首页 > 资讯新闻 > 纽约将 XRP 和 DOGE 排除在加密货币“绿名单”之外引发了投资者的担忧

New York's Exclusion of XRP and DOGE from Crypto "Greenlist" Raises Concerns for Investors

纽约将 XRP 和 DOGE 排除在加密货币“绿名单”之外引发了投资者的担忧

发布: 2023/09/25 10:13 阅读: 942

原文作者:BTC Peers


纽约将 XRP 和 DOGE 排除在加密货币“绿名单”之外引发了投资者的担忧

In a controversial move, New York's financial regulator has excluded major cryptocurrencies XRP and Dogecoin from its approved "Greenlist" of virtual currencies, prompting concerns among investors and analysts over the implications for the crypto market.

纽约金融监管机构将主要加密货币 XRP 和狗狗币排除在其批准的虚拟货币“绿名单”之外,此举引发争议,引发投资者和分析师对其对加密市场影响的担忧。

This shock decision by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) has sparked heated debate regarding the utility and legitimacy of XRP and DOGE, while also raising questions about which cryptocurrencies investors should favor going forward. With the crypto market in flux, NYDFS' stance could significantly impact asset values and shake confidence in decentralized finance.

纽约州金融服务部 (NYDFS) 的这一令人震惊的决定引发了有关 XRP 和 DOGE 的实用性和合法性的激烈争论,同时也引发了投资者未来应该青睐哪种加密货币的疑问。随着加密货币市场的不断变化,NYDFS 的立场可能会严重影响资产价值并动摇人们对去中心化金融的信心。

In this article we'll break down the news, provide expert reactions, look at how the decentralized Bitcoin model could empower investors, predict market moves, draw historical parallels, and answer key questions on investors' minds right now.


Regulator Deems XRP and DOGE Unfit for Greenlist

监管机构认为 XRP 和 DOGE 不适合列入绿名单

On September 19th the NYDFS excluded XRP and Dogecoin from its Greenlist of approved virtual currencies, which subjects listed cryptocurrencies to more stringent oversight. According to the NYDFS, XRP and DOGE failed to meet the necessary criteria for inclusion.

9 月 19 日,NYDFS 将 XRP 和狗狗币从其批准的虚拟货币绿名单中排除,这使列出的加密货币受到更严格的监管。根据 NYDFS 的说法,XRP 和 DOGE 未能满足纳入的必要标准。

This surprise regulatory move caught investors off-guard, raising concerns regarding XRP's ongoing legal battle with the SEC and uncertainty around DOGE's utility beyond meme-culture popularity.

这一出人意料的监管举措让投资者措手不及,引发了人们对 XRP 与 SEC 正在进行的法律斗争的担忧,以及 DOGE 在迷因文化流行之外的效用的不确定性。

What This Means for Investors and the Market


The implications of exclusion from the Greenlist are two-fold. Firstly, XRP and DOGE now face higher regulatory barriers for integration by New York-based service providers. Secondly, the move signals to the broader market that these assets don't meet sufficient standards in the eyes of regulators.

被排除在绿名单之外的影响有两个方面。首先,XRP 和 DOGE 现在在纽约服务提供商的整合方面面临更高的监管障碍。其次,此举向更广泛的市场发出信号,表明这些资产在监管机构眼中不符合足够的标准。

According to crypto analyst Amin Lalji, "This NYDFS decision will likely deter major institutional investors and service providers from expanding support for XRP and DOGE. It's a reputational blow that could negatively impact their market valuation and standing."

加密货币分析师 Amin Lalji 表示,“NYDFS 的这一决定可能会阻止主要机构投资者和服务提供商扩大对 XRP 和 DOGE 的支持。这是一个声誉打击,可能会对他们的市场估值和地位产生负面影响。”

A Case for Bitcoin's Decentralized Model


The crypto market volatility and regulatory uncertainty prompted by the Greenlist decision lends further credibility to Bitcoin's decentralized model.


As an asset independent from government oversight, Bitcoin empowers investors to participate freely in the crypto market unencumbered by regulatory shifts. Its censorship-resistant blockchain architecture provides assurance of transaction validity and network security enforceable by code alone.


As crypto thought leader Michael Wu notes, "Bitcoin's decentralized properties allow it to maintain value integrity even amidst regulatory turbulence impacting more centralized assets like XRP and DOGE. This is a paradigm shift that regulators are struggling to grasp."

正如加密货币思想领袖 Michael Wu 指出的那样,“比特币的去中心化特性使其能够在监管动荡影响 XRP 和 DOGE 等更中心化资产的情况下保持价值完整性。这是监管机构正在努力把握的范式转变。”

Price Volatility Expected for XRP and DOGE

XRP 和 DOGE 预计价格波动

Based on market reactions to prior regulatory announcements, analysts predict heightened short-term volatility for the prices of both XRP and DOGE leading into early October.

根据市场对之前监管公告的反应,分析师预测 XRP 和 DOGE 价格的短期波动将在 10 月初加剧。

"With uncertainty swirling around these assets, investors will likely sell holdings in DOGE and XRP to shift towards greener pastures, driving prices down initially," predicts crypto trading analyst Talal Mohamed.

加密货币交易分析师塔拉尔·穆罕默德 (Talal Mohamed) 预测:“由于这些资产存在不确定性,投资者可能会出售所持有的 DOGE 和 XRP,转向更有利的方向,从而首先推动价格下跌。”

"However, this could prompt bargain hunting that recovers some losses if doubt regarding long-term viability subsides."


Historical Echoes of Regimented Finance


The NYDFS' regulatory muscle-flexing echos similar heavy-handed financial regulatory moves made throughout modern history.


In the early 2000's China cracked down on pop culture and so-called "vulgar" forms of media by banning cultural imports that didn't align with party ideology. Likewise, New York's banning of XRP and DOGE exhibits a financial regulator shunning assets deemed culturally uncouth.

2000年初,中国通过禁止不符合党意识形态的文化进口来打击流行文化和所谓的“低俗”媒体形式。同样,纽约对 XRP 和 DOGE 的禁令表明金融监管机构正在回避被认为在文化上不文明的资产。

Even further back, medieval European rulers would often alter coin metal compositions to shore up monetary control. Today regulators use regulatory lists rather than metal purity to maintain dominion over financial systems.


Can XRP and DOGE Recover from Exclusion?


The path forward for XRP and DOGE remains murky following exclusion from NYDFS' Greenlist. While far from a death knell, the regulator's cold shoulder puts their mainstream viability at risk.

在被 NYDFS 绿名单排除后,XRP 和 DOGE 的前进道路仍然不明朗。尽管远未敲响丧钟,但监管机构的冷遇却使其主流生存能力面临风险。

For XRP, its ongoing legal battle with the SEC continues to hamper adoption efforts. Settlement of this lawsuit would help resolve questions about its status as a security versus a functional currency. If classified as a security, XRP would become wrapped in even more red tape.

对于 XRP 来说,其与 SEC 正在进行的法律斗争继续阻碍其采用努力。该诉讼的和解将有助于解决有关其作为证券与功能货币的地位的问题。如果被归类为证券,XRP 将受到更多繁文缛节的束缚。

DOGE appears to face less existential risk, but still needs to evolve beyond its "memecoin" status. Network upgrades enabling smart contract functionality could help DOGE move towards more practical use cases besides speculation and tipping on social media.

DOGE 面临的生存风险似乎较小,但仍需要超越其“模因币”地位。除了社交媒体上的猜测和打赏之外,支持智能合约功能的网络升级可以帮助 DOGE 走向更实际的用例。

Will VC Spectra Emerge as a Top Choice for Investors?

VC Spectra 会成为投资者的首选吗?

As XRP and DOGE falter, VC Spectra (SPCT) stands out as an increasingly attractive option for investors seeking reduced regulatory risk and real-world utility.

随着 XRP 和 DOGE 的衰退,对于寻求降低监管风险和现实世界效用的投资者来说,VC Spectra (SPCT) 脱颖而出,成为越来越有吸引力的选择。

SPCT's innovative blockchain treasury and deflationary tokenomics offer long-term value potential that may withstand regulatory scrutiny better than Dogecoin's meme roots or XRP's opaque status.

SPCT 的创新区块链金库和通货紧缩代币经济提供了长期价值潜力,可能比狗狗币的模因根源或 XRP 的不透明状态更能经受监管审查。

With SPCT already delivering over 300% returns in its ongoing presale, its impressive performance and reg-compliant design positions it as a smarter green alternative to XRP and DOGE. Investors may flock to this emergent leader amidst the latest crypto market shifts.

SPCT 在正在进行的预售中已经提供了超过 300% 的回报,其令人印象深刻的性能和符合法规的设计使其成为 XRP 和 DOGE 的更智能的绿色替代品。在最新的加密市场变化中,投资者可能会涌向这位新兴的领导者。


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