In a whirlwind week for the crypto market, the ascent of meme-inspired tokens has taken center stage, with Shiba Inu (SHIB) leading the charge. Amid crazy trading activity, SHIB has emerged as the new contender, surpassing Cardano (ADA) in trading volume.
在加密货币市场旋风般的一周中,受迷因启发的代币的崛起成为焦点,其中柴犬(SHIB)引领潮流。在疯狂的交易活动中,SHIB 成为新的竞争者,其交易量超过了卡尔达诺 (ADA)。
The surge in popularity of meme coins such as Dogecoin (DOGE), SHIB and Pepe Coin (PEPE) has sparked a remarkable rally, propelling these digital assets to unprecedented heights. SHIB, in particular, has seen remarkable growth, with trading volumes soaring to dizzying heights.
狗狗币 (DOGE)、SHIB 和佩佩币 (PEPE) 等模因币的受欢迎程度激增引发了惊人的反弹,将这些数字资产推向了前所未有的高度。尤其是 SHIB,增长显着,交易量飙升至令人眼花缭乱的高度。
In a surprising turn of events, SHIB has outpaced ADA, a stalwart in the crypto sphere, in terms of trading volume, despite its lower ranking in the list of largest cryptocurrencies.
令人惊讶的是,SHIB 在交易量方面超过了加密货币领域的中坚力量 ADA,尽管它在最大的加密货币列表中排名较低。
Over the past 24 hours, SHIB's trading volume skyrocketed to a staggering $923 million, eclipsing ADA's volume of $680 million. This significant milestone underscores the growing influence of meme coins in the digital asset landscape.
过去 24 小时内,SHIB 的交易量飙升至惊人的 9.23 亿美元,超过了 ADA 6.8 亿美元的交易量。这一重要的里程碑凸显了模因币在数字资产领域日益增长的影响力。

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Notably, SHIB has experienced a remarkable uptick in both trading activity and price appreciation. With a staggering 139% increase in trading volume and an 11% surge in price, SHIB has reached its highest valuation since December 2023, commanding attention and investor interest alike.
值得注意的是,SHIB 的交易活动和价格升值均显着增加。 SHIB的交易量增长了139%,价格上涨了11%,达到了2023年12月以来的最高估值,引起了投资者的关注和兴趣。
Meme coin mania
The broader meme cryptocurrency sector has also witnessed a remarkable uptrend, with its total market capitalization surging by 8% to reach $26.7 billion. Trading volumes for these digital assets have surged by 90%, underscoring the fervent investor appetite for meme-inspired tokens.
更广泛的模因加密货币领域也出现了显着的上升趋势,其总市值飙升 8%,达到 267 亿美元。这些数字资产的交易量猛增了 90%,凸显了投资者对 meme 启发的代币的强烈兴趣。

As meme coins continue to captivate the imagination of investors, SHIB's ascent to surpass ADA in trading volumes marks a significant milestone in the ongoing meme coin mania, signaling what may be a paradigm shift in the crypto landscape.
随着 Meme 币继续吸引投资者的想象力,SHIB 在交易量上超越 ADA 标志着正在进行的 Meme 币热潮中的一个重要里程碑,标志着加密领域可能发生的范式转变。