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The response of the cryptocurrency market to the Trump-Biden discussion


发布: 2024/06/28 18:03 阅读: 295




Presidential Debate Spurs Volatility in Political Tokens


In a groundbreaking development, the United States witnessed its first presidential debate ever. This event triggered significant fluctuations in the market for digital assets, particularly those known as "political" tokens.


Debate Highlights and Political Positioning


The debate featured two US presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who engaged in heated exchanges and accusations. Trump criticized Biden's economic policies, while Biden accused Trump of political incompetence and voter misinformation.


Despite the contentious nature of the debate, viewers generally perceived it as disorganized and tense. However, the betting market indicated a clear frontrunner.


Cryptocurrency and the Candidates


The 2024 presidential campaign has shed light on candidates' stances on cryptocurrency, a rapidly growing industry in the US. Politicians have courted the crypto community for support, with Trump transitioning from being a Bitcoin critic to an advocate and Biden seeking donations in cryptocurrency.

2024 年总统竞选揭示了候选人对加密货币这一美国快速增长行业的立场。政客们向加密货币社区寻求支持,特朗普从比特币批评者转变为倡导者,拜登则寻求加密货币捐款。

PolitiFi Tokens and Market Reaction

PolitiFi 代币和市场反应

The PolitiFi group encompasses tokens linked to political figures. Despite cryptocurrency not being mentioned during the debate, many PolitiFi coins exhibited strong reactions.

PolitiFi 组包含与政治人物相关的代币。尽管辩论中没有提及加密货币,但许多 PolitiFi 代币表现出了强烈的反应。

The majority of PolitiFi coins experienced negative dynamics, with Trump Mania dropping 49% and Pepe Trump (PTRUMP) declining 58%. However, some token holders profited, with OBEMA rising 25% and MAGA PAPA token (ETH) surging 132% in a single day.

大多数 PolitiFi 代币都经历了负面动态,特朗普狂热下跌 49%,佩佩·特朗普 (PTRUM​​P) 下跌 58%。不过,部分代币持有者获利了结,OBEMA 上涨 25%,MAGA PAPA 代币(ETH)单日飙升 132%。

Trump-linked tokens dominated both gains and losses. After the debate, the PolitiFi token market capitalization on CoinGecko decreased by over 5%.

与特朗普相关的代币在收益和损失中均占主导地位。争论结束后,CoinGecko 上的 PolitiFi 代币市值下降了 5% 以上。

Market Impact and Trump's Influence


Bitcoin and other market leaders witnessed a slight uptick following the debate's conclusion. Market participants projected Trump's performance to be stronger, with 58% believing he would win at the time of this review.

辩论结束后,比特币和其他市场领导者的价格略有上涨。市场参与者预计特朗普的表现将会更加强劲,58% 的人认为在本次审查时他会获胜。

The crypto community largely supports Trump's candidacy due to his campaign promises aimed at fostering industry growth. BeInCrypto previously analyzed the potential impact of the 2024 US presidential election on the cryptocurrency market.

加密货币社区在很大程度上支持特朗普的候选资格,因为他的竞选承诺旨在促进行业增长。 BeInCrypto此前分析了2024年美国总统大选对加密货币市场的潜在影响。


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