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XRP greenlist removal leads to FOIA request by legal expert

XRP 绿名单删除导致法律专家提出 FOIA 请求

发布: 2024/01/26 19:30 阅读: 518



XRP 绿名单删除导致法律专家提出 FOIA 请求

Attorney James Murphy, known for his expertise in the legal aspects of the digital currency world, has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS). This move comes in response to the NYDFS’s unexpected decision to delist XRP from its approved tokens list, commonly called the greenlist.

詹姆斯·墨菲律师以其在数字货币世界法律方面的专业知识而闻名,已向纽约金融服务部 (NYDFS) 提交了《信息自由法》(FOIA) 请求。此举是为了回应 NYDFS 意外决定将 XRP 从其批准的代币列表(通常称为绿名单)中除名。

Legal action in response to regulatory decision

The NYDFS recently updated its greenlist, removing several cryptocurrencies, including XRP, Litecoin (LTC), and Dogecoin (DOGE). This action raised questions within the crypto community, especially shortly after a New York federal judge declared that XRP is not a security. Attorney Murphy, also known as MetaLawMan, expressed his intention to uncover the factors that influenced the NYDFS’s decision, deeming it contradictory to the federal judge’s ruling.

针对监管决定采取的法律行动 NYDFS 最近更新了其绿名单,删除了几种加密货币,包括 XRP、莱特币 (LTC) 和狗狗币 (DOGE)。这一行动在加密货币社区内引起了质疑,特别是在纽约联邦法官宣布 XRP 不是证券后不久。墨菲律师(又名 MetaLawMan)表示,他打算揭露影响 NYDFS 决定的因素,认为这与联邦法官的裁决相矛盾。

Murphy’s FOIA request encompasses a comprehensive demand for all records related to the delisting of XRP. This includes documents, communications, and any exchange that contributed to this decision. The attorney focuses on the NYDFS’s internal deliberations and any external influences, particularly from other government agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). His objective is to ascertain if the SEC played a role in the NYDFS’s decision-making process.

墨菲的《信息自由法》请求涵盖了对与 XRP 下架相关的所有记录的全面要求。这包括促成此决定的文件、通讯和任何交流。该律师专注于 NYDFS 的内部审议和任何外部影响,特别是来自美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 等其他政府机构的影响。他的目标是确定 SEC 是否在 NYDFS 的决策过程中发挥了作用。

The FOIA request has already encountered delays, with the NYDFS missing two compliance deadlines. The next deadline is set for January 31, 2024. Murphy, licensed to practice law in New York, has indicated a readiness to initiate legal action against the NYDFS should they fail to meet this upcoming deadline. He has engaged an attorney specializing in FOIA cases to strengthen his position, signaling his determination to pursue this matter further.

FOIA 请求已经遇到延误,纽约金融服务部错过了两个合规期限。下一个截止日期定为 2024 年 1 月 31 日。墨菲拥有纽约律师执业资格,他表示,如果 NYDFS 未能在即将到来的截止日期前完成任务,他准备对 NYDFS 提起法律诉讼。他聘请了一位专门从事《信息自由法》案件的律师来巩固自己的地位,这表明他决心进一步追究此事。

Murphy’s efforts to bring transparency to the NYDFS’s decision-making process are significant in the broader context of the regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies. The inconsistency between a federal court’s ruling and a state regulator’s decision has implications for XRP and the legal and regulatory landscape governing digital currencies in the United States.

墨菲为提高 NYDFS 决策过程透明度所做的努力在加密货币监管环境的更广泛背景下具有重要意义。联邦法院的裁决与州监管机构的裁决之间的不一致对 XRP 以及美国数字货币的法律和监管环境产生了影响。

XRP case highlights the need for transparency

The unfolding situation has broader implications for the cryptocurrency market and regulatory landscape. The NYDFS’s decision to delist XRP from the greenlist, especially following a federal judge’s ruling declaring it not a security, has sparked concerns among investors and industry stakeholders. This scenario underscores the complexities and often conflicting nature of cryptocurrency regulation in the U.S., where state and federal authorities can have differing views and policies.

XRP 案例凸显了透明度的必要性正在发生的情况对加密货币市场和监管环境具有更广泛的影响。 NYDFS 将 XRP 从绿名单中除名的决定引发了投资者和行业利益相关者的担忧,特别是在联邦法官裁决宣布 XRP 不是证券之后。这种情况凸显了美国加密货币监管的复杂性和经常相互冲突的性质,州和联邦当局可能有不同的观点和政策。

Moreover, this incident highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in regulatory actions affecting the crypto market. As digital currencies evolve and gain mainstream acceptance, the need for clear, consistent regulatory frameworks becomes increasingly critical. The outcome of Murphy’s FOIA request and any subsequent legal actions could set important precedents for how regulatory decisions impacting the crypto sector are made and challenged.


The removal of XRP from the NYDFS’s greenlist and the subsequent legal actions taken by Attorney James Murphy represent a pivotal moment in the ongoing dialogue between cryptocurrency entities and regulatory bodies. The results of this FOIA request could provide significant insights into the regulatory process and potentially influence future policies governing digital currencies.

将 XRP 从 NYDFS 的绿名单中删除以及律师 James Murphy 随后采取的法律行动代表了加密货币实体和监管机构之间正在进行的对话的关键时刻。这项《信息自由法》请求的结果可以为监管流程提供重要见解,并可能影响未来管理数字货币的政策。


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