首页 > 资讯新闻 > BONK 失去动力,SPONGE 引领 Meme 代币上涨,Meme Kombat Frenzy 达到 650 万美元

BONK Loses Steam as SPONGE Leads the Meme Coin Pump, Meme Kombat Frenzy Hits $6.5M

BONK 失去动力,SPONGE 引领 Meme 代币上涨,Meme Kombat Frenzy 达到 650 万美元

发布: 2024/01/12 06:06 阅读: 595



The crypto market has turned chaotic this week. In response to the Bitcoin ETF approval, prominent cryptocurrencies are expected to take wild turns in the coming days. 

本周加密市场变得混乱。为了响应比特币 ETF 的批准,预计主流加密货币将在未来几天发生剧烈变化。

The meme coin market is emphatically in the spotlight, with SPONGE gaining 19.93% over the day. Large-cap meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are in the race too, climbing 4.58% and 4.65% respectively. 

Meme 币市场成为人们关注的焦点,SPONGE 当天上涨 19.93%。像狗狗币和柴犬这样的大盘 meme 币也加入了竞争,分别上涨了 4.58% 和 4.65%。

Bonk, one of the most trending meme coins of the week, however, is on a decline. But to its defense, Bonk took a steep 20% climb before the imminent price correction took over. The Meme Kombat presale has surged past $6.58M, as investors flock to ride the next meme coin pump. 

然而,本周最热门的模因币之一邦克却正在下跌。但为了辩护,Bonk 在即将到来的价格调整开始之前大幅上涨了 20%。随着投资者蜂拥而至,Meme Kombat 预售已突破 658 万美元。

SPONGE Climbs 81% As SPONGEV2 Stake-to-Bridge Fuels FOMO

SPONGEV2 桩到桥助长 FOMO,SPONGE 股价上涨 81%

As the $SPONGEV2 launch closes in, investors are in a rush to stake $SPONGE tokens in the new staking program that comes with attractive APYs. The craze has sent $SPONGE 81.61% above the charts in the last seven days. 

随着 $SPONGEV2 发布的临近​​,投资者急于在新的质押计划中质押 $SPONGE 代币,该计划附带有吸引力的 APY。过去 7 天内,这股热潮使 $SPONGE 的涨幅超过了图表 81.61%。

The short stake-to-bridge window offers the last chance to buy $SPONGEV2 before exchange listings for discounts. 

短暂的权益到桥窗口提供了在交易所上市以获得折扣之前购买 $SPONGEV2 的最后机会。

The original meme coin, launched in May 2023, climbed to a $100 million market cap within days of going live. It went on to become one of the most successful meme coins of the year, showering presale investors with up to 100X returns. 

最初的 Meme 币于 2023 年 5 月推出,上线几天内市值就攀升至 1 亿美元。它后来成为今年最成功的模因币之一,为预售投资者带来了高达 100 倍的回报。

Token Bridging Now Live with 352% Staking APY

代币桥接现已上线,年利率为 352%

The growing traffic to the staking protocol hints at a similar pump on the first series of exchange listings for SPONGEV2. 

质押协议流量的不断增长暗示着 SPONGEV2 的第一批交易所上市也出现了类似的上涨。

Ahead of the token launch, SPONGE investors have the chance to bridge from V1 to V2 and stake their tokens. The staking APY stood at a compelling 352% at the time of writing. 

在代币发行之前,SPONGE 投资​​者有机会从 V1 过渡到 V2 并质押他们的代币。截至撰写本文时,质押 APY 达到引人注目的 352%。

Another interesting point to note is that SPONGEV2 is selling for just around $0.000885 in the current stage. The V1 Launch Price of $0.000025 marks a 3541.27% increase from the current price. 

另一个值得注意的有趣点是 SPONGEV2 现阶段的售价仅为 0.000885 美元左右。 V1 发行价为 0.000025 美元,较当前价格上涨 3541.27%。

By moving to SPONGEV2, the team’s goal is to kindle the next phase of the project. 

通过转向 SPONGEV2,团队的目标是启动项目的下一阶段。

A key milestone ahead for SPONGEV2 is the launch of a game app themed around SpongeBob. More details of the play-to-earn game and its mechanics have yet to be announced. Before that, the launch of the Stake-to-Bridge protocol will allow holders of the original SPONGE token to stake them in exchange for the new token. 

SPONGEV2 的一个重要里程碑是推出以海绵宝宝为主题的游戏应用程序。该游戏及其机制的更多细节尚未公布。在此之前,Stake-to-Bridge 协议的推出将允许原始 SPONGE 代币的持有者将其质押以换取新代币。

Crypto publications and influential YouTubers like ClayBro have been featuring SPONGEV2 in recent posts, which add to the social sentiments around the project. 

加密货币出版物和像 ClayBro 这样有影响力的 YouTube 用户在最近的帖子中都对 SPONGEV2 进行了专题报道,这增加了围绕该项目的社会情绪。

SPONGE tokens worth $3,964,579 have been staked so far. As the staking mechanism gains further momentum toward the end of the stake-to-bridge window, the price of $SPONGE is expected to take off. 

迄今为止,已质押价值 3,964,579 美元的 SPONGE 代币。随着质押机制在质押到桥窗口结束时获得进一步的动力,$SPONGE 的价格预计将会上涨。

That, in turn, will pave the way for a strong debut listing for $SPONGEV2. 

反过来,这将为 $SPONGEV2 的强劲首次上市铺平道路。



BONK Slips Down – More Steam Left?

BONK 下滑——剩下更多动力?

BONK is slipping down the charts on Thursday after recording a meteoric surge on Wednesday. But the meme coin icon seems to have more steam left. 

BONK 在周三大幅飙升后,周四的排行榜上出现下滑。但模因硬币图标似乎还剩下更多的动力。

Over the last few days, BONK has had the spotlight in the meme coin market, outshining high-cap players like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. The Solana-based token is an attractive investment for speculative investors with high risk-tolerance. 

在过去的几天里,BONK 在模因币市场上备受瞩目,超越了狗狗币和柴犬等高市值玩家。基于 Solana 的代币对于具有高风险承受能力的投机投资者来说是一项有吸引力的投资。

BONK 1D price action, CoinMarketCap

BONK 1D 价格走势,CoinMarketCap

While social engagement is in favor of the token, the trading volume has waned over the last 24 hours by 11.24%. That said, BONK ranks #22 in terms of trading volume at a massive $552,137,856. When it comes to market cap, the token has the 70th place on the global chart. 

尽管社交参与有利于该代币,但过去 24 小时内交易量下降了 11.24%。也就是说,BONK 的交易量高达 552,137,856 美元,排名第 22 位。就市值而言,该代币在全球排行榜上排名第 70 位。

Another Fleeting Sensation? 


BONK’s rise to a $950,039,201 market cap knocks meme coin icons like Pepe out of the picture. Although Pepe has managed to climb 16.09% on the daily price chart, its trading volume is incomparable to BONK at just $245,838,705. 

BONK 的市值升至 950,039,201 美元,将 Pepe 等 Meme 代币偶像排除在外。尽管 Pepe 在日线图上成功上涨了 16.09%,但其交易量却无法与 BONK 相比,仅为 245,838,705 美元。

If social media buzz translates to price action, BONK could be heading for another rapid surge soon. The meme coin has made remarkable strides over a short period of time. It currently ranks 3rd on the meme coin chart, only next to Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. 

如果社交媒体的热度转化为价格走势,BONK 可能很快就会再次快速上涨。模因币在短时间内取得了显着的进步。目前它在模因币排行榜上排名第三,仅次于狗狗币和柴犬。

That said, BONK has little going on for it in terms of sustainability due to its lack of focus on building a robust ecosystem. The token set a new all-time high on Dec 15, 2023. But since then, it has lost 56.45% of its value. 

尽管如此,BONK 由于缺乏对建立强大生态系统的关注,在可持续发展方面几乎没有什么进展。该代币于 2023 年 12 月 15 日创下历史新高。但自那以后,其价值已下跌 56.45%。

While BONK is a good short-term hold for investors with high risk appetite, it is not likely to survive the current market trends. 


Investors Flock to Meme Kombat For the Next Pump 

投资者纷纷涌向 Meme Kombat 寻求下一个机会

The latest meme coin sensation is Meme Kombat ($MK). 

最新引起轰动的模因币是 Meme Kombat ($MK)。

In contrast to useless and purposeless meme coins, the project introduces a virtual battle arena for meme coin icons built on AI capabilities. 


The unique combination of meme coins in GambleFi has sent the presale of $MK tokens past the $6.5M mark. A stake-to-earn mechanism (144% APY now) accompanies the presale to encourage token holding and mitigate the likelihood of early pump-and-dump scenarios. 

GambleFi 中 Meme 币的独特组合使 $MK 代币的预售突破了 650 万美元大关。预售伴随着质押赚取机制(现在年利率为 144%),以鼓励持有代币并降低早期拉高抛售情况的可能性。

Both the speculative and utility appeal of Meme Kombat look strong enough to ignite the next meme coin pump.

Meme Kombat 的投机性和实用性吸引力看起来都足够强大,足以点燃下一个 Meme 硬币泵。


以预售价格购买 $MK 代币

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The post BONK Loses Steam as SPONGE Leads the Meme Coin Pump, Meme Kombat Frenzy Hits $6.5M  appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

BONK 失去动力,SPONGE 引领 Meme Coin Pump,Meme Kombat Frenzy 达到 650 万美元,首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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