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SpaceX launches the first set of Starlink satellites for T-Mobile’s direct-to-cell plan

SpaceX 为 T-Mobile 的直接到蜂窝计划发射第一组 Starlink 卫星

发布: 2024/01/04 17:31 阅读: 599



SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket sends Starlink satellites to space from a California launch pad. (SpaceX via Twitter/X)

SpaceX 的猎鹰 9 号火箭从加州发射台将星链卫星送入太空。 (SpaceX 通过 Twitter/X)

The first satellites capable of providing direct-to-cellular service via SpaceX’s Starlink network and T-Mobile’s cellular network have been sent into orbit aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

第一批能够通过 SpaceX 的 Starlink 网络和 T-Mobile 的蜂窝网络提供直接蜂窝服务的卫星已由 SpaceX Falcon 9 火箭送入轨道。

Six of the cell-capable satellites were among a batch of 21 Starlink satellites launched from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California at 7:44 p.m. PT Tuesday. The satellites were deployed successfully, and the rocket’s first-stage booster made a routine landing on a drone ship in the Pacific Ocean.

晚上 7 点 44 分,从加州范登堡太空部队基地发射的一批 21 颗星链卫星中,有 6 颗具有蜂窝功能的卫星。太平洋时间周二。卫星部署成功,火箭一级助推器例行降落在太平洋的一艘无人船上。

SpaceX plans to launch hundreds of the upgraded satellites in the months ahead, with the aim of beginning satellite-enabled texting later this year. 4G LTE satellite connectivity for voice and data via unmodified mobile devices would follow in 2025, pending regulatory approval.

SpaceX 计划在未来几个月发射数百颗升级版卫星,目标是在今年晚些时候开始支持卫星短信。随后,2025 年将通过未经修改的移动设备实现语音和数据的 4G LTE 卫星连接,目前正在等待监管部门的批准。

“Today’s launch is a pivotal moment for this groundbreaking alliance with SpaceX and our global partners around the world, as we work to make dead zones a thing of the past,” Mike Katz, president of marketing, strategy and products for Bellevue, Wash.-based T-Mobile, said today in a news release.

华盛顿州贝尔维尤市营销、战略和产品总裁 Mike Katz 表示:“今天的发射对于 SpaceX 以及我们在世界各地的全球合作伙伴的这一突破性联盟来说是一个关键时刻,我们致力于让死区成为过去。”位于 T-Mobile 的 T-Mobile 今天在新闻稿中表示。

The partnership between SpaceX and T-Mobile is one of several efforts to merge the realms of satellite telecom service and cellular service. The most recent models of Apple’s iPhone already offer emergency texting service via satellite. Amazon’s Project Kuiper satellite effort is partnering with Verizon and other telecom companies for hybrid connectivity. AST SpaceMobile (which has AT&T as a partner) and Lynk Global are among other players in the market.

SpaceX 和 T-Mobile 之间的合作是融合卫星电信服务和蜂窝服务领域的多项努力之一。 Apple 最新型号的 iPhone 已提供通过卫星发送紧急短信服务。亚马逊的 Project Kuiper 卫星项目正在与 Verizon 和其他电信公司合作实现混合连接。 AST SpaceMobile(AT&T 作为合作伙伴)和 Lynk Global 是该市场的其他参与者。

In the 16 months since T-Mobile and SpaceX announced their partnership, other wireless providers have signed up for Starlink’s direct-to-cell service, including Rogers in Canada, Optus in Australia, One NZ in New Zealand, KDDI in Japan, Salt in Switzerland, and Entel in Chile and Peru. “And the invitation still stands for any carrier with the shared goal of global connectivity to join,” T-Mobile said.

自 T-Mobile 和 SpaceX 宣布合作伙伴关系以来的 16 个月内,其他无线提供商已签约使用 Starlink 的直接到手机服务,包括加拿大的 Rogers、澳大利亚的 Optus、新西兰的 One NZ、日本的 KDDI、美国的 Salt瑞士、智利和秘鲁的 Entel。 T-Mobile 表示:“邀请仍然适用于任何具有全球连接共同目标的运营商加入。”

Over the next few months, SpaceX and T-Mobile will be testing direct-to-cell service on a limited basis in sites across the U.S. — including Redmond, Wash., where Starlink satellites are manufactured — to ensure that the system won’t interfere with other telecom services.

在接下来的几个月中,SpaceX 和 T-Mobile 将在美国各地的站点(包括生产 Starlink 卫星的华盛顿州雷德蒙德市)有限地测试直接到手机服务,以确保该系统不会出现故障。干扰其他电信服务。

The development of SpaceX’s Starship / Super Heavy launch system is another variable in the timeline: Once Starship enters service, that would accelerate the deployment of SpaceX’s next-generation Starlink satellites.

SpaceX 的 Starship / Super Heavy 发射系统的开发是时间表中的另一个变量:一旦 Starship 投入使用,这将加速 SpaceX 下一代 Starlink 卫星的部署。


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