首页 > 资讯新闻 > 本季度山寨币季节最值得购买的 Meme 币 – Dogecoin、$ETF、Meme Kombat、Pepe

Best Meme Coins to Buy for Altcoin Season This Quarter – Dogecoin, $ETF, Meme Kombat, Pepe

本季度山寨币季节最值得购买的 Meme 币 – Dogecoin、$ETF、Meme Kombat、Pepe

发布: 2023/11/16 12:00 阅读: 430



With the next crypto bull run seemingly within arms reach, meme coins could experience tremendous growth in the coming months. However, not all meme coins will make it big.


This article explores the top five that could explode this year. We consider factors like market cap, community, and market trends and include some new meme coins with high potential.


Meme Kombat: Multi-Purpose Meme Coin Currently in Presale Having Raised $1.6M

Meme Kombat:多用途 Meme 硬币目前正在进行预售,已筹集 160 万美元

Meme Kombat is our pick for the best meme coin to buy in 2023 overall. There are multiple reasons for this, mainly that it blends the viral allure of meme coins with the ongoing trend of play to earn crypto gaming, or ‘GameFi’.

Meme Kombat 是我们选出的 2023 年最值得购买的 Meme 币。造成这种情况的原因有多种,主要是它将模因币的病毒式魅力与赚取加密游戏(或“GameFi”)的持续趋势相结合。

The project enables users to gamble on the outcome of AI-generated battles between meme coin characters. There are multiple game modes and gambling mechanisms, making for an exhilarating experience.


Yet, in typical meme coin fashion, the project significantly emphasizes community participation. It features a dynamic staking mechanism with a high annual percentage yield (APY) in the triple digits.


This new meme coin project is also currently on presale, and has raised $1.6 million in just over one month. This illustrates a significant interest from the community, which could potentially translate to high price potential after its IEO.

这个新的 meme 币项目目前也正在进行预售,仅一个多月就筹集了 160 万美元。这说明了社区的浓厚兴趣,这可能会在 IEO 后转化为高价格潜力。

50% of tokens will be available throughout the presale, with 10% allocated to DEX liquidity, 30% to staking and battle rewards, and 10% to community rewards.

预售期间将提供 50% 的代币,其中 10% 分配给 DEX 流动性,30% 用于质押和战斗奖励,10% 用于社区奖励。

Investors can buy $MK for $0.189, although act fast as there are incremental price increases during the ICO phase.

投资者可以以 0.189 美元的价格购买 MK 美元,但行动要迅速,因为 ICO 阶段价格会不断上涨。

Visit Meme Kombat Presale

访问 Meme Kombat 预售

Dogecoin: Leading Meme Coin by Market Cap and Community


Another strong candidate for the best meme coin to buy now is Dogecoin. The reason for this is that it boasts the largest market cap and the community among all meme coins.

现在最值得购买的模因币的另一个有力候选者是狗狗币。原因是它拥有所有 meme 币中最大的市值和社区。

With this in mind, Dogecoin may be a safer bet since it is more well-established than the other meme coins on this list.


However, it has yet to gain as much traction as other meme projects in recent months.


Yet it has started gathering pace, up almost 30% this month. This could indicate a shifting momentum for Dogecoin, enabling it to pump significantly in the coming months.

然而,它已经开始加快步伐,本月上涨了近 30%。这可能表明狗狗币的势头正在转变,使其在未来几个月内大幅上涨。

Dogecoin holds a $10 billion market cap, priced at just under $0.08. This is -89% from its May 2021 all-time high of $0.7376, giving room for almost a 10x from its current price.

狗狗币的市值为 100 亿美元,价格略低于 0.08 美元。这比 2021 年 5 月的历史高点 0.7376 美元低了 -89%,为当前价格提供了近 10 倍的空间。

Another important consideration is that it has the backing of Elon Musk. What’s more, Musk recently stated that none of his companies would create a cryptocurrency. While this may seem bearish, it may simply be that he prefers to integrate Dogecoin as a means of payment into his multitude of businesses.


ETF The Token: GambleFi Meme Coin Enabling Investors to Wager on the Upcoming Bitcoin ETF Approvals

ETF 代币:GambleFi Meme 代币使投资者能够押注即将到来的比特币 ETF 批准

Another project aiming to blur the lines between betting and meme coins is ETF The Token. However, the project boasts an added twist of harnessing the limitless potential of the upcoming Bitcoin ETF approvals for maximum reach and awareness.

另一个旨在模糊博彩和模因币之间界限的项目是 ETF The Token。然而,该项目还有一个额外的亮点,即利用即将到来的比特币 ETF 批准的无限潜力,以实现最大的影响力和知名度。

The project features “betting vaults,” where users can wager $ETF tokens on various ETF application outcomes like “Will the SEC formally approve ANY BTC spot ETF application in 2023?”.

该项目以“投注金库”为特色,用户可以在各种 ETF 申请结果上押注 ETF 代币,例如“SEC 会在 2023 年正式批准任何 BTC 现货 ETF 申请吗?”。

However, the platform also offers market-related betting options like “Will the US CPI September YoY data released 13th October 2023 exceed the projected 3.6%?”.

不过,该平台还提供与市场相关的投注选项,例如“2023年10月13日发布的美国CPI 9月同比数据是否会超过预期的3.6%?”。

This provides an exciting and engaging way for users to earn crypto. Moreover, tying in with market events could entice users, given its increased predictability compared to casino or sports betting.


ETH The Token also features an “ETF approval game,” where users can wager $ETF tokens and then partake in a game to earn more crypto.

ETH 代币还具有“ETF 批准游戏”功能,用户可以下注 ETF 代币,然后参与游戏以赚取更多加密货币。

This unique concept has drawn significant interest, mainly due to its relation to the significance of the ongoing Bitcoin ETF applications. It’s also benefitted from an association with top traders like Zoran Kole and CryptoISO.

这一独特的概念引起了人们的极大兴趣,主要是因为它与正在进行的比特币 ETF 应用的重要性有关。它还受益于与 Zoran Kole 和 CryptoISO 等顶级交易商的合作。

The interest is reflected in its price, and $ETF is currently sitting at a $5 million market cap currently, since launching in September and currently testing its October high.

这种兴趣反映在其价格中,自 9 月份推出以来,$ETF 目前的市值为 500 万美元,目前正在测试 10 月份的高点。

Bitcoin ETF Token: Bitcoin ETF-Focused Meme Coin With Staking Utility and Burning

比特币 ETF 代币:以比特币 ETF 为中心的 Meme 代币,具有质押功能和燃烧功能

Another meme coin leveraging the prominent Bitcoin ETF craze is Bitcoin ETF Token. The project blends several ETF-focused utilities, enabling users to generate rewards without gambling, unlike with ETF The Token.

另一种利用比特币 ETF 热潮的模因币是比特币 ETF 代币。该项目融合了多种以 ETF 为中心的实用程序,使用户能够在不赌博的情况下获得奖励,这与 ETF The Token 不同。

Users can stake their $BTCETF tokens for passive rewards. Presale investors can earn a 2,300% APY, but they must hurry because the yield will decrease as the staking pool size grows.

用户可以质押其 $BTCETF 代币以获得被动奖励。预售投资者可以获得 2,300% 的年化收益,但他们必须抓紧时间,因为随着质押池规模的扩大,收益率会下降。

It also features a burn mechanism that corresponds with key Bitcoin ETF events. 5% of its total supply will be burned at five key milestones throughout the Bitcoin ETF process. This will create scarcity when hype and euphoria are highest, translating to significant upside potential.

它还具有与关键比特币 ETF 事件相对应的销毁机制。其总供应量的 5% 将在整个比特币 ETF 流程的五个关键里程碑处被销毁。当炒作和兴奋最高时,这将造成稀缺,转化为巨大的上行潜力。

However, the project is more than a financial instrument; it is a movement and celebration of Bitcoin ETFs and the mass adoption they may bring. The Bitcoin ETF Token website features a news section that updates users on the latest market events.

然而,该项目不仅仅是一种金融工具;这是对比特币 ETF 及其可能带来的大规模采用的一场运动和庆祝。比特币 ETF 代币网站设有新闻部分,为用户更新最新的市场事件。

Meanwhile, the Bitcoin ETF Token Twitter also regularly updates followers on important occurrences. Ultimately, the project aims to generate a tight-knit community, all focused on the end goal of Bitcoin ETF approval.

与此同时,比特币 ETF 代币 Twitter 也会定期向关注者通报重要事件的最新情况。最终,该项目旨在建立一个紧密联系的社区,所有社区都专注于比特币 ETF 获得批准的最终目标。

Currently, it is in its stage one presale, priced at $0.005. This presents the lowest ever $BTCETF price, but buyers must be quick as it will rise in two days.

目前,它处于第一阶段预售,售价为 0.005 美元。这是有史以来最低的 BTCETF 价格,但买家必须快点,因为两天后价格就会上涨。

Pepe: Trending Meme Coin With Significantly Lower Market Cap than SHIB and DOGE

Pepe:流行的 Meme 币,市值明显低于 SHIB 和 DOGE

Alongside Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, Pepe is a meme coin market leader. However, the project has experienced substantially more hype and community activity in recent months. For instance, Pepe regularly appears on CoinMarketCap’s top trending list, while Dogecoin and Shiba Inu rarely pop up.

与狗狗币和柴犬一起,佩佩是模因币市场的领导者。然而,近几个月来,该项目经历了更多的炒作和社区活动。例如,Pepe 经常出现在 CoinMarketCap 的热门趋势列表中,而 Dogecoin 和 Shiba Inu 则很少出现。

That said, the project currently holds a significantly lower market cap, at $482 million, while Dogecoin is at $10 billion and Shiba Inu is at $4.8 billion.

尽管如此,该项目目前的市值明显较低,为 4.82 亿美元,而狗狗币为 100 亿美元,柴犬为 48 亿美元。

Given the looming crypto bull run and the price potential of both DOGE and SHIB, this could result in unprecedented gains for Pepe.

考虑到即将到来的加密货币牛市以及 DOGE 和 SHIB 的价格潜力,这可能会给 Pepe 带来前所未有的收益。

Pepe suffered a substantial sell-off after peaking at a $1.8 billion market cap in May. Yet, it has recovered a notable portion of its losses over the past month, climbing over 80%.

佩佩的市值在 5 月份达到 18 亿美元的峰值后遭遇大幅抛售。然而,过去一个月,该公司已收复了很大一部分损失,涨幅超过 80%。

This indicates its growing bullish momentum, but its relatively low market cap leaves lots more room for growth.





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