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Bitcoin Network Metrics Shift Amid Rising Interest in Ordinals


发布: 2024/01/30 06:16 阅读: 668



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您还可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上阅读此新闻:比特币网络指标随着序数兴趣的上升而发生变化

Last year witnessed some developments that caused interesting changes in Bitcoin network metrics, while some metrics lost their significance. The thing that carried the network activity metrics to bull market levels in the midst of a bear market was the increasing ordinal activities on the Bitcoin network. These “things,” considered spam by some and an innovation by others, were most recently addressed by the authorities at OKX.

去年,一些进展导致比特币网络指标发生了有趣的变化,而一些指标则失去了意义。在熊市期间将网络活动指标提升至牛市水平的是比特币网络上不断增加的有序活动。这些“东西”被一些人认为是垃圾邮件,而另一些人则认为是一种创新,最近 OKX 当局解决了这些问题。

High Interest in Ordinals


On December 18th, OKX’s NFT marketplace surpassed others in daily transaction volume as investors showed more interest in Bitcoin-based NFTs. As discussions about Bitcoin-based NFTs grew, the exchange announced it would increase its efforts in this area.

12 月 18 日,随着投资者对基于比特币的 NFT 表现出更大的兴趣,OKX 的 NFT 市场日交易量超过其他市场。随着关于基于比特币的 NFT 的讨论不断增多,该交易所宣布将加大在这一领域的力度。

On January 29th, OKX, which added Atomicals and Runes to its NFT marketplace, anticipates growing interest in this field. It was also announced that support for different versions of ordinals on networks like Dogecoin (e.g., Doginals for DOGE) would be coming soon.

1 月 29 日,OKX 将 Atomicals 和 Runes 添加到其 NFT 市场,预计人们对该领域的兴趣将不断增长。还宣布即将推出对狗狗币等网络上不同版本序数的支持(例如 DOGE 的 Doginals)。

In addition to the NFT Marketplace, OKX will also support Atomicals, Stamps, Runes, and Doginals token standards for its Web3 wallet.

除了 NFT 市场之外,OKX 还将为其 Web3 钱包支持 Atomicals、Stamps、Runes 和 Doginals 代币标准。

Are Ordinals Spam?


Some say these standards, which cause network congestion and increase transaction fees without providing benefit, have turned into spam. Jason Lau, OKX’s Chief Innovation Officer, disagrees. An expert who says there’s no such thing as spam in open and permissionless networks like Bitcoin argues that as long as fees are paid and consensus rules are followed, there is nothing wrong.

有人说,这些标准导致网络拥堵,增加交易费用,却没有带来任何好处,已经变成了垃圾邮件。 OKX 首席创新官 Jason Lau 不同意这种观点。一位专家表示,在像比特币这样的开放和无需许可的网络中不存在垃圾邮件,他认为只要支付费用并遵循共识规则,就没有任何问题。

“OKX has historically been a strong supporter of the Bitcoin ecosystem and has been one of the earliest supporters of upgrades like SegWit, Taproot, and Lightning, and Ordinals are no different.”

“OKX 历来都是比特币生态系统的坚定支持者,也是 SegWit、Taproot 和 Lightning 等升级的最早支持者之一,Ordinals 也不例外。”

Moreover, these new standards have the potential to open up new use cases. There have been many stories written about NFTs, and we have started to see fewer real-life examples. However, just because there isn’t enough demand today doesn’t mean it will be the same in the future.

此外,这些新标准有可能开辟新的用例。关于 NFT 的故事有很多,但我们在现实生活中看到的例子却越来越少。然而,今天的需求不足并不意味着未来也会如此。

“Inscriptions have the potential to be strong digital collections because they store data and art on the network and allow for the creation of new types of NFTs.”

“铭文有潜力成为强大的数字收藏品,因为它们在网络上存储数据和艺术,并允许创建新型 NFT。”

On December 19th, about half a dozen blockchains including Arbitrum, Avalanche, Cronos, zkSync, and The Open Network experienced partial outages due to the new standard but were able to resume operations. The standard increases the intensity of data space occupied on the network.

12 月 19 日,包括 Arbitrum、Avalanche、Cronos、zkSync 和 The Open Network 在内的大约六个区块链因新标准而经历了部分中断,但能够恢复运营。该标准增加了网络上数据空间占用的强度。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Bitcoin Network Metrics Shift Amid Rising Interest in Ordinals

该帖子首次出现在 COINTURK 新闻上:比特币网络指标随着序数兴趣的上升而发生变化


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