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Dogecoin Lead Dev Shares Important Security Message for DOGE Holders

狗狗币首席开发人员向 DOGE 持有者分享重要的安全信息

发布: 2023/11/06 16:30 阅读: 756



Prominent Dogecoin community leader and developer, known by the moniker Mishaboar, has recently issued a crucial security advisory aimed at all Dogecoin holders. In an X post, the developer sounded the alarm about a circulating email encouraging users to withdraw their funds from the "Dogechain dot info" site.

著名的狗狗币社区领导者和开发者(绰号为 Mishaboar)最近针对所有狗狗币持有者发布了一项重要的安全建议。在 X 帖子中,开发者对一封流传的电子邮件敲响了警钟,鼓励用户从“Dogechain dot info”网站提取资金。

The key takeaway from the post is that this email is indeed legitimate.


However, it is advised to type "dogechain dot info" directly into web browsers instead of clicking on links in the email. This is a critical step to protect against phishing attempts. Mishaboar underscores the importance of verifying the information independently and highlights that the ".com" domain of Dogechain has been linked to scam and phishing activities.

但是,建议直接在网络浏览器中输入“dogechain dot info”,而不是单击电子邮件中的链接。这是防范网络钓鱼尝试的关键步骤。 Mishaboar 强调了独立验证信息的重要性,并强调 Dogechain 的“.com”域已与诈骗和网络钓鱼活动相关联。

- The correct domain is dogechain dot INFO (Do Not Trust, Verify: verify this information on your own before trusting my words). The .com domain has been involved in scam/phishing attempts.https://t.co/X7q0cZMPlP3/n

- 正确的域名是 dogechain dot INFO(请勿信任,请验证:在相信我的话之前请自行验证此信息)。 .com 域已涉及诈骗/网络钓鱼尝试。https://t.co/X7q0cZMPlP3/n

— Mishaboar (@mishaboar) November 5, 2023

- Mishaboar (@mishaboar) 2023 年 11 月 5 日

Many users have faced issues with their wallets due to lost 2FA authentication. If this is the case, users can seek support from the website's developers, who may ask for a legal document to disable 2FA authentication, provided other login information is available, says a DOGE enthusiast.

许多用户因丢失 2FA 身份验证而面临钱包问题。一位 DOGE 爱好者表示,如果出现这种情况,用户可以向网站开发者寻求支持,他们可能会要求提供法律文件来禁用 2FA 身份验证,前提是提供其他登录信息。

Security first


A general security recommendation from Mishaboar is to never store crypto in an online wallet, whether encrypted or not. Online wallets are susceptible to hacking, potential developer misconduct and website compromises. The developer strongly advocates self-custodial wallets and emphasizes the need to back up keys multiple times and store seed phrases offline.

Mishaboar 的一般安全建议是永远不要将加密货币存储在在线钱包中,无论是否加密。在线钱包很容易受到黑客攻击、潜在的开发人员不当行为和网站泄露的影响。开发者大力提倡自我托管钱包,并强调需要多次备份密钥和离线存储助记词。

He advises keeping only small amounts in hot wallets, such as smartphone wallets, while encouraging newcomers to exercise caution when dealing with smart contracts, including NFTs.

他建议只在热钱包(例如智能手机钱包)中保留少量资金,同时鼓励新手在处理包括 NFT 在内的智能合约时保持谨慎。

Lastly, the Dogecoin lead developer reminds users to withdraw their funds from exchanges, underlining the importance of maintaining control and security over their crypto assets.



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