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Presale Pushd Attracts Crypto Community, While Investors from Solana and Dogecoin Join

Pushd 预售吸引加密社区,Solana 和 Dogecoin 投资者加入

发布: 2024/01/12 06:06 阅读: 584



Pushd 预售吸引加密社区,Solana 和 Dogecoin 投资者加入

In the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency, the spotlight has recently shifted to three notable entities: Pushd, Solana (SOL), and Dogecoin (DOGE). These digital assets have garnered attention for distinct reasons, drawing interest and participation from diverse communities and investors.

在加密货币的动态领域,焦点最近转移到三个著名实体:Pushd、Solana (SOL) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE)。这些数字资产由于不同的原因而受到关注,吸引了不同社区和投资者的兴趣和参与。

Solana (SOL)’s Staking Elevation

Solana (SOL) 的质押高度

Solana (SOL) enthusiasts are reveling in the latest promotional campaign introduced by Crypto.com. In an enticing offer, eligible holders can share a substantial $20,000 in BTC by staking ETH and/or SOL. The on-chain staking feature on the Crypto.com app boasts regular rewards for over ten prominent cryptocurrencies, providing an unlimited staking quota and the flexibility to unstake at any time post-activation.

Solana (SOL) 爱好者正在陶醉于 Crypto.com 推出的最新促销活动。在一个诱人的报价中,符合资格的持有者可以通过质押 ETH 和/或 SOL 来分享价值 20,000 美元的 BTC。 Crypto.com 应用程序上的链上质押功能拥有十多种知名加密货币的定期奖励,提供无限的质押配额以及激活后随时取消质押的灵活性。

As an added incentive, participants maximizing this feature can win a share of $20,000 worth of BTC for a limited period. This campaign, initiated in late December, extends until April 10, 2024, presenting a strategic window for Solana (SOL) holders. Solana (SOL), currently the fifth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, witnessed a significant surge in price in 2023, attributed to the blockchain’s efficiency and the issuance of meme coins on its platform.

作为额外的激励措施,最大化此功能的参与者可以在有限的时间内赢得价值 20,000 美元的 BTC。该活动于 12 月下旬启动,一直持续到 2024 年 4 月 10 日,为 Solana (SOL) 持有者提供了一个战略窗口。 Solana (SOL) 是目前市值第五大的加密货币,由于区块链的效率和在其平台上发行 meme 币,其价格在 2023 年大幅上涨。

Dogecoin (DOGE)’s Lunar Ascent and Market Sentiments


Dogecoin (DOGE), a beloved meme coin, recently embarked on a lunar journey aboard the Vulcan Centaur rocket. Despite the highly anticipated space launch, the impact on Dogecoin (DOGE) prices has been notably subdued. Initially met with excitement, the event has taken on the characteristics of a ‘sell the news’ phenomenon, resulting in a stagnation of investor interest.


The upcoming DOGE-1 space mission, entirely funded in cryptocurrency, raises questions about its potential impact, given the lukewarm response to the Vulcan mission. Nevertheless, there are signs of hope for Dogecoin (DOGE), as trading volume exhibits signs of recovery, indicating a renewed investor interest and potential market resilience.

即将到来的 DOGE-1 太空任务完全由加密货币资助,鉴于对 Vulcan 任务反应冷淡,人们对其潜在影响提出了质疑。尽管如此,狗狗币(DOGE)仍有希望,因为交易量出现复苏迹象,表明投资者兴趣重新燃起,市场具有潜在的弹性。

Pushd (PUSHD)’s Intriguing Entry into E-Commerce

Pushd (PUSHD) 有趣地进军电子商务

Amidst the established cryptocurrencies, Pushd emerges as a compelling contender, poised to introduce the world’s first blockchain-based online marketplace. The platform’s user-friendly interface simplifies the listing process for sellers, eliminating cumbersome KYC processes.

在成熟的加密货币中,Pushd 成为一个引人注目的竞争者,准备推出世界上第一个基于区块链的在线市场。该平台的用户友好界面简化了卖家的上市流程,消除了繁琐的 KYC 流程。

Pushd confronts prevalent e-commerce challenges by eradicating excessive seller fees, ensuring prompt payment releases, and prioritizing user privacy through the absence of KYC requirements. Presale token holders of Pushd are endowed with governance privileges and participate in a rewards program, fostering a dynamic and incentivized ecosystem.

Pushd 通过消除过高的卖家费用、确保及时付款以及通过取消 KYC 要求优先考虑用户隐私来应对普遍存在的电子商务挑战。 Pushd 的预售代币持有者被赋予治理特权并参与奖励计划,从而培育一个充满活力和激励的生态系统。

Backed by a comprehensive audit and liquidity lock, Pushd positions itself as a secure investment in the crypto space. With an attractive price point of $0.048 during its stage two presale, experts foresee a substantial 25x to 100x price increase during the anticipated 2024 bull market. Against the backdrop of the global e-commerce sector, projected to surpass a value of 6 trillion USD by 2024, Pushd’s growth potential becomes increasingly apparent, offering a compelling prospect for investors eyeing the following transformative developments in the crypto market.

在全面审计和流动性锁定的支持下,Pushd 将自己定位为加密货币领域的安全投资。第二阶段预售价格为 0.048 美元,专家预计在 2024 年牛市期间价格将大幅上涨 25 倍至 100 倍。在全球电子商务行业价值预计到 2024 年将超过 6 万亿美元的背景下,Pushd 的增长潜力日益显现,为关注加密货币市场后续变革发展的投资者提供了令人信服的前景。

Find out more about the Pushd presale at their official website

在其官方网站上了解有关 Pushd 预售的更多信息

X (f.k.a. Twitter) https://twitter.com/pushdstore

X(又名 Twitter)https://twitter.com/pushdstore

Telegram: https://t.me/pushdonline


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