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SpaceX Accepts Dogecoin Payment for DOGE-1 Lunar Mission Rescheduling

SpaceX 接受狗狗币支付 DOGE-1 月球任务重新安排时间

发布: 2024/02/06 14:31 阅读: 434



SpaceX 接受狗狗币支付 DOGE-1 月球任务重新安排时间

SpaceX has accepted Dogecoin (DOGE) as payment for the rescheduling of the much-anticipated DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon.

SpaceX 已接受狗狗币 (DOGE) 作为重新安排备受期待的 DOGE-1 登月任务的付款。

Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) CEO Samuel Reid announced the transaction, stating that GEC paid SpaceX in DOGE to rebook the DOGE-1 Mission following the delay of its original schedule. 

几何能源公司 (GEC) 首席执行官塞缪尔·里德 (Samuel Reid) 宣布了此项交易,并表示 GEC 向 SpaceX 支付了 DOGE 费用,以便在原定计划推迟后重新预订 DOGE-1 任务。

Technical challenges and future plans


The mission, initially set to launch on the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket as a payload in 2022, was postponed due to the satellite not being ready in time for the Intuitive Machines IM-1 launch. 

该任务最初定于 2022 年作为有效载荷由 SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号火箭发射,但由于卫星未能及时准备好进行 Intuitive Machines IM-1 的发射而被推迟。

Reid clarified that the new deal includes a rebooking fee paid in Dogecoin and places the DOGE-1 satellite on an open manifest basis for a mission potentially after IM-1, depending on when the satellite is shipped to Maverick Space in the U.S. from Exobotics UK.

里德澄清说,新协议包括以狗狗币支付的重新预订费,并将 DOGE-1 卫星置于公开清单基础上,以执行 IM-1 之后可能执行的任务,具体取决于卫星从 Exobotics UK 运送到美国 Maverick Space 的时间。

Despite the delay, Reid remains optimistic about the DOGE-1 mission. "That doesn't mean that DOGE-1 is not launching or that it's not happening. DOGE-1 was trying to make it on IM-1 and almost did," Reid explained during a live chat. 

尽管延迟,里德仍然对 DOGE-1 任务持乐观态度。 “这并不意味着 DOGE-1 没有发射或没有发生。DOGE-1 试图在 IM-1 上成功,而且几乎做到了,”里德在实时聊天中解释道。

He elaborated that the mission's postponement was due to uncompleted requirements for the radio and the satellite, rather than a lack of commitment or capability. 


This level of transparency and communication from GEC aims to reassure enthusiasts eagerly awaiting the mission's progress.

GEC 的这种透明度和沟通旨在让热切等待任务进展的爱好者放心。

Interplanetary commerce? 


SpaceX initially announced plans to launch the "DOGE-1 Mission to the Moon" in 2021 and accepted the meme-inspired cryptocurrency Dogecoin as full payment for the mission. 

SpaceX 最初宣布计划于 2021 年发射“DOGE-1 月球任务”,并接受受模因启发的加密货币狗狗币作为该任务的全额付款。

The represents a pioneering step in demonstrating the application of cryptocurrency beyond Earth's orbit and aims to establish a foundation for interplanetary commerce.



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