首页 > 资讯新闻 > $MEME 的新竞争者:Memeinator 在不到 4 周的时间里筹集了超过 100 万美元的资金

$MEME's New Contender: Memeinator Soars Past $1M Raise in Under 4 Weeks

$MEME 的新竞争者:Memeinator 在不到 4 周的时间里筹集了超过 100 万美元的资金

发布: 2023/11/06 18:44 阅读: 285

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


London, UK, November 6th, 2023, Chainwire

英国伦敦,2023 年 11 月 6 日,Chainwire

Memeinator, the meme coin on a mission to reach a $1B market cap, is going from strength to strength, with the presale having already raised $1M in under 4 weeks. Stage 5 tokens look to be selling out imminently and will see the price increase from $0.0125 to $0.0133 for stage 6.

Memeinator 是一款以达到 10 亿美元市值为使命的 meme 代币,正在不断壮大,预售在不到 4 周的时间里已经筹集了 100 万美元。第 5 阶段的代币似乎即将售空,第 6 阶段的价格将从 0.0125 美元上涨至 0.0133 美元。

This puts Memeinator on track for an early 2024 listing, with several rumors circulating further the recent Blockchain Live conference of prominent exchange listings in the pipeline.

这使得 Memeinator 有望在 2024 年初上市,最近的 Blockchain Live 会议上有一些关于著名交易所即将上市的谣言进一步流传。

The team has also announced the release of the much-anticipated referral programme that pays out investors up to 15% on referral fees, much to the delight of the Memeinator “Resistance” community”; a cohort of crypto degens hoping to stir up a revolution in the meme coin trading market.

该团队还宣布推出备受期待的推荐计划,向投资者支付高达 15% 的推荐费,这让 Memeinator“抵抗”社区非常高兴;一群加密货币堕落者希望在模因币交易市场掀起一场革命。

In a recent statement the community manager Dylan Lee, shared that:

在最近的一份声明中,社区经理 Dylan Lee 表示:

"we’re really happy with the explosive growth of the Memeinator brand as it’s exactly what is needed to drive this presale to close and to get us out and traded on the biggest exchanges. Our roadmap is 100% on track and we’ve just released our referral program, merch store, and the creative team just dropped a rather special product concept video as part of our viral marketing strategy. Seeing the presale pass the $1M has only increased the drive in our team. We can’t wait to share more updates on the presale progress."

“我们对 Memeinator 品牌的爆炸式增长感到非常高兴,因为这正是推动预售结束、让我们在最大的交易所进行交易所需的。我们的路线图 100% 步入正轨,我们刚刚发布了我们的推荐计划、商品商店,创意团队刚刚发布了一段相当特别的产品概念视频,作为我们病毒式营销策略的一部分。看到预售超过 100 万美元,只会增加我们团队的动力。我们迫不及待地想要分享更多预售进展的最新消息。”

A mission to become a crypto disruptor


Memeinator makes no secret that its goal is to disrupt the meme coin trading space and has publicly stated that the project team’s goal is to hit a $1 billion market cap, which would put it up there with its rivals Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

Memeinator 毫不掩饰其目标是扰乱 meme 币交易空间,并公开表示该项目团队的目标是达到 10 亿美元的市值,这将使其与竞争对手狗狗币和柴犬并驾齐驱。

The team’s strategy, as outlined in their whitepaper, is to use powerful marketing techniques to drive international investment and eventually list the project on Tier 1 exchanges. The community manager Dylan Lee has also been actively promoting the project at recent blockchain conferences in London and Dubai.

正如白皮书中所述,该团队的策略是利用强大的营销技术来推动国际投资,并最终在一级交易所上市该项目。社区经理 Dylan Lee 也在近期伦敦和迪拜的区块链会议上积极推广该项目。

The project is not without utility, but this is paired back as an antithesis to the many meme coins overpromising on complex tech that has not as yet been delivered. The project is developing an AI based on sentiment analysis that will fuel the meme coin ‘enemies’ forecasted to appear in the upcoming game launch due in early 2024 “Meme Warfare: Episode 1 - The Memeinator Chronicles”. The action-packed game will reward MMTR token holders with a variety of exclusive features, but also generate rewards from what is hoped to be a heavy web2 presence that can feed back into the project in its journey to the top traded meme coin charts.

该项目并非没有实用性,但这与许多模因硬币对尚未交付的复杂技术过度承诺的对立面。该项目正在开发一种基于情绪分析的人工智能,该人工智能将推动模因币“敌人”的出现,预计将于 2024 年初推出的游戏“模因战争:第一集 - The Memeinator Chronicles”中出现。这款充满动感的游戏将为 MMTR 代币持有者提供各种独家功能的奖励,同时也会从 web2 的大量存在中产生奖励,这些奖励可以在该项目跻身交易量最高的 meme 币排行榜的过程中反馈给该项目。

This makes strategic sense, given the enormous popularity in the growing GameFi space that is expected to exceed $90 billion in revenue over the next 7 years. If the Memeinator can grab a slice of the pie, it might certainly indicate a long-term potential for MMTR that could see a positive impact on the market cap in the next bull run.

鉴于不断增长的 GameFi 领域的巨大受欢迎程度,预计未来 7 年内收入将超过 900 亿美元,这具有战略意义。如果 Memeinator 能够分得一杯羹,这肯定表明 MMTR 具有长期潜力,可能会对下一次牛市的市值产生积极影响。

The efforts have been noticed, with prominent influencers including the well-respected No BS Crypto channel having published reviews including the recent “The Only Meme Coin Worth Buying In 2023? (Pepe Coin Killer!)” video on YouTube. 

这些努力已经引起了人们的注意,包括备受尊敬的 No BS Crypto 频道在内的知名影响者发表了评论,其中包括最近的“2023 年唯一值得购买的 Meme 币?” (佩佩硬币杀手!)”YouTube 上的视频。

In order to guarantee the project's trustworthiness and security, Memeinator underwent a thorough audit conducted by Solid Proof. Since 2020, Solid Proof has been diligently auditing emerging blockchain projects. Operating from Germany, the audit specifically evaluates project protocols, reliability, smart contracts, and performs KYC assessments for the project team. This places Memeinator in the company of esteemed audits conducted for projects such as UNCX, Shopping.io, and ZyberSwap.

为了保证项目的可信性和安全性,Memeinator接受了Solid Proof的彻底审核。自2020年以来,Solid Proof一直在努力审核新兴区块链项目。该审计在德国进行,专门评估项目协议、可靠性、智能合约,并对项目团队进行 KYC 评估。这使得 Memeinator 跻身于对 UNCX、Shopping.io 和 ZyberSwap 等项目进行的备受尊敬的审计的行列。

The project is currently in Stage 5 of its raise, and MMTR tokens are priced at $0.0125. The price will increase to $0.0485 - an overall increase of 288% - before listing on exchanges; this is due in early 2024. The explosive growth of the brand has seen Memeinator make it to position one on a number of news sites including Banklesstimes and CoinJournal in their crypto rankings.

该项目目前处于融资阶段 5,MMTR 代币定价为 0.0125 美元。在交易所上市之前,价格将上涨至 0.0485 美元,整体上涨 288%;该计划将于 2024 年初完成。该品牌的爆炸性增长使 Memeinator 在 Banklesstimes 和 CoinJournal 等多家新闻网站的加密货币排名中名列前茅。

About Memeinator


Memeinator is the antidote to the hundreds of throwaway meme coins that lack any legitimate utility. With its deflationary token, engaged community, expertly crafted NFT collection, and AI-powered video game, it offers real innovation instead of just hype. Its purpose is to eclipse its rival meme coins. And, on the way, deliver strong returns to its community via both trading its MMTR coin and staking, before smashing the $1 billion market cap.

Memeinator 是数百种缺乏任何合法用途的一次性模因币的解药。凭借其通缩代币、活跃的社区、精心制作的 NFT 系列以及人工智能驱动的视频游戏,它提供了真正的创新,而不仅仅是炒作。它的目的是让其竞争对手模因币黯然失色。并且,在突破 10 亿美元市值之前,通过交易 MMTR 代币和质押为其社区带来丰厚回报。

For more information and to buy Memeinator (MMTR) visit the website.

欲了解更多信息并购买 Memeinator (MMTR),请访问网站。

Website | Whitepaper | Socials

网站 |白皮书 |社交

ContactMemeinator TeamMemeinatorpr@memeinator.com


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免责声明:这是赞助新闻稿,仅供参考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。


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