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The Meme Coins Set To Explode In The Next Crypto Boom

Meme 币将在下一次加密繁荣中爆炸

发布: 2023/09/25 10:08 阅读: 318

原文作者:BTC Peers


Meme 币将在下一次加密繁荣中爆炸

The last crypto boom saw massive gains for many investors, but some missed out on capitalizing on the monumental growth. With indicators pointing to another potential crypto bull run on the horizon, Shiba Inu (SHIB), Binance Coin (BNB), and the newcomer Kangamoon (KANG) present lucrative opportunities for those looking to dive into the market.


Shiba Inu Captures Attention of Canadians


In a telling sign of surging interest in the meme coin Shiba Inu, recent data from Google Trends showed SHIB dominating search volume in Canada over the past month. Outpacing major cryptos Cardano and Dogecoin, Shiba Inu reached a peak popularity score of 100 in Canada on August 15.

谷歌趋势的最新数据显示,过去一个月,SHIB 在加拿大的搜索量中占据主导地位,这是人们对迷因硬币 Shiba Inu 兴趣高涨的明显迹象。 8 月 15 日,Shiba Inu 在加拿大的受欢迎程度达到了 100 的峰值,超过了主要加密货币卡尔达诺和狗狗币。

This spike coincided with the highly-anticipated reveal of Shibarium, Shiba Inu’s layer-2 scaling solution aimed at reducing gas fees and facilitating faster transactions. While interest has tempered slightly since the peak, Shiba Inu’s popularity among Canadian crypto enthusiasts remains robust.

这一峰值与备受期待的 Shibarium 的发布同时发生,Shiba Inu 的第 2 层扩展解决方案旨在降低 Gas 费用并促进更快的交易。尽管兴趣自高峰期以来略有减弱,但柴犬在加拿大加密货币爱好者中的受欢迎程度仍然强劲。

Over the last 90 days, SHIB has consistently outpaced Dogecoin and Cardano in search volume. This heightened attention has translated into gains for the meme coin, with prices climbing from $0.000007010 on September 1st to the current value of $0.000007390 at time of writing.

在过去 90 天里,SHIB 的搜索量一直超过狗狗币和卡尔达诺。这种高度关注转化为 Meme 币的收益,其价格从 9 月 1 日的 0.000007010 美元攀升至撰写本文时的当前价值 0.000007390 美元。

As developers prepare to launch Shibarium into beta, SHIB seems poised to continue capturing the fascination of Canadians. Its recent success provides an optimistic indicator for future adoption as the meme coin vies for mainstream acceptance.

随着开发商准备将 Shibarium 推出测试版,SHIB 似乎准备继续吸引加拿大人的关注。随着模因硬币争夺主流接受度,它最近的成功为未来的采用提供了乐观的指标。

BNB Price Soars Following Launch of opBNB

opBNB 推出后 BNB 价格飙升

The September 6th mainnet release of opBNB, Binance’s Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution, initiated a sharp price rally for its native token BNB. Leveraging the Optimism OP Stack, opBNB aims to enable faster and less expensive transactions for Binance Smart Chain-based decentralized applications.

9 月 6 日,币安的以太坊第 2 层扩容解决方案 opBNB 主网发布,引发了其原生代币 BNB 的价格大幅上涨。 opBNB 利用 Optimism OP Stack 的目标是为基于币安智能链的去中心化应用程序实现更快、更便宜的交易。

Testing results were promising, with over 35 million on-chain transactions processed and more than 150 DApps deployed on the network throughout its trial phase. The successful launch provided a jolt to BNB’s price, with the token surging to $214 before stabilizing around the $212 level.

测试结果令人鼓舞,在整个试验阶段处理了超过 3500 万笔链上交易,并在网络上部署了 150 多个 DApp。此次成功发布对 BNB 的价格产生了震动,该代币飙升至 214 美元,然后稳定在 212 美元左右的水平。

This bump comes on the heels of a prolonged price slide for BNB from its all-time high of $686 in March 2022. While opBNB’s debut gave BNB’s value a temporary boost, it remains more than 65% off its peak. Nonetheless, analysts see potential for Binance Coin to rebound heading into the next crypto boom.

此次上涨是在 BNB 价格从 2022 年 3 月的历史高点 686 美元开始长期下滑之后发生的。虽然 opBNB 的首次亮相暂时提振了 BNB 的价值,但仍比峰值低了 65% 以上。尽管如此,分析师认为币安币在进入下一次加密货币热潮时仍有反弹的潜力。

With opBNB promising to expand development and usage of decentralized apps on BSC, BNB seems poised to capture more of the expanding DeFi market. Its integral role in the Binance ecosystem also gives the token staying power. For investors seeking a rebound play on a major crypto asset, BNB presents an intriguing opportunity.

随着 opBNB 承诺扩大 BSC 上去中心化应用程序的开发和使用,BNB 似乎准备占领更多不断扩大的 DeFi 市场。它在币安生态系统中不可或缺的作用也赋予了代币持久的力量。对于寻求主要加密资产反弹的投资者来说,BNB 提供了一个诱人的机会。

Kangamoon Positioned To Ride Wave of Play-To-Earn Growth

Kangamoon 准备迎接“Play-To-Earn”增长浪潮

While established players like SHIB and BNB command the spotlight, Kangamoon (KANG) offers perhaps the most enticing value proposition heading into the next crypto boom. This newcomer aims to fuse the meme coin and play-to-earn gaming worlds to create a uniquely captivating platform.

虽然 SHIB 和 BNB 等老牌参与者备受关注,但 Kangamoon (KANG) 可能为下一次加密货币热潮提供了最具吸引力的价值主张。这个新来者旨在融合模因币和边玩边赚钱的游戏世界,创建一个独特的迷人平台。

With the play-to-earn gaming market projected to reach a staggering $3.6 billion valuation by 2028, according to Business Research Insights, Kangamoon seeks to capitalize on this explosive growth. By blending key features of meme coins and crypto gaming into one immersive ecosystem, KANG could surpass even Dogecoin to become the preeminent meme coin.

根据 Business Research Insights 的数据,到 2028 年,边玩边赚钱的游戏市场估值将达到惊人的 36 亿美元,Kangamoon 寻求利用这一爆炸性增长。通过将模因币和加密游戏的关键功能融合到一个沉浸式生态系统中,KANG 甚至可以超越狗狗币,成为卓越的模因币。

Kangamoon’s virtual world will enable players to become boxing kangaroo avatars called Kangamoons. These digital identities can battle opponents, participate in tournaments and quests, and level up while earning real monetary rewards. The competitive play and earning elements promise to offer an irresistible combination.

Kangamoon 的虚拟世界将使玩家能够成为名为 Kangamoons 的拳击袋鼠化身。这些数字身份可以与对手战斗,参加锦标赛和任务,并在获得真正的金钱奖励的同时升级。竞争性游戏和赚钱元素有望提供令人难以抗拒的组合。

Security represents another priority, with SOLIDProof exhaustively auditing Kangamoon’s smart contracts. This ensures users can game with confidence in a protected environment.

安全性是另一个优先事项,SOLIDProof 对 Kangamoon 的智能合约进行了详尽的审核。这确保用户可以在受保护的环境中充满信心地进行游戏。

Currently in its presale stage, KANG offers a prime opportunity for investors to get in early before the project gains greater visibility. With excitement already building around the concept, analysts predict holders could realize 220% returns on KANG purchases in Q4 2023 alone.

目前正处于预售阶段,KANG 为投资者提供了在项目获得更大知名度之前尽早入手的绝佳机会。随着这一概念已经令人兴奋,分析师预测,仅在 2023 年第四季度,购买 KANG 的持有者就可以实现 220% 的回报。

Shiba Inu Adoption Mirrors Early Days of Bitcoin and Ethereum


While some dismiss Shiba Inu as merely ephemera from the meme coin mania of 2021, its staying power and growing adoption signal legitimate longevity. In many ways, SHIB mirrors the early trajectories of Bitcoin and Ethereum, which endured waves of skepticism before establishing themselves.

虽然有些人认为柴犬只是 2021 年模因币狂热中的短暂产物,但它的持久力和不断增长的采用率标志着其合法的长寿。在很多方面,SHIB 都反映了比特币和以太坊的早期发展轨迹,它们在站稳脚跟之前经历了质疑浪潮。

Much like BTC and ETH in their infancy, developers continue building real utility to expand practical use cases for SHIB. The Shibarium layer-2 platform will bolster functionality and efficiency in transacting SHIB.

就像 BTC 和 ETH 处于起步阶段一样,开发人员继续构建真正的实用程序来扩展 SHIB 的实际用例。 Shibarium 第 2 层平台将增强 SHIB 交易的功能和效率。

Meanwhile, SHIB's listing on prominent crypto exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, and KuCoin has contributed to its wider proliferation. Expanding merchant acceptance further validates SHIB as a means of payment, not merely a speculative asset.

与此同时,SHIB 在 Coinbase、Binance、Kraken 和 KuCoin 等知名加密货币交易所上市,也促进了其更广泛的扩散。商家接受度的扩大进一步证明了 SHIB 作为一种支付手段,而不仅仅是一种投机资产。

Additionally, the successes of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have spawned legions of meme coin imitators vying for a piece of the potentially lucrative market. While memetic in nature, SHIB maintains first-mover advantage in this niche realm of crypto.

此外,狗狗币和柴犬的成功催生了大批模因币模仿者,争夺潜在利润丰厚的市场份额。虽然本质上是模因,但 SHIB 在这个加密领域保持着先发优势。

Just as critics discounted Bitcoin and Ethereum before their rise to preeminence, those betting against Shiba Inu may be proved similarly short-sighted. For investors with patience and vision, SHIB may perpetuate its gains long into the future.

正如批评者在比特币和以太坊崛起之前对其进行打折一样,那些看空柴犬的人也可能被证明同样是短视的。对于有耐心和远见的投资者来说,SHIB 可能会在未来很长一段时间内保持其收益。

Play-To-Earn Poised To Disrupt $300 Billion Gaming Industry

Play-To-Earn 有望颠覆价值 3000 亿美元的游戏产业

Powering to popularity through hits like Axie Infinity, play-to-earn blockchain gaming continues gaining momentum, and promises to reshape the broader industry. Valued at an already robust $3 billion currently, Business Research Insights sees it ballooning into a $36 billion market by 2028.

通过 Axie Infinity 等热门游戏,玩赚钱的区块链游戏继续获得发展势头,并有望重塑更广泛的行业。目前该市场的估值已达 30 亿美元,Business Research Insights 预计到 2028 年,该市场将激增至 360 亿美元。

This exponential growth stems largely from P2E eliminating the ad-driven revenue model predominant in mobile gaming. Instead, open marketplaces allow players to truly own in-game assets as NFTs. These can be bought, sold, or traded freely at transparent blockchain-enabled market prices.

这种指数级增长主要源于 P2E 消除了移动游戏中主导的广告驱动收入模式。相反,开放市场允许玩家真正拥有 NFT 等游戏内资产。这些可以以透明的区块链市场价格自由购买、出售或交易。

By enabling players to unlock real cash value from gaming accomplishments, P2E introduces revolutionary new incentives that court mass adoption. Its decentralized foundations also help it skirt the resistance from incumbent giants that stifles innovation in traditional gaming.

通过让玩家从游戏成就中释放真正的现金价值,P2E 引入了革命性的新激励措施,吸引了大规模采用。其去中心化的基础也​​有助于它避开现有巨头的阻力,这些阻力扼杀了传统游戏的创新。

With legacy gaming projected to hit $300 billion in revenues by 2025 according to Mordor Intelligence, play-to-earn presents perhaps the most credible threat to disrupt the status quo since mobile gaming’s advent. Consequently, P2E playable tokens like AXS, GALA, and SAND rank among crypto’s top performers in 2022.

Mordor Intelligence 的数据显示,到 2025 年,传统游戏的收入预计将达到 3000 亿美元,边玩边赚钱可能是自移动游戏出现以来颠覆现状的最可信威胁。因此,AXS、GALA 和 SAND 等 P2E 可玩代币跻身 2022 年加密货币表现最佳的代币之列。

The parallels to mobile gaming’s conquest suggest the play-to-earn phenomenon may exert similarly tectonic impacts on the broader industry moving forward. Kangamoon sits positioned to ride this swelling wave.


How can investors capitalize on play-to-earn’s momentum?


As an emerging sector within crypto blurring the boundaries between gaming and finance, the play-to-earn arena offers immense yet uncertain opportunities for investors. While the underlying P2E concept seemingly holds great promise to disrupt gaming, predicting which specific tokens and platforms will prevail long-term remains difficult.

作为加密货币领域的一个新兴领域,模糊了游戏和金融之间的界限,边玩边赚钱的领域为投资者提供了巨大但不确定的机会。虽然基本的 P2E 概念似乎有望颠覆游戏,但预测哪些特定代币和平台将长期盛行仍然很困难。

For investors seeking exposure to P2E’s upside, diversification across a basket of early-phase projects may help mitigate risks relative to backing a single asset. Blending exposure to P2E pioneers like Axie Infinity with emerging contenders like Kangamoon could allow benefiting from the sector’s growth while hedging against individual underperformance.

对于寻求 P2E 上涨空间的投资者来说,一揽子早期项目的多元化可能有助于减轻相对于支持单一资产的风险。将 Axie Infinity 等 P2E 先驱者与 Kangamoon 等新兴竞争者结合起来,可以从该行业的增长中受益,同时对冲个人表现不佳的影响。

Patience also represents a virtue in the space, as developers work to create utility and enhance tokenomics. Taking a long-term outlook aligned with P2E’s trajectory can help investors ride out the inevitable volatility. While the sector holds risks, its innovative ethos offers perhaps the most compelling investment narrative in crypto at present.

耐心也代表了该领域的一种美德,因为开发人员致力于创造实用性并增强代币经济。采取与 P2E 轨迹一致的长期前景可以帮助投资者度过不可避免的波动。尽管该行业存在风险,但其创新精神可能提供了目前加密货币领域最引人注目的投资叙述。

What lessons can Kangamoon take from previous meme coin surges?

Kangamoon 可以从之前的 meme 代币激增中吸取哪些教训?

Meme coins like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin have proven even joke tokens can accrue serious value under the right conditions. For Kangamoon to maximize its chances of following in these footsteps, it should differentiate itself from knock-off imitators through unique utility features.


Blending meme coin mechanics with the upside of play-to-earn gaming gives Kangamoon a credible shot at standing out from the pack. Continuously improving its virtual gaming environment and integrating new functionality can also help build a distinctive identity and community.

将 meme 硬币机制与边玩边赚钱的游戏优势相结合,让 Kangamoon 能够在竞争中脱颖而出。不断改进其虚拟游戏环境并集成新功能也有助于建立独特的身份和社区。

Additionally, getting listed on prominent exchanges could turbocharge KANG’s liquidity and visibility. Pursuing top-tier exchange listings should remain a priority, as should scaling marketing outreach as capital allows.

此外,在知名交易所上市可以增强 KANG 的流动性和知名度。追求顶级交易所上市仍应是首要任务,在资本允许的情况下扩大营销范围也应是首要任务。

Finally,Aligning developers' incentives with token holders' interests will help advance the ecosystem smoothly and equitably. If Kangamoon remains focused on executing its vision rather than quick profit, its meme coin status could propel KANG into the top echelon alongside SHIB and DOGE.

最后,将开发者的激励与代币持有者的利益结合起来将有助于生态系统的顺利和公平地发展。如果 Kangamoon 仍然专注于执行其愿景而不是快速盈利,那么它的模因币地位可能会推动 KANG 与 SHIB 和 DOGE 一起跻身顶级梯队。


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