表紙 > 情報ニュース > トランプ大統領とバイデン氏の議論に対する仮想通貨市場の反応

The response of the cryptocurrency market to the Trump-Biden discussion


リリース: 2024/06/28 18:03 読む: 295




Presidential Debate Spurs Volatility in Political Tokens


In a groundbreaking development, the United States witnessed its first presidential debate ever. This event triggered significant fluctuations in the market for digital assets, particularly those known as "political" tokens.


Debate Highlights and Political Positioning


The debate featured two US presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who engaged in heated exchanges and accusations. Trump criticized Biden's economic policies, while Biden accused Trump of political incompetence and voter misinformation.


Despite the contentious nature of the debate, viewers generally perceived it as disorganized and tense. However, the betting market indicated a clear frontrunner.


Cryptocurrency and the Candidates


The 2024 presidential campaign has shed light on candidates' stances on cryptocurrency, a rapidly growing industry in the US. Politicians have courted the crypto community for support, with Trump transitioning from being a Bitcoin critic to an advocate and Biden seeking donations in cryptocurrency.


PolitiFi Tokens and Market Reaction

PolitiFi トークンと市場の反応

The PolitiFi group encompasses tokens linked to political figures. Despite cryptocurrency not being mentioned during the debate, many PolitiFi coins exhibited strong reactions.

PolitiFi グループには、政治家に関連したトークンが含まれています。討論会では仮想通貨については言及されなかったにもかかわらず、多くのPolitiFiコインが強い反応を示した。

The majority of PolitiFi coins experienced negative dynamics, with Trump Mania dropping 49% and Pepe Trump (PTRUMP) declining 58%. However, some token holders profited, with OBEMA rising 25% and MAGA PAPA token (ETH) surging 132% in a single day.

PolitiFi コインの大部分はマイナスの動きを経験し、トランプマニアは 49% 下落し、ペペ トランプ (PTRUM​​P) は 58% 下落しました。しかし、一部のトークン保有者は利益を得ており、OBEMAは1日で25%上昇、MAGA PAPAトークン(ETH)は132%急騰した。

Trump-linked tokens dominated both gains and losses. After the debate, the PolitiFi token market capitalization on CoinGecko decreased by over 5%.


Market Impact and Trump's Influence


Bitcoin and other market leaders witnessed a slight uptick following the debate's conclusion. Market participants projected Trump's performance to be stronger, with 58% believing he would win at the time of this review.


The crypto community largely supports Trump's candidacy due to his campaign promises aimed at fostering industry growth. BeInCrypto previously analyzed the potential impact of the 2024 US presidential election on the cryptocurrency market.

暗号通貨コミュニティは、業界の成長促進を目的としたトランプ氏の選挙公約により、トランプ氏の立候補を主に支持している。 BeInCryptoは以前、2024年の米国大統領選挙が仮想通貨市場に与える潜在的な影響を分析した。


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