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OKX to support Doginals, other inscription standards in marketplace

OKX 将支持 Doginals 以及市场上的其他铭文标准

发布: 2024/01/30 06:00 阅读: 224



OKX 将支持 Doginals 以及市场上的其他铭文标准

OKX has expanded its digital asset offerings by integrating various inscription token standards, including Dogecoin Ordinals, into its wallet and marketplace.

OKX 通过将各种铭文代币标准(包括狗狗币序号)集成到其钱包和市场中,扩展了其数字资产产品。

The integration process begins with the Bitcoin token standard, SRC-20 (Stamps), allowing users to view and transfer different inscription standards. OKX Wallet plans to incorporate ARC-20 (Atomicals), DRC-20 (Doginals), and Runes by late February.

集成过程从比特币代币标准SRC-20(Stamps)开始,允许用户查看和传输不同的铭文标准。 OKX 钱包计划在 2 月底之前整合 ARC-20(Atomicals)、DRC-20(Doginals)和 Runes。

Concurrently, the OKX Marketplace will integrate these standards, enabling the purchase and sale of DRC-20, ARC-20, and Runes inscriptions without fees.

同时,OKX Marketplace 将整合这些标准,支持免费购买和销售 DRC-20、ARC-20 和符文铭文。

The development is part of a broader trend where new token standards on various blockchain platforms are named distinctively, such as PRC-20 on Polygon PoS, Ethscriptions on Ethereum (ETH), and Solana Inscriptions on Solana (SOL).

这一发展是更广泛趋势的一部分,各种区块链平台上的新代币标准都有独特的命名,例如 Polygon PoS 上的 PRC-20、以太坊 (ETH) 上的 Ethscriptions 和 Solana (SOL) 上的 Solana Inscriptions。

Bitcoin inscriptions have gained significant popularity, with a mixed reception in the NFT community. Some see these as valuable digital assets, while others criticize them as “network spam.”

比特币铭文已经大受欢迎,NFT 社区的评价褒贬不一。一些人认为这些是有价值的数字资产,而另一些人则批评它们是“网络垃圾邮件”。

You might also like: Elon Musk’s take on NFTs sparks support for Bitcoin Ordinals

您可能还喜欢:埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 对 NFT 的看法引发了对比特币序数的支持

OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau highlighted the rapid adoption of inscriptions, particularly among Asian users. The surge in interest led to the development of OKX’s product offerings in their web3 self-custodial wallet, allowing users to manage, purchase, and sell inscriptions. According to Lau, the platform witnessed a user increase from hundreds to over 100,000, demonstrating the growing market interest.

OKX 首席创新官 Jason Lau 强调了铭文的快速采用,尤其是在亚洲用户中。兴趣的激增导致 OKX 在其 web3 自我托管钱包中开发了产品,允许用户管理、购买和销售铭文。据刘介绍,该平台的用户从数百人增加到超过10万,表明市场兴趣不断增长。

OKX is a major player in the crypto trading sphere and provides a web3 wallet. Lau mentioned that the expansion to other UTXO chains is in response to the desire to be a frontrunner in building web3 access tools for users.

OKX 是加密货币交易领域的主要参与者,并提供 web3 钱包。 Lau提到,向其他UTXO链的扩展是为了响应成为用户构建web3访问工具领跑者的愿望。

OKX Wallet supports inscription minting on 23 networks, including Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and many others. Lau explained that the timing for this initiative aligns with the rising traction and launch of these protocols.

OKX 钱包支持 23 个网络上的铭文铸造,包括比特币、狗狗币、以太坊等。刘解释说,这一举措的时机与这些协议的日益增长的吸引力和启动是一致的。

Read more: Magic Eden set to launch its multi-chain wallet

了解更多:Magic Eden 将推出多链钱包


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