首页 > 资讯新闻 > Netflix 导演冒着 400 万美元电影预算的风险拍摄《DOGE》——2700 万美元的赌博

Netflix’s director risks $4M movie budget on DOGE – The $27M gamble

Netflix 导演冒着 400 万美元电影预算的风险拍摄《DOGE》——2700 万美元的赌博

发布: 2023/11/23 15:42 阅读: 495



Netflix 导演冒着 400 万美元电影预算的风险拍摄《DOGE》——2700 万美元的赌博

“Thank you, and God bless crypto” should probably be Netflix’s next biggest hit. Reportedly, the director of the Netflix science fiction series Conquest wagered $4 million of the budget on Dogecoin. Netflix awarded “47 Ronin” director Carl Erik Rinsch millions of dollars for the science fiction series, but he invested the funds in the stock and cryptocurrency markets as a distinct creative endeavor.

“谢谢你,上帝保佑加密货币”可能会成为 Netflix 的下一个热门歌曲。据报道,Netflix 科幻连续剧《征服》的导演将 400 万美元的预算押在了狗狗币上。 Netflix 向《47 Ronin》导演卡尔·埃里克·林施 (Carl Erik Rinsch) 奖励了这部科幻剧集数百万美元,但他将这些资金投资于股票和加密货币市场,作为一项独特的创意努力。

The 46-year-old director secured a $61.2 million production contract with Netflix for a science fiction series, according to a November 2018 term sheet cited by John Carreyrou of The New York Times on Wednesday.

《纽约时报》约翰·卡雷鲁 (John Carreyrou) 周三援引 2018 年 11 月的投资意向书称,这位 46 岁的导演与 Netflix 签订了价值 6120 万美元的科幻剧集制作合同。

Netflix director turns to crypto for help

Netflix 导演向加密货币寻求帮助

According to The New York Times, Netflix had spent $44.3 million on Rinsch’s show “Conquest” by March 2020. However, Rinsch later informed the streaming firm that he required more money or production would be halted.

据《纽约时报》报道,截至 2020 年 3 月,Netflix 已在林奇的节目《征服》上花费了 4430 万美元。然而,林奇后来通知流媒体公司,他需要更多资金,否则制作将停止。

Netflix approved Rinsch’s request and awarded his production company an additional $11 million.

Netflix 批准了 Rinsch 的请求,并额外授予他的制作公司 1100 万美元。

However, none of the money received was used to produce the series. According to court records and financial data from his divorce, Rinsch instead used $10.5 million from Netflix’s 2020 round of funding to speculate in the stock market. Rinsch finally lost $5.9 million in trading.

然而,收到的所有资金都没有用于制作该系列节目。根据法庭记录和离婚后的财务数据,Rinsch 相反使用 Netflix 2020 年一轮融资中的 1050 万美元来炒股。 Rinsch 最终在交易中损失了 590 万美元。

With just over $4 million remaining, Rinsch transferred the funds to the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken and went all-in on DOGE. According to an account statement seen by the Times, when he liquidated in May 2021, he withdrew approximately $27 million.

只剩下 400 万多美元,Rinsch 将资金转移到加密货币交易所 Kraken,并全押在 DOGE 上。根据《纽约时报》看到的一份账户声明,他在 2021 年 5 月清算时提取了约 2700 万美元。

“Thank you, and god bless crypto,” Rinsch wrote in a chat with a Kraken representative. Doge has become one of the best-performing memecoins with a constant mention by Elon Musk.

“谢谢你们,愿上帝保佑加密货币。”Rinsch 在与 Kraken 代表的聊天中写道。 Doge 已成为表现最好的模因币之一,埃隆·马斯克不断提及。

The current value of Dogecoin (DOGE) is $0.075821. The 24-hour trading volume of memecoin is $488,696,305.81. In the last 24 hours, the price has increased by 1.79%. Dogecoin has a market cap of $10,764,187,390, with a circulating supply of 140 billion DOGE.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 的当前价值为 0.075821 美元。 memecoin 的 24 小时交易量为 488,696,305.81 美元。过去24小时内,价格上涨了1.79%。狗狗币的市值为 10,764,187,390 美元,流通量为 1,400 亿 DOGE。

Carl Erik Rinsch’s crypto wealth expenditure

Carl Erik Rinsch 的加密财富支出

Rinsch allegedly spent nearly $9 million of his proceeds on expensive items such as luxury furnishings, designer clothing, a watch worth over $380,000, five Rolls-Royces, and a Ferrari. This information came from a forensic accountant hired by Rinsch’s ex-wife during their divorce proceedings.

据称,Rinsch 将其收入中的近 900 万美元用于购买昂贵的物品,如豪华家具、名牌服装、价值超过 38 万美元的手表、五辆劳斯莱斯和一辆法拉利。这些信息来自林什前妻在离婚诉讼期间聘请的一名法务会计师。

According to the New York Times, Rinsch filed a confidential arbitration action against Netflix, alleging that the streaming giant breached its contract and owes him $14 million in damages. Netflix claims it owes Rinsch nothing and has called his demands a “shakedown.”

据《纽约时报》报道,林什对 Netflix 提起保密仲裁诉讼,指控这家流媒体巨头违反合同并欠他 1400 万美元的赔偿金。 Netflix 声称自己不欠林什任何东西,并称他的要求是“整顿”。

Rinsch stated in a deposition that the items in his nearly $9 million shopping spree were props for Conquest. Later, in his action against Netflix, he claimed that the money was his and not Netflix’s.

Rinsch 在一份证词中表示,他近 900 万美元的疯狂购物中的物品是 Conquest 的道具。后来,在针对 Netflix 的诉讼中,他声称这笔钱是他的,而不是 Netflix 的。

Despite investing over $55 million in Rinsch’s series, Netflix has yet to receive any episodes.

尽管 Netflix 在 Rinsch 的剧集上投资了超过 5500 万美元,但尚未收到任何剧集。

Netflix spokesperson Thomas Cherian informed The New York Times that the company has scrapped Rinsch’s series, adding that it was “clear that Mr. Rinsch was never going to complete the project he agreed to make.” 

Netflix 发言人托马斯·切里安 (Thomas Cherian) 告诉《纽约时报》,该公司已经取消了林什的剧集,并补充说,“很明显,林什先生永远不会完成他同意制作的项目。”

Rinsch’s filmography consists of only one film, the 2013 action blockbuster “47 Ronin” starring Keanu Reeves. The film received widespread criticism from viewers and was one of the year’s biggest box office flops.

林什的电影作品只包含一部电影,即 2013 年由基努·里维斯主演的动作大片《47 Ronin》。这部电影受到了观众的广泛批评,成为今年票房最惨败的影片之一。


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