首页 > 资讯新闻 > 这 5 种代币将在 2024 年成为新的加密货币百万富翁——FET、XRP、Pullix (PLX)、DOGE、LINK

These 5 Tokens Will Make New Crypto Millionaires In 2024 – FET, XRP, Pullix (PLX), DOGE, LINK

这 5 种代币将在 2024 年成为新的加密货币百万富翁——FET、XRP、Pullix (PLX)、DOGE、LINK

发布: 2024/02/04 18:35 阅读: 703

原文作者:CoinPedia News


这 5 种代币将在 2024 年成为新的加密货币百万富翁——FET、XRP、Pullix (PLX)、DOGE、LINK

The post These 5 Tokens Will Make New Crypto Millionaires In 2024 – FET, XRP, Pullix (PLX), DOGE, LINK appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

这 5 种代币将在 2024 年成为新的加密货币百万富翁——FET、XRP、Pullix (PLX)、DOGE、LINK 的帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

Analysts have picked the top 5 cryptocurrencies that can make investors crypto millionaires in 2024. The cryptocurrencies include Fetch AI (FET), Ripple (XRP), Pullix (PLX), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Chainlink (LINK). Let us see why analysts are bullish about them.

分析师选出了 2024 年可以让投资者成为加密百万富翁的前 5 种加密货币。这些加密货币包括 Fetch AI (FET)、Ripple (XRP)、Pullix (PLX)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 Chainlink (LINK)。让我们看看为什么分析师看好它们。

Fetch.ai (FET) To Ride on the AI Wave in 2024

Fetch.ai (FET) 将在 2024 年乘上人工智能浪潮

In the cryptocurrency space, Fetch.ai (FET), a platform that combines blockchain technology and AI, has become well-known. Its objective is to make AI models broadly accessible so that they can be used to enhance everyday tasks. For instance, it might simplify and expedite the process of booking flights.


Interestingly, its native token, FET, has shown bullish price movement at the beginning of 2024. It moved from an August low of $0.16 to a yearly high of $0.7785.

有趣的是,其原生代币 FET 在 2024 年初表现出看涨的价格走势。它从 8 月低点 0.16 美元升至年度高点 0.7785 美元。

However, the Fetch.AI token has dropped to the $0.5716 – $0.6389 price range in the past week. Still, the AI sector holds great potential and is predicted to rise in 2024. 

然而,Fetch.AI 代币在过去一周已跌至 0.5716 美元至 0.6389 美元的价格范围。尽管如此,人工智能行业仍拥有巨大潜力,预计将在 2024 年出现增长。

This bullish growth could affect the Fetch.ai token. As a result, analysts have predicted that the altcoin a rise to $3.4 in 2024.

这种看涨的增长可能会影响 Fetch.ai 代币。因此,分析师预测 2024 年山寨币价格将上涨至 3.4 美元。

Ripple (XRP) To Experience a Parabolic Rise in 2024

Ripple (XRP) 将于 2024 年经历抛物线式上涨

Over the past few weeks, the popular payment token of Ripple (XRP) has had its encounters with bearish momentum. In the past 7 days, the altcoin price has dipped as low as $0.5021 from $0.6400 early in 2024.

在过去的几周里,流行的支付代币瑞波币(XRP)遭遇了看跌势头。在过去 7 天里,山寨币价格从 2024 年初的 0.6400 美元跌至 0.5021 美元。

While it, however, has a year-to-date decrease of 24.4%, crypto analyst JD has forecasted bullish days ahead. According to his forecasts, Ripple’s price may surge by 600x in 2024. Having analyzed Ripple’s market behavior in 2017, JD said its current price movement is comparable.

然而,尽管年初至今下跌了 24.4%,但加密货币分析师 JD 预测未来几天将看涨。根据他的预测,Ripple 的价格可能在 2024 年飙升 600 倍。在分析了 Ripple 2017 年的市场行为后,京东表示其当前的价格走势具有可比性。

Beginning from the year 2017, Ripple began its prices low, but later took off as people began trading in large quantities. Later, the Ripple price peaked at $3.84 in January 2018 at an all-time high.

从 2017 年开始,Ripple 的价格开始走低,但后来随着人们开始大量交易而起飞。随后,瑞波币价格于 2018 年 1 月达到 3.84 美元的历史新高。

If we’re going by what the analyst said, Ripple may show such bullish movements again by 2024. However, if it does so, the altcoin will not only break away from its current all-time peak but also reach as high as $5 in 2024. In addition, the possibility of a future Ripple ETF also favors the bullish forecast.

如果我们按照分析师的说法,Ripple 可能会在 2024 年再次表现出这种看涨走势。然而,如果真的如此,山寨币不仅会突破当前的历史峰值,而且还会在 2024 年达到 5 美元的高位。 2024年。此外,未来Ripple ETF的可能性也有利于看涨预测。

Can Dogecoin (DOGE) Make Investors Millionaires Again?


The bear market hasn’t impacted the largest meme coin created by market cap, Dogecoin (DOGE), maintaining its position among the top ten cryptocurrencies. In the past bull market, there were many millionaires who got rich by betting on the bullish price movement of DOGE.


In 2021, Dogecoin soared to an all-time high of $0.7376. The participants joined the project from the early beginning and saw their investments grow by several hundred times.

2021 年,狗狗币飙升至 0.7376 美元的历史新高。参与者从一开始就加入了该项目,并见证了他们的投资增长了数百倍。

However, DOGE has failed to replicate that sort of performance. The price of Dogecoin has been in a weekly range between $0.07728 and $0.08226. In spite of this, analysts are optimistic in their forecast for the altcoin price.

然而,DOGE 未能复制这种表现。狗狗币的价格每周波动在 0.07728 美元至 0.08226 美元之间。尽管如此,分析师对山寨币价格的预测仍持乐观态度。

Dogecoin community anticipates integration from the XPayments platform. In such a case, the meme coin could experience a parabolic rise, even recording a new all-time high in 2024.

狗狗币社区期待 XPayments 平台的集成。在这种情况下,meme 币可能会出现抛物线式上涨,甚至在 2024 年创下历史新高。

Chainlink (LINK) 价格预测

Chainlink (LINK), the Oracle service provider, has witnessed an increase in trading activity that has positively affected its price. According to CoinMarketCap, the altcoin’s weekly, monthly, and yearly price trends are up 11.4%, 2.5%, and 124.0%, respectively.

甲骨文服务提供商 Chainlink (LINK) 见证了交易活动的增加,这对其价格产生了积极影响。根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,山寨币的每周、每月和每年价格趋势分别上涨 11.4%、2.5% 和 124.0%。

The altcoin price increased from a weekly low of $13.55 to a weekly high of $16.02. This price gain indicates that bulls have control of the market.

山寨币价格从每周低点 13.55 美元上涨至每周高点 16.02 美元。这一价格上涨表明多头控制了市场。

Chainlink is one of the tokens projected to experience further price increases. Its entry into real-world asset tokenization, combined with greater acceptance of its CCIP system, positions it for bullish gains in 2024. As a result, analysts believe Chainlink’s price will rise to $35-$40 in the next months.

Chainlink 是预计价格将进一步上涨的代币之一。它进入现实世界的资产代币化,加上其 CCIP 系统的接受度提高,使其在 2024 年有望实现看涨。因此,分析师认为 Chainlink 的价格将在未来几个月内上涨至 35 至 40 美元。

The Pullix (PLX) Soars 150%, Can It Make Millionaires in 2024?

Pullix (PLX)暴涨150%,2024年能成为百万富翁吗?

Due to its improvement in the crypto exchange space, the demand for Pullix’s presale (PLX) before it launches has spiked within the past month. The crypto ICO has already sold more than 50 million tokens. The PLX token started trading at $0.04 per token but is currently valued at $0.1 after a rise in its price that came with the growing adoption.

由于其在加密货币交易领域的改进,Pullix 在推出前的预售(PLX)需求在过去一个月内激增。加密货币 ICO 已售出超过 5000 万枚代币。 PLX 代币的交易价格为每个代币 0.04 美元,但随着采用率的不断提高,价格上涨,目前其价格为 0.1 美元。

This equates to a leap of 150% — with market experts predicting more returns in the 2024 bull market. Analysts project that PLX could surge by 100x, giving it the potential to create hundreds of millionaires in the 2024 bull market.

这相当于 150% 的飞跃——市场专家预测 2024 年牛市的回报率会更高。分析师预计 PLX 可能会飙升 100 倍,使其有可能在 2024 年牛市中创造数百名百万富翁。

Pullix has gained this much popularity as it strives to connect two worlds – Centralized Finance (CeFi) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi), under a single umbrella. The reason for this is to offer faster traders, lower fees, better security, more privacy, and greater autonomy.

Pullix 之所以如此受欢迎,是因为它致力于在一个保护伞下连接两个世界——中心化金融(CeFi)和去中心化金融(DeFi)。这样做的原因是为了提供更快的交易速度、更低的费用、更好的安全性、更多的隐私和更大的自主权。

Another area where the DeFi project shines is that it allows users to trade forex, stocks, ETFs, and commodities using just one account. These are some of the biggest markets in the world, and experts believe this is why PLX has 100x potential.

DeFi 项目的另一个亮点是它允许用户仅使用一个账户即可交易外汇、股票、ETF 和大宗商品。这些是世界上一些最大的市场,专家认为这就是 PLX 具有 100 倍潜力的原因。

Nevertheless, you will have to participate in the ongoing crypto ICO and obtain PLX tokens to be able to use these functionalities. These tokens award you a fraction of the daily profits accrued from trades on the platform and offer staking rewards. In addition to that, the tokens can be converted to some other cryptocurrencies and even cash, thereby being useful within the DeFi project and outside.

尽管如此,您必须参与正在进行的加密 ICO 并获得 PLX 代币才能使用这些功能。这些代币会奖励您平台上交易所产生的每日利润的一小部分,并提供质押奖励。除此之外,代币还可以转换为其他一些加密货币甚至现金,从而在 DeFi 项目内外都有用。

End Note


Those looking to be crypto millionaires this year can consider these top 5 cryptocurrencies – Fetch AI (FET), Ripple (XRP), Pullix (PLX), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Chainlink (LINK). One of them, Pullix, is currently at the presale stage with analysts projecting 100x returns.

For more information regarding Pullix’s presale see links below:

那些希望今年成为加密货币百万富翁的人可以考虑这 5 种加密货币——Fetch AI (FET)、Ripple (XRP)、Pullix (PLX)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 Chainlink (LINK)。其中之一 Pullix 目前正处于预售阶段,分析师预计回报率为 100 倍。有关 Pullix 预售的更多信息,请参阅以下链接:

Visit Pullix


Join The Pullix Communities

加入 Pullix 社区


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