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Rebel Satoshi draws Dogecoin holders


发布: 2023/12/04 20:04 阅读: 504



  • Dogecoin is up 2.53% since Nov. 16, but analysts are cautious
  • 狗狗币自11月16日以来上涨2.53%,但分析师持谨慎态度

  • Rebel Satoshi is being explored by optimistic investors 
  • 乐观的投资者正在探索反叛的中本聪

  • RBLZ is in the Rebel Round 1 after the Early Bird Round sold out in three weeks.
  • 在早鸟轮在三周内售完后,RBLZ 进入了 Rebel 第一轮。

As the crypto market retraces, investors are seeking new options after missing the Dogecoin rally. Rebel Satoshi emerges as a potential choice. Over 10 million RBLZ was sold in 48 hours in the ongoing presale. 


Dogecoin price prediction: will DOGE sustain the uptrend?


Astrobotic Technology announced that it plans to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon via the DHL Moonbox using ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on Dec. 23. This news has caused a 2.53% increase in DOGE from $0.079 on Nov. 16 to $0.081 on Nov. 28. 

Astrobotic Technology 宣布计划于 12 月 23 日使用 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭通过 DHL Moonbox 将实物狗狗币发送到月球。这一消息导致 DOGE 上涨 2.53%,从 11 月 16 日的 0.079 美元上涨到 11 月 28 日的 0.081 美元。

Some experts predict that this upcoming launch could trigger a year-end rally. Dogecoin price forecasts place prices at $0.090 or higher by 2024. 

一些专家预测,即将推出的产品可能会引发年底反弹。狗狗币价格预测到 2024 年价格将达到 0.090 美元或更高。

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However, some analysts predict a potential DOGE decline as investors continue to leave, even after the physical Dogecoin’s lunar journey.


As a result, experts have set a year-end DOGE prediction at $0.070. 

因此,专家将 DOGE 年底预测定为 0.070 美元。

This Dogecoin price prediction has led some DOGE investors to consider Rebel Satoshi.


Rebel Satoshi on focus


Rebel Satoshi is a new meme coin that aims to redefine decentralization and has gained attention for its growth potential. 

Rebel Satoshi 是一种新的模因币,旨在重新定义去中心化,并因其增长潜力而受到关注。

The project sold 10 million RBLZ in the first 48 hours of its public presale. 


The platform aims to reshape the crypto landscape by promoting community engagement and offering pathways to financial inclusivity. 


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Its approach involves playful interaction, unity, and a vision for challenging established norms in the digital currency sphere. 


RBLZ is Rebel Satoshi’s governance and membership token. Its supply is capped at 250 million and has a deflationary mechanism that steadily reduces supply through token burns.

RBLZ 是 Rebel Satoshi 的治理和会员代币。其供应量上限为 2.5 亿,并具有通货紧缩机制,可通过代币销毁稳步减少供应量。

RBLZ holders have access to Rebel Satoshi’s ecosystem, which includes a play-to-earn (P2E) game, a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, and an upcoming staking program.

RBLZ 持有者可以访问 Rebel Satoshi 的生态系统,其中包括即玩即赚 (P2E) 游戏、不可替代代币 (NFT) 市场以及即将推出的质押计划。

In November, Rebel Satoshi offered RBLZ at $0.010 during the Early Bird Round of its public presale. After selling out in three weeks, RBLZ prices rose to $0.013 in the current crowd funding phase. 

11 月,Rebel Satoshi 在公开预售的早鸟轮中以 0.010 美元的价格提供了 RBLZ。在三周内售罄后,RBLZ 价格在当前众筹阶段上涨至 0.013 美元。

Early Bird Round participants expect more gains. By the end of the presale, RBLZ prices will be available for $0.025. 

早鸟轮参与者期望获得更多收益。预售结束时,RBLZ 价格将为 0.025 美元。

Visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram for more information.

请访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red 了解更多信息。

Read more: Tron rising as Rebel Satoshi’s Early Bird presale phase sells out

阅读更多:随着 Rebel Satoshi 的早鸟预售阶段售罄,Tron 不断上涨

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披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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