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Polygon Shifts Focus from 'Edge,' the Dogechain Builder, to ZK

Polygon 将焦点从狗狗链构建器“Edge”转移到 ZK

发布: 2023/12/16 13:35 阅读: 820



Polygon 将焦点从狗狗链构建器“Edge”转移到 ZK

Polygon Labs phasing out support for older Edge

Polygon Labs 逐步取消对旧版 Edge 的支持

Polygon Labs, the main group behind the Polygon blockchain world, shared that they've stopped working on Polygon Edge, a tool used for making networks like Ethereum. This tool was used as a model for Dogechain, which aimed to bring decentralized finance (DeFi) to the Dogecoin community.

Polygon Labs 是 Polygon 区块链世界背后的主要团队,他们表示,他们已经停止了 Polygon Edge 的开发工作,Polygon Edge 是一种用于构建以太坊等网络的工具。该工具被用作狗狗链的模型,旨在将去中心化金融 (DeFi) 引入狗狗币社区。

They're now putting their effort into something new called Polygon CDK. This CDK is like a framework that helps create layer-2 blockchains using fancy math called "zero-knowledge cryptography," often shortened to "ZK."

他们现在正将精力投入到名为 Polygon CDK 的新产品上。这个 CDK 就像一个框架,可以使用称为“零知识密码学”(通常缩写为“ZK”)的奇特数学来帮助创建第 2 层区块链。

So, basically, the group in charge of Polygon's blockchain decided to stop working on a tool called Polygon Edge that helped make networks similar to Ethereum. They did this because they're now more interested in this new thing called Polygon CDK, which helps create another type of blockchain using a cool math called zero-knowledge cryptography. This math stuff has become super popular in the crypto world for making new projects and improving existing ones.

因此,基本上,负责 Polygon 区块链的团队决定停止开发名为 Polygon Edge 的工具,该工具有助于构建类似于以太坊的网络。他们这样做是因为他们现在对名为 Polygon CDK 的新事物更感兴趣,它有助于使用称为零知识密码学的酷数学创建另一种类型的区块链。这种数学知识在加密货币世界中变得非常流行,用于创建新项目和改进现有项目。

Polygon Labs' Embrace of Zero-Knowledge Technology

Polygon Labs 采用零知识技术

Throughout this year, Polygon Labs' top leaders have been hinting at a move towards zero-knowledge (ZK) technology. In March, they launched Polygon zkEVM, a brand-new network that works like Ethereum but with ZK power. Now, the team is shifting gears, urging blockchain creators to explore "Polygon CDK," a blueprint for crafting fresh layer-2 networks using this innovative technology.

今年以来,Polygon Labs 的高层领导一直在暗示要向零知识 (ZK) 技术迈进。今年 3 月,他们推出了 Polygon zkEVM,这是一个全新的网络,其工作原理类似于以太坊,但具有 ZK 能力。现在,该团队正在转变方向,敦促区块链创建者探索“Polygon CDK”,这是使用这种创新技术打造新的第 2 层网络的蓝图。

According to Polygon Labs' recent blog post, the environment in which their earlier tool, Edge, was developed has shifted. They now throw their weight behind a solution that empowers developers to build within a future ecosystem dominated by ZK-powered layer-2 systems. Prominent projects like Immutable, Astar, Canto, Gnosis Pay, and Manta Network have already committed to adopting Polygon CDK.

根据 Polygon Labs 最近的博客文章,他们早期工具 Edge 的开发环境已经发生了变化。他们现在全力支持一个解决方案,使开发人员能够在由 ZK 支持的第 2 层系统主导的未来生态系统中进行构建。 Immutable、Astar、Canto、Gnosis Pay 和 Manta Network 等著名项目已经承诺采用 Polygon CDK。

Polygon's Influence on Dogechain's Trajectory


The white paper for Polygon Edge outlines its flexible framework used to create blockchain networks compatible with Ethereum's smart contracts and transactions. It's been the go-to for launching new networks and scaling solutions in the blockchain world.

Polygon Edge 的白皮书概述了其灵活的框架,用于创建与以太坊智能合约和交易兼容的区块链网络。它一直是在区块链世界中启动新网络和扩展解决方案的首选。

Surprisingly, the Dogechain initiative didn't receive backing from key figures in the Dogecoin community. When Dogechain launched, Jens Wiechers, a board member of the Dogecoin Foundation, made it clear through a tweet that the foundation wasn't associated with the project. Even the founders of Dogecoin distanced themselves from Dogechain.

令人惊讶的是,狗狗链倡议并未得到狗狗币社区关键人物的支持。当狗狗链推出时,狗狗币基金会董事会成员 Jens Wiechers 通过推文明确表示该基金会与该项目没有任何关系。就连狗狗币的创始人也与狗狗链保持着距离。

The impact of Polygon's decision on Dogechain's future operations or plans remains uncertain. Attempts to reach out for comments via the Dogechain website didn't yield an immediate response. Queries posed on the project's official Discord channel also went unanswered, leaving ambiguity around any potential changes or effects resulting from Polygon's shift.

Polygon 的决定对 Dogechain 未来运营或计划的影响仍不确定。试图通过狗狗链网站征求意见,但没有立即得到回应。在该项目的官方 Discord 频道上提出的询问也没有得到答复,这使得 Polygon 的转变所带来的任何潜在变化或影响都变得模糊不清。

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