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Pro-XRP Lawyer Criticizes SEC’s Lawsuit Against Ripple: ‘An Unprecedented Move in 75 Years’

Pro-XRP 律师批评 SEC 针对 Ripple 的诉讼:“75 年来前所未有的举动”

发布: 2024/09/17 16:10 阅读: 709



Pro-XRP 律师批评 SEC 针对 Ripple 的诉讼:“75 年来前所未有的举动”

John Deaton, a prominent attorney representing 75,000 XRP holders, addressed the legal dispute between the SEC and Ripple on the 3T Warrior Academy YouTube channel. He characterized the SEC's litigation as an "unprecedented move" in securities law over the past 75 years, with significant implications for the crypto industry and XRP investors.

代表 75,000 个 XRP 持有者的著名律师 John Deaton 在 3T Warrior Academy YouTube 频道上讨论了 SEC 和 Ripple 之间的法律纠纷。他将 SEC 的诉讼描述为过去 75 年来证券法中的“前所未有的举措”,对加密行业和 XRP 投资者产生了重大影响。

Deaton's Criticism of the SEC's Actions

迪顿对 SEC 行为的批评

Deaton strongly criticized the SEC's classification of XRP as a security, calling it an overreach. He argued that the SEC's actions have disproportionately impacted XRP holders, particularly retail investors who have lost billions in the market following the announcement of the lawsuit.

迪顿强烈批评 SEC 将 XRP 归类为证券,称其越权。他认为,SEC 的行动对 XRP 持有者产生了不成比例的影响,尤其是散户投资者,他们在诉讼宣布后在市场上损失了数十亿美元。

Deaton asserted that the SEC's actions resulted in a $15B loss in value for XRP, harming numerous retail investors. The case, filed in late 2020, led to the delisting of XRP from exchanges, further exacerbating the situation for token holders.

Deaton 声称 SEC 的行为导致 XRP 价值损失 15B 美元,损害了众多散户投资者的利益。该案件于 2020 年底提起,导致 XRP 从交易所下架,进一步加剧了代币持有者的处境。

Despite these challenges, Ripple has recently achieved a partial victory, with the court ruling that XRP itself is not a security. However, the lawsuit has had significant financial and reputational implications for Ripple and the broader crypto market.

尽管面临这些挑战,Ripple 最近还是取得了部分胜利,法院裁定 XRP 本身不是证券。然而,该诉讼对 Ripple 和更广泛的加密市场产生了重大的财务和声誉影响。

Financial Losses and Legal Costs


Deaton highlighted the financial repercussions of the lawsuit for Ripple and its investors. Ripple has incurred over $100M in legal expenses defending itself against the SEC's allegations.

迪顿强调了诉讼对 Ripple 及其投资者的财务影响。 Ripple 为针对 SEC 的指控进行辩护而花费了超过 1 亿美元的法律费用。

According to Deaton, the SEC has been unwilling to acknowledge mistakes or retract the designation of XRP as a security. He believes that XRP holders should be compensated for their losses directly attributable to the SEC's actions.

迪顿表示,美国证券交易委员会一直不愿承认错误或撤销将 XRP 作为证券的指定。他认为,XRP 持有者因 SEC 的行为直接造成的损失应该得到赔偿。

Government Overreach


Beyond the Ripple lawsuit, Deaton discussed the broader implications of government overreach in the financial sector, particularly with regard to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

除了 Ripple 诉讼之外,迪顿还讨论了政府在金融领域过度干预的更广泛影响,特别是在中央银行数字货币(CBDC)方面。

He cautioned that increased government control over digital assets could pose a threat to individual financial freedom. Deaton expressed concern about the potential consequences of government-controlled currencies and advocated for clear regulations to prevent similar lawsuits in the future.


Need for Clear Legislation


Deaton also emphasized the need for clear and comprehensive legislation regarding cryptocurrencies and digital assets. He suggested that Congress should have acted sooner to provide regulatory certainty, which has stifled innovation in the U.S. crypto market.



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