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Similarities Between PEPE and Dogecoin Suggest Potential Price Surge

PEPE 和狗狗币之间的相似之处表明潜在的价格飙升

发布: 2023/12/31 10:38 阅读: 312



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您还可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上阅读此新闻:PEPE 和狗狗币之间的相似之处表明潜在的价格飙升

Crypto analysis platform CEO Max Schwartzman pointed out an important observation. According to the CEO, there are similarities between Dogecoin (DOGE), which is at the peak of meme coins, and PEPE. If history repeats itself, PEPE could soon experience a significant price breakout.

加密分析平台首席执行官 Max Schwartzman 指出了一个重要的观察结果。 CEO表示,处于meme币巅峰的狗狗币(DOGE)与PEPE有相似之处。如果历史重演,PEPE 可能很快就会经历重大的价格突破。



In a post shared on the X (formerly known as Twitter) platform, Schwartzman made some statements that caught the crypto community’s attention. He pointed out “some striking similarities” between the charts of PEPE in 2023 and the DOGE chart in 2020. From the shared chart, it can be said that PEPE’s price movement in 2023 is exactly the same as DOGE’s price movement in 2020.

在 X(以前称为 Twitter)平台上分享的一篇帖子中,施瓦茨曼发表了一些引起加密社区关注的言论。他指出,2023年PEPE的图表与2020年DOGE的图表有“一些惊人的相似之处”。从共享图表来看,可以说PEPE在2023年的价格走势与DOGE在2020年的价格走势完全相同。

If PEPE continues to move in the same way as DOGE, the meme coin’s price could host incredible increases in 2024. PEPE’s price has also been trading in a narrow range since November, just like DOGE’s price before it rose to its all-time high of $0.7 in May 2021. DOGE had experienced an unbelievable price increase of over 26,000% while reaching this price.

如果 PEPE 继续以与 DOGE 相同的方式波动,那么 meme 代币的价格可能会在 2024 年出现令人难以置信的上涨。自 11 月以来,PEPE 的价格也一直在窄幅区间内交易,就像 DOGE 在升至历史高点之前的价格一样。 2021 年 5 月为 0.7 美元。DOGE 在达到这个价格时经历了令人难以置信的超过 26,000% 的价格上涨。

Therefore, discussions continue on the possibility of PEPE performing similarly to DOGE’s performance seen in 2021 during the year 2024. Another similarity is that PEPE’s current market value of approximately $600 million is the same as DOGE’s market value in December 2020, before the mentioned surge.

因此,关于 PEPE 在 2024 年表现与 2021 年 DOGE 表现类似的可能性的讨论仍在继续。另一个相似之处是,PEPE 目前约 6 亿美元的市值与 DOGE 在上述飙升之前的 2020 年 12 月市值相同。

PEPE ignited the meme coin frenzy last May. The cryptocurrency quickly became a phenomenon when it was launched in April 2023. It became one of the most traded tokens of the mentioned period, and as a result, its price rapidly increased.

去年五月,PEPE 引发了模因币热潮。该加密货币于 2023 年 4 月推出后迅速成为一种现象。它成为上述时期交易量最大的代币之一,其价格也因此迅速上涨。

The Relationship Between PEPE and Ethereum


Max Schwartzman also notes that Pepe coin not only correlates with DOGE but also with Ethereum. The CEO states that PEPE is fully replicating everything ETH does.

Max Schwartzman 还指出,Pepe 币不仅与 DOGE 相关,还与以太坊相关。首席执行官表示 PEPE 正在完全复制 ETH 所做的一切。

On the other hand, leading analyst Crypto Kaleo also recently mentioned that PEPE could reach all-time highs as ETH begins to move. He noted that the parallelism between the two crypto tokens is similar to the relationship between SOL and BONK.

另一方面,首席分析师 Crypto Kaleo 最近也提到,随着 ETH 开始波动,PEPE 可能会达到历史新高。他指出,两种加密代币之间的并行性类似于 SOL 和 BONK 之间的关系。

BONK was at the top of the list of those who benefited the most from SOL’s revival. During this process, it rose to its all-time high.

BONK 是从 SOL 复兴中受益最多的公司之一。在此过程中,它升至历史最高点。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Similarities Between PEPE and Dogecoin Suggest Potential Price Surge

该帖子首次出现在 COINTURK 新闻上:PEPE 和狗狗币之间的相似之处表明潜在的价格飙升


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