them. Dogecoin’s failed lunar attempt added a dash of excitement, but don’t overlook the real game-changer – InQubeta (QUBE). With its successful presale, innovative approach to AI investments, and enticing token prices, it stands out as one of the best cryptocurrency to buy now for 2024.

在加密货币的动态世界中,机会会在您最意想不到的时候出现。狗狗币失败的登月尝试增添了一丝兴奋,但不要忽视真正的游戏规则改变者——InQubeta (QUBE)。凭借其成功的预售、创新的人工智能投资方法以及诱人的代币价格,它成为 2024 年最值得购买的加密货币之一。

Dive into the crypto revolution with InQubeta. Visit their website for more details, or join the community on Twitter for updates. The future of AI investments is here, and it’s time for you to be a part of it. 

与 InQubeta 一起深入了解加密货币革命。请访问他们的网站了解更多详细信息,或加入 Twitter 社区以获取最新动态。人工智能投资的未来已经到来,您也可以参与其中。

Visit InQubeta Presale 

访问 InQubeta 预售

Join The InQubeta Communities

加入 InQubeta 社区

Source: https://thebittimes.com/massive-dogecoin-trade-ahead-of-moon-mission-inqubeta-presale-exceeding-forecasts-with-over-8m-raised-tbt76721.html



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