フロントページ > 情報ニュース > テスラは決済ページからビットコインのソースコードを削除し、噂に終止符を打った

Tesla Now Deletes Bitcoin Source Code From Its Payment Page, Stop The Rumor


リリース: 2023/07/21 17:30 読む: 415



Key Points:


  • Tesla’s source code hinted at Bitcoin and Dogecoin payment options, fueling excitement in the cryptocurrency community.
  • テスラのソースコードはビットコインとドージコインの支払いオプションをほのめかし、仮想通貨コミュニティの興奮を煽った。

  • The company deleted the Bitcoin code option but retained Dogecoin as a possible payment method on its platform.
  • 同社はビットコインコードオプションを削除したが、プラットフォーム上で可能な支払い方法としてドージコインを残した。

  • Despite the speculations, its cryptocurrency holdings remained stable at $184 million.
  • 憶測にもかかわらず、同社の仮想通貨保有額は1億8,400万ドルで安定している。

The cryptocurrency community was abuzz with excitement as rumors circulated that Tesla might integrate Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) as payment options. But now, billionaire Elon Musk’s company has been discovered once again to have deleted Bitcoin in the source code of its payment page but still retains Dogecoin.


The excitement grew when it was discovered that Tesla had options for both Bitcoin and Dogecoin in its source code related to payments. However, upon further investigation, it was revealed that these options had been present in the source code since January 2023. Tesla had not removed them when they discontinued the option to pay with Bitcoin.

テスラのソースコードに、支払いに関連するビットコインとドージコインの両方のオプションがあることが判明したとき、興奮はさらに高まりました。しかし、さらなる調査の結果、これらのオプションは 2023 年 1 月からソース コードに存在していたことが明らかになりました。テスラはビットコインで支払うオプションを廃止したときも、これらのオプションを削除していませんでした。

Tesla’s swift response to the speculation came as they promptly deleted the Bitcoin code from their payment page, dashing hopes of its reintegration. However, the Dogecoin option remains in the code, suggesting Musk’s continued preference for the meme-based cryptocurrency. Recently, Dogecoin had another buzzing session with Musk’s tweet, bringing hype to the memecoin community.


Despite these developments, Tesla’s cryptocurrency holdings have remained steady at $184 million. The accounting rules for recording unrealized gains on crypto have contributed to the stagnation in their holdings. The company’s Bitcoin holdings remained flat despite a 7% price increase during the second quarter.

こうした展開にもかかわらず、テスラの仮想通貨保有額は1億8,400万ドルで安定している。仮想通貨の含み益を計上するための会計規則が、保有高の停滞の一因となっている。第 2 四半期に価格が 7% 上昇したにもかかわらず、同社のビットコイン保有量は横ばいでした。

It is worth noting that in February 2021, Tesla purchased $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin and even announced plans to accept it as a payment option. However, concerns raised by Musk led to the reversal of this decision, resulting in Tesla selling about 75% of its Bitcoin holdings in the second quarter of 2022. Musk cited concerns about the company’s overall liquidity as the reason for the sell-off.


While Tesla’s Bitcoin and Dogecoin options in the source code caused a stir in the cryptocurrency world, it appears that the electric car manufacturer remains cautious about fully embracing cryptocurrencies as payment options. The crypto community continues to watch for further developments and announcements from Elon Musk and Tesla regarding their stance on digital assets.


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