首页 > 资讯新闻 > Avalanche 支持模因币的决定是否适得其反?

Has Avalanche’s decision to support meme coins backfired?

Avalanche 支持模因币的决定是否适得其反?

发布: 2023/12/31 11:05 阅读: 581

原文作者:AMBCrypto - Latest Crypto News


  • The Avalanche Foundation’s decision to invest in meme coins has been met with criticism.
  • 雪崩基金会投资模因币的决定遭到了批评。

  • The price of AVAX fell significantly as short positions taken grew.
  • 随着空头头寸的增加,AVAX 的价格大幅下跌。

Avalanche [AVAX] has witnessed a surge in interest over the last few weeks. To capitalize on this surge in interest, Avalanche adopted an unconventional strategy.

过去几周,Avalanche [AVAX] 的兴趣激增。为了利用这种兴趣激增的机会,Avalanche 采用了非常规策略。

Meme-ing around


The Avalanche Foundation, known for backing the development of the Avalanche blockchain ecosystem through grants and investments, intends to acquire meme coins.

Avalanche 基金会以通过赠款和投资支持 Avalanche 区块链生态系统的发展而闻名,该基金会打算收购 meme 币。

This initiative acknowledges the diverse niches within the cryptocurrency market, spurred by the recent surge in tokens like Bonk [BONK], which significantly boosted activity on the Solana [SOL] network earlier this month.

这一举措承认了加密货币市场中的多元化利基市场,受到近期 Bonk [BONK] 等代币激增的推动,本月早些时候,这极大地促进了 Solana [SOL] 网络上的活动。

The decision faced a significant backlash within the cryptocurrency community. Responding to concerns, Avalanche founder Emin Gün Sirer addressed the criticism in a tweet.

该决定在加密货币社区内遭到了强烈反对。为了回应担忧,Avalanche 创始人 Emin Gün Sirer 在一条推文中回应了这些批评。

A timely response


He compared those criticizing meme coins to individuals who dismissed pop music in the 60s, labeled Banksy as a vandal in the 80s, and criticized rap in the 90s.

他将那些批评 meme 硬币的人与 60 年代蔑视流行音乐、80 年代将班克斯贴上破坏者标签、90 年代批评说唱的人进行了比较。

Sirer emphasized Avalanche’s strong institutional activity, distinguishing it from coins making promises without delivery.

Sirer 强调了 Avalanche 强大的机构活动,将其与做出承诺但不交付的代币区分开来。

He commended the Avalanche Foundation’s vision in supporting meme coins, acknowledging the cultural significance of these coins as social signaling mechanisms.


While Sirer initially had reservations about meme coins, he now recognizes their value as cultural expressions.

虽然 Sirer 最初对模因硬币持保留态度,但他现在认识到它们作为文化表达的价值。

He emphasized that a coin doesn’t need a roadmap or complex promises to be legitimate; it can simply be owned for personal preference and social signaling.


Sirer cautioned about the volatility of meme coins, advising careful consideration due to their unpredictable nature in an already volatile market.

Sirer 对模因币的波动性提出了警告,并建议谨慎考虑,因为它们在已经波动的市场中具有不可预测的性质。

Drawing parallels with his past recommendation of Dogecoin in 2015 for its fun and experimental appeal, Sirer highlighted the importance of meme coins retaining their enjoyable and entertaining aspects to remain valuable.

Sirer 与他过去在 2015 年推荐的狗狗币(Dogecoin)的有趣性和实验性吸引力相似,强调了模因币保留其令人愉悦和娱乐性的方面以保持价值的重要性。

Read Avalanche’s [AVAX] Price Prediction 2023-24

阅读 Avalanche 的 [AVAX] 2023-24 价格预测

AVAX bleeds


However, the markets didn’t share the same enthusiasm as Emin. In the last 24 hours, the price of AVAX fell by 8.17% and was trading at $38.61. Due to the price of AVAX plummeting, the number of short positions taken against AVAX had grown.

然而,市场并没有像艾敏那样热情。过去24小时内,AVAX价格下跌8.17%,交易价格为38.61美元。由于 AVAX 价格暴跌,针对 AVAX 的空头头寸数量有所增加。

At press time, the percentage of short positions taken against was 53.41%. Only time will tell whether the meme coin development will aid AVAX in spoiling the bears’ plans.

截至发稿,空头反仓比例为53.41%。只有时间才能证明模因币的开发是否会帮助 AVAX 破坏熊的计划。

Source: Santiment



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