首页 > 资讯新闻 > X Payments 早期成功后,Dogecoin 和 NuggetRush 反弹,Solana 失去动力

Solana losing steam as Dogecoin and NuggetRush rally after X Payments’ early success

X Payments 早期成功后,Dogecoin 和 NuggetRush 反弹,Solana 失去动力

发布: 2024/01/26 19:30 阅读: 975



X Payments 早期成功后,Dogecoin 和 NuggetRush 反弹,Solana 失去动力

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  • Solana FOMO fades
  • Solana FOMO 逐渐消失

  • Dogecoin is rallying
  • 狗狗币正在反弹

  • NuggetRush rises to $0.018 in ongoing presale.
  • NuggetRush 在正在进行的预售中升至 0.018 美元。

Solana is down, coinciding with fading fear of missing out (FOMO) surrounding SPL token airdrops, including JTO, BONK, and WIF. Meanwhile, Dogecoin (DOGE) is rallying following the initial success of Elon Musk’s X Payments platform. NuggetRush (NUGX) has also emerged as a potential memecoin contender due to its impact gaming model. 

Solana 出现故障,与围绕 SPL 代币空投(包括 JTO、BONK 和 WIF)的错失恐惧感 (FOMO) 逐渐减弱同时发生。与此同时,继埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 X Payments 平台取得初步成功后,狗狗币 (DOGE) 正在上涨。 NuggetRush (NUGX) 因其影响力游戏模式也已成为潜在的 memecoin 竞争者。

Solana struggling


Solana rallied strongly in 2023. However, in early 2024, SOL’s current trajectory is diverging from investor expectations. 

Solana 在 2023 年强劲反弹。然而,在 2024 年初,SOL 目前的轨迹与投资者的预期背道而驰。

SOL is down 14% when writing. While it is true that SOL is following broader market trends, there are additional factors contributing to this substantial price drop.

SOL 在写入时下降了 14%。虽然 SOL 确实遵循更广泛的市场趋势,但还有其他因素导致价格大幅下跌。

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The primary reason behind this decline is the waning FOMO surrounding Solana meme coins. 

这种下降背后的主要原因是围绕 Solana meme 币的 FOMO 情绪减弱。

In Q4 2023, the skyrocketing prices and popularity of tokens like BONK, WIF, and others lifted SOL prices. This hype has since dissipated. 

2023 年第四季度,BONK、WIF 等代币的价格飙升和受欢迎程度提升了 SOL 价格。这种炒作已经消散。

NuggetRush surging

NuggetRush 汹涌澎湃

NuggetRush is trading at $0.018, up 20% in round five of its presale.

NuggetRush 的交易价格为 0.018 美元,在第五轮预售中上涨了 20%。

Its unique impact gaming model is fanning demand.


The hyper-realistic play-to-earn (P2E) game immerses players in the everyday life of an artisanal miner. Players can construct their operations from scratch, acquiring equipment for expansion and mineral exploration.

超现实的边玩边赚钱 (P2E) 游戏让玩家沉浸在手工矿工的日常生活中。玩家可以从头开始构建自己的业务,获取用于扩张和矿产勘探的设备。

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As a P2E game, players receive rewards for every precious mineral they uncover in their operations.

作为 P2E 游戏,玩家在操作中发现的每种珍贵矿物都会获得奖励。

However, the impact gaming model distinguishes NuggetRush. Players are not the sole beneficiaries of these rewards. 

然而,影响力游戏模式使 NuggetRush 与众不同。玩家并不是这些奖励的唯一受益者。

A portion of these rewards is also distributed to real miners in developing countries.


As the project prepares to launch in Q1 2024, analysts expect NUGX to float higher.

随着该项目准备于 2024 年第一季度启动,分析师预计 NUGX 将会走高。

Dogecoin rally on Elon Musk’s X Payments launch

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 推出 X Payments 后狗狗币大涨

Dogecoin recently surged by over 14%, from $0.091 to $0.079, following X’s announcement of X Payments. 

在 X 宣布 X Payments 之后,狗狗币最近飙升了 14% 以上,从 0.091 美元上涨至 0.079 美元。

While Elon Musk, the owner of X, has publicly indicated that his companies don’t intend to launch a token, DOGE’s price has been closely correlated with X Payments’ social media and website updates.

虽然 X 的所有者埃隆·马斯克公开表示他的公司不打算推出代币,但 DOGE 的价格一直与 X Payments 的社交媒体和网站更新密切相关。

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您可能还喜欢:埃隆·马斯克的 X 似乎打开了专门的支付页面

This association has fueled speculation about a possible integration or partnership between Dogecoin and X.

这种关联引发了人们对狗狗币和 X 之间可能整合或合作的猜测。

Final thoughts


Investors are concerned about Solana’s drop, but Dogecoin holders are optimistic about the X Payments platform. Meanwhile, NuggetRush is gaining popularity due to its unique gaming concept.

投资者对 Solana 的下跌感到担忧,但狗狗币持有者对 X Payments 平台持乐观态度。与此同时,NuggetRush 因其独特的游戏理念而越来越受欢迎。

Read more: Investors turning to NuggetRush, Avalanche, and Cardano

了解更多:投资者转向 NuggetRush、Avalanche 和 Cardano

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披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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