首页 > 资讯新闻 > 特斯拉现已从其支付页面删除比特币源代码,停止谣言

Tesla Now Deletes Bitcoin Source Code From Its Payment Page, Stop The Rumor


发布: 2023/07/21 17:30 阅读: 415



Key Points:


  • Tesla’s source code hinted at Bitcoin and Dogecoin payment options, fueling excitement in the cryptocurrency community.
  • 特斯拉的源代码暗示了比特币和狗狗币支付选项,引发了加密货币社区的兴奋。

  • The company deleted the Bitcoin code option but retained Dogecoin as a possible payment method on its platform.
  • 该公司删除了比特币代码选项,但保留了狗狗币作为其平台上可能的支付方式。

  • Despite the speculations, its cryptocurrency holdings remained stable at $184 million.
  • 尽管有这样的猜测,其加密货币持有量仍稳定在 1.84 亿美元。

The cryptocurrency community was abuzz with excitement as rumors circulated that Tesla might integrate Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) as payment options. But now, billionaire Elon Musk’s company has been discovered once again to have deleted Bitcoin in the source code of its payment page but still retains Dogecoin.


The excitement grew when it was discovered that Tesla had options for both Bitcoin and Dogecoin in its source code related to payments. However, upon further investigation, it was revealed that these options had been present in the source code since January 2023. Tesla had not removed them when they discontinued the option to pay with Bitcoin.

当人们发现特斯拉在其与支付相关的源代码中同时提供了比特币和狗狗币的选项时,人们变得更加兴奋。然而,经过进一步调查发现,这些选项自 2023 年 1 月以来就一直存在于源代码中。特斯拉在停止使用比特币支付选项时并没有删除它们。

Tesla’s swift response to the speculation came as they promptly deleted the Bitcoin code from their payment page, dashing hopes of its reintegration. However, the Dogecoin option remains in the code, suggesting Musk’s continued preference for the meme-based cryptocurrency. Recently, Dogecoin had another buzzing session with Musk’s tweet, bringing hype to the memecoin community.

特斯拉对这一猜测做出了迅速回应,他们立即从支付页面删除了比特币代码,使其重新整合的希望破灭了。然而,狗狗币选项仍然保留在代码中,这表明马斯克仍然偏爱基于模因的加密货币。最近,狗狗币又因马斯克的推文而热闹起来,为 memecoin 社区带来了炒作。

Despite these developments, Tesla’s cryptocurrency holdings have remained steady at $184 million. The accounting rules for recording unrealized gains on crypto have contributed to the stagnation in their holdings. The company’s Bitcoin holdings remained flat despite a 7% price increase during the second quarter.

尽管取得了这些进展,特斯拉的加密货币持有量仍稳定在 1.84 亿美元。记录加密货币未实现收益的会计规则导致了他们持有的停滞不前。尽管第二季度比特币价格上涨了 7%,但该公司的比特币持有量仍持平。

It is worth noting that in February 2021, Tesla purchased $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin and even announced plans to accept it as a payment option. However, concerns raised by Musk led to the reversal of this decision, resulting in Tesla selling about 75% of its Bitcoin holdings in the second quarter of 2022. Musk cited concerns about the company’s overall liquidity as the reason for the sell-off.

值得注意的是,2021年2月,特斯拉购买了价值15亿美元的比特币,甚至宣布计划接受比特币作为支付选项。然而,马斯克提出的担忧导致这一决定被逆转,导致特斯拉在 2022 年第二季度出售了约 75% 的比特币持有量。马斯克将对该公司整体流动性的担忧作为抛售的原因。

While Tesla’s Bitcoin and Dogecoin options in the source code caused a stir in the cryptocurrency world, it appears that the electric car manufacturer remains cautious about fully embracing cryptocurrencies as payment options. The crypto community continues to watch for further developments and announcements from Elon Musk and Tesla regarding their stance on digital assets.


DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.




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