フロントページ > 情報ニュース > Netflixのディレクターはドージコインの400万ドルの番組予算を使って2,700万ドルの利益を上げた

Netflix Director Used $4M of Show's Budget on Dogecoin, Netting $27M in Profits


リリース: 2023/11/23 14:03 読む: 990

原作者:Hope C



Carl Erik Rinsch, the director of Netflix's sci-fi series "Conquest," allegedly utilized $4 million from the show's budget to invest in Dogecoin (DOGE), resulting in an astonishing profit of $27 million. As reported by The New York Times, Rinsch is now seeking an additional $14 million from Netflix through a confidential arbitration proceeding.


The article sheds light on the behind-the-scenes turmoil surrounding Rinsch's show, which was allocated a budget of $55 million by Netflix but has yet to release its first episode. After initially receiving a budget of $44 million from Netflix in March 2020, Rinsch requested further funds. Netflix agreed to provide an additional $11 million under the condition that Rinsch completed the series.

この記事は、Netflixから5,500万ドルの予算が割り当てられたものの、まだ第1話が公開されていないリンシュの番組をめぐる舞台裏の混乱に光を当てている。 2020年3月にNetflixから当初4,400万ドルの予算を受け取った後、リンシュはさらなる資金を要求した。 Netflixは、リンシュがシリーズを完成させることを条件に、追加で1100万ドルを提供することに同意した。

However, financial records obtained by the NY Times reveal that Rinsch used $10.5 million of the additional funds to engage in stock market speculation. Unfortunately, his options bets on pharmaceutical companies and the S&P 500 resulted in losses of nearly $6 million. With a little over $4 million remaining, Rinsch transferred the remaining funds to the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken and placed a full bet on Dogecoin. In May 2021, he reportedly withdrew around $27 million after liquidating his Dogecoin holdings.

しかし、NYタイムズが入手した財務記録では、リンシュが追加資金のうち1,050万ドルを株式市場の投機に使用したことが明らかになっている。残念ながら、製薬会社と S&P 500 に賭けた彼のオプションは 600 万ドル近くの損失をもたらしました。 400万ドル強が残っていたため、リンシュ氏は残りの資金を仮想通貨取引所クラーケンに移し、ドージコインに全額賭けた。 2021年5月、ドージコインの保有資産を清算した後、約2700万ドルを引き出したと伝えられている。

Rinsch allegedly spent a substantial portion of his profits, approximately $9 million, on extravagant purchases such as luxury furniture, designer clothing, a watch worth over $380,000, five Rolls-Royces, and a Ferrari. These details emerged from a forensic accountant hired by Rinsch's ex-wife for their divorce proceedings.


In response to these developments, Rinsch initiated a confidential arbitration proceeding against Netflix, asserting that the streaming service breached their contract and owes him $14 million in damages. Netflix, on the other hand, denies any obligations and has characterized Rinsch's demands as an attempt to extort money.


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