首页 > 资讯新闻 > Netflix 导演在狗狗币上使用了 400 万美元的节目预算,赚取了 2700 万美元的利润

Netflix Director Used $4M of Show's Budget on Dogecoin, Netting $27M in Profits

Netflix 导演在狗狗币上使用了 400 万美元的节目预算,赚取了 2700 万美元的利润

发布: 2023/11/23 14:03 阅读: 990

原文作者:Hope C


Netflix 导演在狗狗币上使用了 400 万美元的节目预算,赚取了 2700 万美元的利润

Carl Erik Rinsch, the director of Netflix's sci-fi series "Conquest," allegedly utilized $4 million from the show's budget to invest in Dogecoin (DOGE), resulting in an astonishing profit of $27 million. As reported by The New York Times, Rinsch is now seeking an additional $14 million from Netflix through a confidential arbitration proceeding.

Netflix 科幻剧集《征服》的导演卡尔·埃里克·林施 (Carl Erik Rinsch) 据称利用该剧预算中的 400 万美元投资狗狗币 (DOGE),从而获得了 2700 万美元的惊人利润。据《纽约时报》报道,Rinsch 目前正通过保密仲裁程序向 Netflix 寻求额外 1400 万美元的赔偿。

The article sheds light on the behind-the-scenes turmoil surrounding Rinsch's show, which was allocated a budget of $55 million by Netflix but has yet to release its first episode. After initially receiving a budget of $44 million from Netflix in March 2020, Rinsch requested further funds. Netflix agreed to provide an additional $11 million under the condition that Rinsch completed the series.

这篇文章揭示了围绕 Rinsch 的节目的幕后混乱,Netflix 为该节目分配了 5500 万美元的预算,但尚未发布第一集。在 2020 年 3 月最初收到 Netflix 4400 万美元的预算后,Rinsch 请求更多资金。 Netflix 同意额外提供 1100 万美元,条件是林什完成该剧。

However, financial records obtained by the NY Times reveal that Rinsch used $10.5 million of the additional funds to engage in stock market speculation. Unfortunately, his options bets on pharmaceutical companies and the S&P 500 resulted in losses of nearly $6 million. With a little over $4 million remaining, Rinsch transferred the remaining funds to the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken and placed a full bet on Dogecoin. In May 2021, he reportedly withdrew around $27 million after liquidating his Dogecoin holdings.

然而,《纽约时报》获得的财务记录显示,林奇利用额外资金中的 1050 万美元从事股市投机活动。不幸的是,他对制药公司和标准普尔 500 指数的期权押注导致了近 600 万美元的损失。剩下略多于 400 万美元的情况下,Rinsch 将剩余资金转移到加密货币交易所 Kraken,并将全部赌注押在狗狗币上。据报道,2021 年 5 月,他在清算所持有的狗狗币后提取了约 2700 万美元。

Rinsch allegedly spent a substantial portion of his profits, approximately $9 million, on extravagant purchases such as luxury furniture, designer clothing, a watch worth over $380,000, five Rolls-Royces, and a Ferrari. These details emerged from a forensic accountant hired by Rinsch's ex-wife for their divorce proceedings.

据称,Rinsch 将其利润的很大一部分(约 900 万美元)用于奢侈购买,例如豪华家具、名牌服装、价值超过 38 万美元的手表、五辆劳斯莱斯和一辆法拉利。这些细节来自林什前妻为离婚诉讼聘请的一名法务会计师。

In response to these developments, Rinsch initiated a confidential arbitration proceeding against Netflix, asserting that the streaming service breached their contract and owes him $14 million in damages. Netflix, on the other hand, denies any obligations and has characterized Rinsch's demands as an attempt to extort money.

针对这些事态发展,Rinsch 对 Netflix 提起了保密仲裁程序,声称该流媒体服务违反了合同并欠他 1400 万美元的赔偿金。另一方面,Netflix 否认承担任何义务,并将林什的要求定性为勒索金钱的企图。

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