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Solana’s Bonk Rockets 130% on Binance, Now Among Top 50 Crypto

Solana 的 Bonk 在币安上飙升 130%,现已跻身加密货币 50 强之列

发布: 2023/12/16 17:00 阅读: 631



Solana 的 Bonk 在币安上飙升 130%,现已跻身加密货币 50 强之列

Bonk, Solana's leading meme coin, has experienced a remarkable 130% increase in value within a week of being listed on Binance.

Bonk 是 Solana 的领先模因币,在币安上市后一周内其价值大幅上涨 130%。

The coin, created by an anonymous team, has now achieved a market value of $2 billion, propelling it into the top 50 cryptos.

该币由匿名团队创建,目前市值已达 20 亿美元,跻身加密货币前 50 名。

Binance initiated trading for Bonk across various pairs. However, it issued a cautionary note about the coin's high volatility, emphasizing its status as a meme coin with an unknown origin.

币安启动了不同货币对的 Bonk 交易。然而,它对该代币的高波动性发出了警告,强调其作为来源不明的模因代币的地位。

Despite these warnings, Bonk's value skyrocketed, securing its position as the third-largest meme coin, trailing only Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

尽管有这些警告,Bonk 的价值还是飙升,巩固了其作为第三大模因币的地位,仅次于狗狗币和柴犬。

Bonk's meteoric rise has been spectacular, witnessing an astounding surge of over 8,820% in just 56 days.

Bonk 的迅速崛起令人惊叹,在短短 56 天内就飙升了 8,820% 以上。

This surge has not only captivated the crypto community but has also had a tangible impact on the sales of the Solana Saga Mobile.

这种激增不仅吸引了加密货币社区,还对 Solana Saga Mobile 的销售产生了切实的影响。

Sold out in the U.S., the Solana Saga Mobile has experienced increased demand, partly driven by the Bonk airdrop it includes.

Solana Saga Mobile 在美国已售罄,需求增加,部分原因是其包含的 Bonk 空投。

The current valuation of the Bonk airdrop exceeds $1000, effectively turning the $599-priced Solana mobile into a cost-free acquisition for lucky recipients.

Bonk 空投目前的估值超过 1000 美元,有效地将售价 599 美元的 Solana 手机变成了幸运接收者的免费购买。

This development underscores the substantial influence of Bonk's listing on Binance, showcasing its growing significance within the broader crypto market.

这一发展凸显了 Bonk 上市对币安的重大影响,展示了其在更广泛的加密货币市场中日益增长的重要性。

As the meme coin phenomenon continues to capture attention and investment, the impact on associated products and platforms, such as the Solana mobile, further highlights the interconnected dynamics within the crypto ecosystem.

随着模因硬币现象继续吸引关注和投资,对相关产品和平台(例如 Solana 移动设备)的影响进一步凸显了加密生态系统内的相互关联的动态。

Investors and enthusiasts will undoubtedly be closely watching the ongoing journey of Bonk as it establishes its presence among the top cryptocurrencies.

投资者和爱好者无疑将密切关注 Bonk 在顶级加密货币中确立其地位的持续历程。

The post Solana’s Bonk Rockets 130% on Binance, Now Among Top 50 Crypto appeared first on Optimisus.

Solana 的 Bonk Rockets 在 Binance 上上涨 130%,现已跻身加密货币前 50 名的帖子首先出现在 Optimisus 上。


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