首页 > 资讯新闻 > Raiffeisen 银行将在维也纳通过 Bitpanda 提供零售加密货币交易

Raiffeisen Bank To Offer Retail Crypto Trading via Bitpanda in Vienna

Raiffeisen 银行将在维也纳通过 Bitpanda 提供零售加密货币交易

发布: 2023/11/24 07:23 阅读: 753



Raiffeisen 银行将在维也纳通过 Bitpanda 提供零售加密货币交易

  • Austria’s Financial Market Authority (FMA) and Germany’s BaFin both oversee Bitpanda.
  • 奥地利金融市场管理局 (FMA) 和德国 BaFin 均监管 Bitpanda。

  • Bitpanda, a crypto exchange, signed a memorandum of intent with the bank earlier this year.
  • 加密货币交易所 Bitpanda 今年早些时候与该银行签署了一份意向备忘录。

By January 2024 end, Austria-based Raiffeisen Bank plans to provide retail clients trading services in cryptocurrencies. Bitpanda, a crypto exchange, signed a memorandum of intent with the bank earlier this year, and the duo will work together to deliver the service to consumers in Vienna.

到 2024 年 1 月末,奥地利 Raiffeisen 银行计划为零售客户提供加密货币交易服务。加密货币交易所 Bitpanda 今年早些时候与该银行签署了一份意向备忘录,双方将共同努力为维也纳的消费者提供该服务。

Curt Chadha, the bank’s head of innovation stated:

该银行创新主管 Curt Chadha 表示:

“We are starting in Vienna where about a quarter of Austria’s population lives.” 


Targeting Retail Clients


Bitpanda’s services, including the trading of more than 250 different cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, would be made available to the bank’s clients as a result of the agreement.

根据协议,该银行的客户将可以使用 Bitpanda 的服务,包括比特币和以太坊等 250 多种不同加密货币的交易。

With $215 billion in assets and 17.8 million clients in the EU and Eastern Europe, the bank’s decision is another indication that crypto adoption is picking up steam, especially in regions where regulatory clarity is developing.

该银行在欧盟和东欧拥有 2150 亿美元的资产和 1780 万客户,其决定再次表明加密货币的采用正在加速,尤其是在监管日益明确的地区。

Chadha further added:


“The customer can use their mobile device to enter Bitpanda through the Raiffeisen app. The experience will be familiar, so confirming a trade will work exactly like an account-to-account bank transfer with the same security customers are used to.”

“客户可以使用他们的移动设备通过 Raiffeisen 应用程序进入 Bitpanda。这种体验将会很熟悉,因此确认交易的方式将与账户到账户的银行转账完全一样,并且具有客户习惯的相同安全性。”

According to Chadha, unlike the products of other banks, which are geared at affluent people with millions to invest, this service is designed for clients who are digitally adept but may only wish to make a little contribution.

Chadha 表示,与其他银行的产品不同,其他银行的产品面向拥有数百万美元投资的富裕人群,这项服务是为精通数字技术但可能只想做出一点贡献的客户而设计的。

Austria’s Financial Market Authority (FMA) and Germany’s BaFin both oversee Bitpanda, a company created in Vienna in 2014 that allows businesses to provide regulated trading, investing, and custody services for various assets including cryptocurrencies.

奥地利金融市场管理局 (FMA) 和德国 BaFin 均监管 Bitpanda,该公司于 2014 年在维也纳成立,允许企业为包括加密货币在内的各种资产提供受监管的交易、投资和托管服务。

In 2020, the global Raiffeisen bank began building a blockchain-based platform for the tokenization of national currency. The bank’s trade finance experiments using R3’s Marco Polo blockchain network are additional evidence of its dedication to innovation.

2020 年,全球 Raiffeisen 银行开始构建基于区块链的国家货币代币化平台。该银行使用 R3 的马可波罗区块链网络进行的贸易融资实验进一步证明了其致力于创新。

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