表紙 > 情報ニュース > 暗号通貨が暴落し、NFT売上が44%減少する中、第2四半期にミームコインが「マインドシェア」を盗む

NFT sales fell 44% as crypto dipped, memecoins steal ‘mind share’ in Q2


リリース: 2024/07/01 14:02 読む: 245



A recent influx of celebrity-endorsed, politically-themed, and animal-themed memecoins, coupled with a cryptocurrency market downturn, may have contributed to a 44% decline in non-fungible token (NFT) sales during Q2, according to Apollo Crypto's investment chief.


Data from CryptoSlam indicates that NFT sales plummeted from $4.14 billion in Q1 to $2.32 billion in Q2, mirroring a broader market downturn.

CryptoSlam のデータによると、NFT の売上高は第 1 四半期の 41 億 4000 万ドルから第 2 四半期には 23 億 2000 万ドルに急減し、広範な市場低迷を反映しています。

"Q2 was a challenging market with Bitcoin declining by 15% and many altcoins performing significantly worse," Henrik Andersson, chief investment officer at Apollo Crypto, told Cointelegraph.


NFT monthly trading volume since June, 2017. Source: CryptoSlam

2017 年 6 月以降の NFT 月間取引量。出典: CryptoSlam

"Meme coins are likely diverting some attention away from NFTs," Andersson added.


Mind share, a marketing term, refers to the level of consumer awareness or popularity associated with a specific product or concept.

マーケティング用語であるマインド シェアは、特定の製品またはコンセプトに関連する消費者の認知度または人気のレベルを指します。

While NFT sales have slowed, memecoins continue to generate substantial trading volumes, including $3.4 billion in the last 24 hours alone, according to CoinGecko data.


This surge has been largely fueled by the rise of PolitiFi memecoins tied to the United States presidential election, as well as the emergence of numerous celebrity tokens on Ethereum and Solana.


MAGA (TRUMP) and Pepe (PEPE) are among the memecoins that experienced price increases during the second quarter.

MAGA (TRUMP) と Pepe (PEPE) は、第 2 四半期に価格が上昇したミームコインの 1 つです。

Ordinal inscriptions may claim market share


Advancements in Bitcoin-based Ordinals could also shift attention away from traditional NFTs in the coming months, Andersson noted.


"Longer term, we anticipate Bitcoin ordinals will continue to gain market share in the NFT space, particularly given the proliferation of Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions."


Related: Celebrity memecoins highlight crypto's influencer problem


However, network activity on Ordinals and Runes has also declined in recent weeks.

ただし、Ordinals と Runes に関するネットワーク活動もここ数週間で減少しています。

Runes transactions have fallen by 88% from their June peak, and both Ordinals inscriptions and Runes have generated less than 2 Bitcoin (BTC) per day in miner fees over the past week.


NFTs have rebounded in the past


NFTs experienced a modest recovery in the final quarter of 2023, generating over $3 billion in sales, signaling potential for an NFT resurgence in the latter half of 2024.


This included a $1.77 billion sales month in December 2023, the highest since NFT sales began to decline in June 2022.


Leading NFT collectibles such as CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Clubs continue to maintain substantial market caps of $994.9 million and $345.9 million, respectively, according to CoinGecko data.

CoinGeckoのデータによると、CryptoPunksやBored Ape Yacht Clubsなどの主要なNFTコレクターは、それぞれ9億9,490万ドルと3億4,590万ドルという相当な時価総額を維持し続けています。

Largest NFT projects by market cap. Source: CoinGecko

時価総額で最大のNFTプロジェクト。出典: CoinGecko

In contrast, the two largest Ordinals projects, NodeMonkes and Bitcoin Puppets, have market caps of $121.1 million and $94.2 million.

対照的に、2 つの最大の Ordinals プロジェクト、NodeMonkes と Bitcoin Puppets の時価総額は 1 億 2,110 万ドルと 9,420 万ドルです。

Magazine: Meme coins: Betrayal of crypto's ideals… or its true purpose?

雑誌: ミームコイン: 暗号通貨の理想への裏切り… それともその真の目的?


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