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Shiba Inu Shines As 2nd Most Traded Token On This Exchange – Here’s The Scoop


发布: 2024/01/04 17:06 阅读: 947



Shiba Inu (SHIB) has established itself as an exceptional performer on a prominent cryptocurrency exchange in India, attaining the position of the second most traded token.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 已成为印度一家著名加密货币交易所的杰出表现者,获得了交易量第二大的代币的地位。

This is a noteworthy accomplishment in the fiercely competitive digital asset market, since SHIB outperformed both Bitcoin and Polygon in February, demonstrating a dramatic shift in the tastes of investors.

在竞争激烈的数字资产市场中,这是一个值得注意的成就,因为 SHIB 在 2 月份的表现超过了比特币和 Polygon,表明投资者品味的巨大转变。

Shiba Inu: Dominating Trades, Memorable 2023

柴犬:主导行业,令人难忘的 2023 年

WazirX, the foremost cryptocurrency exchange in India, disclosed that Shiba Inu (SHIB) ranked second in terms of trading volume on its platform throughout the previous year.

印度最重要的加密货币交易所 WazirX 透露,去年全年柴犬 (SHIB) 平台交易量排名第二。

Even though the top Indian exchange didn’t specify how much SHIB traded last year, the report nonetheless demonstrated that it was more successful than popular crypto assets such as ADA, ETH, MATIC, and XRP.

尽管印度顶级交易所没有具体说明 SHIB 去年的交易量,但该报告仍然表明它比 ADA、ETH、MATIC 和 XRP 等流行的加密资产更成功。

A number of factors have contributed to the increase in SHIB trading activity, including the token’s distinctive allure as a decentralized meme token that draws inspiration from Dogecoin and widespread participation from retail investors on social media platforms. This achievement underscores the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market as it evolves.

许多因素促成了 SHIB 交易活动的增加,包括该代币作为去中心化模因代币的独特吸引力,它从狗狗币中汲取灵感,以及社交媒体平台上散户投资者的广泛参与。这一成就强调了加密货币市场在发展过程中的动态本质。

Shiba Inu experienced a period of exceptional productivity in 2023, during which it introduced Shibarium, its layer-2 blockchain solution.

Shiba Inu 在 2023 年经历了一段非凡的生产力时期,在此期间推出了其第 2 层区块链解决方案 Shibarium。

The primary objective of the network was to enhance the scalability and efficacy of the memecoin through cost reduction and transaction speed optimization.


Due to escalated Shibarium transactions and associated fees, the cryptocurrency development team burned 33.8 billion SHIB tokens in a series of transactions.

由于 Shibarium 交易和相关费用不断升级,加密货币开发团队在一系列交易中销毁了 338 亿个 SHIB 代币。

These burn initiatives have assisted in reducing the substantial supply of SHIB, thereby enticing the interest of cryptocurrency investors.

这些销毁举措有助于减少 SHIB 的大量供应,从而吸引了加密货币投资者的兴趣。

It recently surpassed an enormous milestone, as the total number of transactions approached 250 million.

最近,它超越了一个巨大的里程碑,交易总数接近 2.5 亿笔。

Shiba Inu Trading Triumph: Kusama’s Response


Shiba Inu lead developer, Kusama, responded to the meme coin’s second-place finish in the trading department on WazirX with a “cool expression” emoji and the caption “Shiba Inu, you say…”

柴犬首席开发者草间弥生(Kusama)用“酷表情”表情符号和标题“柴犬,你说……”对这款 Meme 币在 WazirX 交易部门获得第二名的成绩做出了回应。

Additionally, Kusama commended SHIBArmy for supporting the cryptocurrency in reaching this momentous accomplishment.

此外,草间弥生还赞扬了 SHIBArmy 对加密货币的支持,以实现这一重大成就。

A Different Narrative


Since the end of the previous year, Shiba Inu has failed to demonstrate any significant progress. In fact, its value plummeted by more than 12 percent on Wednesday, precipitating a general downturn in the cryptocurrency market.

自去年年底以来,柴犬未能表现出任何重大进展。事实上,周三其价值暴跌超过 12%,导致加密货币市场普遍低迷。

However, several significant indicators suggest that the prevailing negative trend might reverse in the near future. The SHIB exchange netflow, for instance, has fluctuated predominantly in the negative over the last week.

然而,一些重要指标表明,普遍的负面趋势可能在不久的将来逆转。例如,SHIB 交易所净流量上周主要波动为负值。

Meanwhile, numerous experts anticipate that the approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF in the US will occur within the next few weeks.

与此同时,许多专家预计美国将在未来几周内批准现货比特币 ETF。

The implementation of this product will significantly diminish the obstacles that institutional investors currently face when attempting to acquire Bitcoin.


Featured image from Freepik

来自 Freepik 的精选图片


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