首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着加密货币下跌,NFT 销量下降 44%,memecoin 在第二季度抢走了“心智份额”

NFT sales fell 44% as crypto dipped, memecoins steal ‘mind share’ in Q2

随着加密货币下跌,NFT 销量下降 44%,memecoin 在第二季度抢走了“心智份额”

发布: 2024/07/01 14:02 阅读: 245



A recent influx of celebrity-endorsed, politically-themed, and animal-themed memecoins, coupled with a cryptocurrency market downturn, may have contributed to a 44% decline in non-fungible token (NFT) sales during Q2, according to Apollo Crypto's investment chief.

根据 Apollo Crypto 的投资,最近名人认可、政治主题和动物主题的 memecoin 的涌入,加上加密货币市场的低迷,可能导致第二季度非同质代币 (NFT) 销量下降 44%首席。

Data from CryptoSlam indicates that NFT sales plummeted from $4.14 billion in Q1 to $2.32 billion in Q2, mirroring a broader market downturn.

CryptoSlam 的数据显示,NFT 销售额从第一季度的 41.4 亿美元骤降至第二季度的 23.2 亿美元,反映出更广泛的市场低迷。

"Q2 was a challenging market with Bitcoin declining by 15% and many altcoins performing significantly worse," Henrik Andersson, chief investment officer at Apollo Crypto, told Cointelegraph.

Apollo Crypto 首席投资官 Henrik Andersson 告诉 Cointelegraph:“第二季度是一个充满挑战的市场,比特币下跌了 15%,许多山寨币的表现明显更差。”

NFT monthly trading volume since June, 2017. Source: CryptoSlam

自 2017 年 6 月以来 NFT 月交易量。来源:CryptoSlam

"Meme coins are likely diverting some attention away from NFTs," Andersson added.

安德森补充道:“Meme 币可能会转移人们对 NFT 的一些注意力。”

Mind share, a marketing term, refers to the level of consumer awareness or popularity associated with a specific product or concept.


While NFT sales have slowed, memecoins continue to generate substantial trading volumes, including $3.4 billion in the last 24 hours alone, according to CoinGecko data.

根据 CoinGecko 的数据,尽管 NFT 销售放缓,但 memecoin 继续产生大量交易量,仅过去 24 小时内的交易量就达到 34 亿美元。

This surge has been largely fueled by the rise of PolitiFi memecoins tied to the United States presidential election, as well as the emergence of numerous celebrity tokens on Ethereum and Solana.

这种激增很大程度上是由于与美国总统大选相关的 PolitiFi memecoin 的兴起,以及以太坊和 Solana 上众多名人代币的出现。

MAGA (TRUMP) and Pepe (PEPE) are among the memecoins that experienced price increases during the second quarter.

MAGA (TRUMP) 和 Pepe (PEPE) 是第二季度价格上涨的模因币。

Ordinal inscriptions may claim market share


Advancements in Bitcoin-based Ordinals could also shift attention away from traditional NFTs in the coming months, Andersson noted.

安德森指出,基于比特币的 Ordinals 的进步也可能在未来几个月将人们的注意力从传统的 NFT 上转移开。

"Longer term, we anticipate Bitcoin ordinals will continue to gain market share in the NFT space, particularly given the proliferation of Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions."

“从长远来看,我们预计比特币序数将继续在 NFT 领域获得市场份额,特别是考虑到比特币 Layer 2 解决方案的激增。”

Related: Celebrity memecoins highlight crypto's influencer problem


However, network activity on Ordinals and Runes has also declined in recent weeks.


Runes transactions have fallen by 88% from their June peak, and both Ordinals inscriptions and Runes have generated less than 2 Bitcoin (BTC) per day in miner fees over the past week.

符文交易量较 6 月份的峰值下降了 88%,过去一周,Ordinals 铭文和符文每天产生的矿工费不到 2 比特币 (BTC)。

NFTs have rebounded in the past

NFT 过去曾出现反弹

NFTs experienced a modest recovery in the final quarter of 2023, generating over $3 billion in sales, signaling potential for an NFT resurgence in the latter half of 2024.

NFT 在 2023 年最后一个季度经历了温和复苏,销售额超过 30 亿美元,这表明 NFT 在 2024 年下半年有复苏的潜力。

This included a $1.77 billion sales month in December 2023, the highest since NFT sales began to decline in June 2022.

其中 2023 年 12 月的月销售额为 17.7 亿美元,这是自 2022 年 6 月 NFT 销售额开始下降以来的最高水平。

Leading NFT collectibles such as CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Clubs continue to maintain substantial market caps of $994.9 million and $345.9 million, respectively, according to CoinGecko data.

根据 CoinGecko 的数据,CryptoPunks 和 Bored Ape Yacht Clubs 等领先的 NFT 收藏品继续保持分别 9.949 亿美元和 3.459 亿美元的巨大市值。

Largest NFT projects by market cap. Source: CoinGecko

按市值计算最大的 NFT 项目。来源:CoinGecko

In contrast, the two largest Ordinals projects, NodeMonkes and Bitcoin Puppets, have market caps of $121.1 million and $94.2 million.

相比之下,两个最大的 Ordinals 项目 NodeMonkes 和 Bitcoin Puppets 的市值分别为 1.211 亿美元和 9420 万美元。

Magazine: Meme coins: Betrayal of crypto's ideals… or its true purpose?

杂志:Meme 币:对加密货币理想的背叛……或其真正目的?


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